

"Yesterday my grandfather bought a cake for my birthday," she says while tearing, "but it didn't feel the same since you are not here anymore," starts to cry desperately, "grammy I'm so sorry," silent for a moment, "it was all my fault," falls on her knees, "You would be here if it weren't for me. Please forgive me!" cries inconsolably looking at the tree that was planted with the ashes of her late grandmother.

Kim Nevaeh is 23 years old and she works in a cafeteria, however she graduated as a fashion designer. Nev used to live with her grandparents in a small house near the city center, but she decided to live alone when her grandmother passed away a year ago.

"An espresso please," ask a costumer while Nev was lost in thought.

Nev turn her head to the costumer, "pardon...oh! grandfather what are you doing here?"

"I'm here to see how my precious bunny is doing," he replays while smiling.

"When will you stop calling me like that?" she asks with a smile.

"You'll be always my litle bunny." Jhon takes the espresso and drink a little. Then he asks Nev, "Would you stop by the house later?"

"Well, I have a meeting with friends after work," Nev answers trying to give an excuse.

"You aren't ready, are you?" Jhon asks back.

"I guess you're right and I think I need some time," she responds sighing.

"Don't worry, come when you're ready," says the grandfather before leaving, "so I'll keep going," he leaves.

"Are you still working as a taxi driver, you should rest at home!" says Nev aloud as her grandpa approches the exit.

"That's the only way I can keep my mind busy," replays Jhon aloud too while waving his hand saying goodbye.

It's time to close the cafeteria and the last costumer is about to leave. Suddenly there is a blackout and for a moment everything is darkness. The lights come on again and the man is gone, there is only money on a table next to the coffee that has not been tasted. Nev takes the money and put it on the cash register, finally she closes the cafeteria and heads to bus stop. At this time of the night it's usual not to meet many people on the street and tonight it seems there's no one.

However, on her way she comes across an old woman and when Neveah looks at her, she's paralyzed, the old woman is very similar to his grandmother, but:

"Is this possible?" she wonders inwardly.

Nev only manages to greet gently with a fleeting head movement since she doesn't get out of his amazement.

"Perhaps it is true that people have a double," she thinks.

At the same time the old woman smiles warmly at her and they both go in opposite directions. A few steps later Nev stops and turns to see the old woman, who is slowly walking away.

When she decides to continue on his way she bumps into a child.

"Miss help me please," says the boy weakly with tears in his eyes and immediately fades away.

"Boy wake up, boy!" Neveah exclaims taking the child in her arms, who is seen with serious signs of abuse.

In the distance, precipitous footsteps can be heard.

Nev feels strangely nervous as she looks at the little boy.

Sometimes those who will be important in our life, arrive unexpectedly.

BAecreators' thoughts