

Rare genius who manipulates mana with imagination. Creating limitless magic at will, incantation-less. Grew up with only his father away from the city. One day he starts using magic just by imagining. His father realised his potential and decided for him to have proper learning. His life story grows from the academy. Not all looks sweet and nice, hardship always comes. There will be a broken heart, grieving to be expected. Still there is always a dim light in all darkness. ========= Characters name and places based on Turkish, Roman and Greek Mythology. Storyline is fiction and historical names are just a reference. Cover credit to Oreiio. Thanks for your support and please enjoy the novel.

EichAr · Kỳ huyễn
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15 Chs

Chapter 12 - The Arrival

The Hellish Demon Spider marches it's hordes en-route to the city-Arīḥā. Close by town annihilated right away. A few townspeople who attempted to escape were spotted by flying beasts and captured. None survived the assaults.

Each second passed, the hordes moved closer to the city.

Edges of the city, a post tower stand tall as the eye of the city.

The city guardian troops felt the rumbling soil. The woodland monster went crazy as though they were terrified of something.

Then, at that point, the sky lost it's sparkles. Dark cloud shadows gravitate toward the post tower. The city guard on the lookout shouted, "Monsters hordes!!"

Immediately they set off the signal beacon. Emergency alarm set off to warn the city residents. Shops shut. The city residents were escorted to the emergency shelter for protection.

Mímameiðr Academy received information on the hordes heading to the city. The academy director, Dārayavahush Miru informed on the occurrences and he gave out orders to set off the academy's alarm and bring all instructors and <i>Rankers</i>.

At the same time, Arīḥā Minister of Defense, Ronan Avon Dutch conveyed guidelines to dispatch the city guardian troops to arrange a protection barrier.

The academy's director, Dārayavahush Miru contacted the Ministry of Defense with a crystal communication specialized device to seek for information if threat level requires aid from the academy. "Right now, we demand for the academy to be on backup assuming that threat level increases. Current threat level identified as Cyclone", answered Ronan Von Dutch to Dārayavahush Miru.

What Ronan didn't know is that the hordes evolved as they moved. The reason for the circumstance is obscure. The danger classification is based on the beast's destructive power.

There are five danger levels recorded for Arīḥā from the lowest to destruction.

Storm - An attack is highly unlikely.

Wildfire - An attack is possible but not likely.

Cyclone - An attack is likely but containable.

Disaster - An attack is highly likely to cause major casualties.

Catastrophe - An attack is highly likely to cause destruction.

While moving towards the city, the beasts continue evolving subsequent to devouring up monsters in the forest or the city guardians troops or the locals at the city edges.

The unpredictable happened is the point at which the beast devoured another beast where they gained the power of the ate up. They gain the beast's strength, abilities or even skills. With the collective mana from devouring up different beasts, they come to have exceptional unique ability.

The Hellish Demon Spider for instance, gains the ability to control the mind of any beasts it goes over and even it can control the mind of a man. At the point when the Hellish Demon Spider takes control of the brain, it can even manipulate the being to adhere to its directions unequivocally.

All the forest beasts who cross paths with the Hellish Demon Spider get their mind controlled and they will be instructed to devour themselves among themselves.

The moment the beast devours up among them, they will evolve as a new monster with extraordinary strength and power. Then, at that point, naturally they will turn out to be essential for Hellish Demon Spider hordes.

The day is getting dark. The sun practically set. Far away from the mountain, tree shakes make a course heading for the city. Some monster can be seen fleeing from the woods.

Faintly out from the thick woods, one by one monster showed up. By then the gargantuan serpent showed up with the Hellish Demon Spider on top of it's head. The hordes have shown up. Arīḥā the city is before them.

Taking a gander at the hordes with many kinds of beasts stunned the city guardians as though they couldn't accept the obvious reality. A sporadic occasion is going on. The beasts that were assumed incapable to assemble are coming at them in hordes.

"It's the disaster class assault!", yelled the city guardian chief. "Alert Minister Ronan and Director Dārayavahush Miru!"

Just after the order was given to alert the city, the city guardian chief pierced by a thread at the heart. The Hellish Demon Spider shoots it's thread. It then, at that point, lifted it's hand and made an assault signal.

The beasts immediately take their action assaulting the city gatekeepers.

As the name stated, the city guardian protected the city with all their might. The city guardian who is capable of earth enchantment gives a protection divider. The city guardian who is capable of wind enchantment snipes the beasts from the tower. The city guardian who is capable in fire enchantment stands their ground as a melee warrior and the city guardian who is capable in water enchantment heals their injured comrades.

The teamwork between the city guardians is not just a mere hearsay. They efficiently make use of each other's specialty and work together to overcome their adversaries.

In any case, regardless of how extraordinary the teamwork is. Regardless of how strong their solidarity together is, there is one irregularity that can break that bond.

The Hellish Demon Spider steps forward with it's gargantuan serpent when it's hordes are experiencing difficulties to break the city guardians defence.

The Hellish Demon Spider instructs Gargoyle to distract the city guardians with aerial assault while the Orcs and Goblins make a sneak assault to the city guardians from the ground.

The method is unfathomably effective and the hordes regain their march forward to the city. The Hellish Demon Spider and it's gargantuan serpent obliterates the guardian tower with a whip from the gargantuan serpent tails.

The city guardians who were situated at the tower tumbled to the ground and were beaten to death by the Orcs and Goblins.

The scene is a bloodbath. Numerous city guardians lost their lives to the hordes. The people who manage to survive, regroup with the other city guardians to impede the city entry.

The Hellish Demon Spider is presently at the main gate of the city. The distance of the Hellish Demon Spider and the city is just the city guardians.

The angry Hellish Demon Spider can't hold it's fury any more. It flew forward to the city watchmen with a blazing speed where none of the city guardians were able to follow its movement. At that time, ten of the city watchmen instantly meet their doom with their heart pierced by the string delivered by Hellish Demon Spider.

I apologise for the delay. I'll work hard to produce more chapters. Thank you for having me.

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