

In a world with seven magnificent Kingdoms, It's Creator THE DIVINER blessed seven noble families with extraordinary powers. For generations, these distinguished lineages have shielded their realms from darkness, trapping malevolent souls within the confines of Coulandra, an inescapable prison. Yet, when a striking woman of unparalleled beauty emerges as the coveted prize in a thrilling tournament, the very fabric of the seven Kingdoms begins to unravel. As the Ornex, a legion of relentless Sorcerers, sets their sights on her, plunging the realms into disarray. Now, the fate of the Seven Protectors hangs in the balance as they strive to safeguard her. However, as layers of mystery surrounding Lillian's beauty unfurl, they must grapple with the realization that she may be more than meets the eye. Prepare to embark on an enthralling journey through "Lillian's Beauty," where nothing is as it seems.

Favour_0574 · Kỳ huyễn
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33 Chs

Lillian's Predicament

Lillian gazed at her reflection, a mixture of frustration and disgust evident in her eyes. The dress she had been forced to wear was an abomination, the epitome of hideousness.

Crafted from a delicate, transparent fabric, the dress shimmered in a shade of blue that matched her sapphire eyes. Tiny, precious stones adorned its surface, glimmering like stars in the night sky. However, the beauty of the stones did little to redeem the overall monstrosity.

The dress clung to her body with an unforgiving tightness, constricting her every breath and shamelessly accentuated every curve, from the gentle swell of her breasts to the graceful curve of her hips.

The so-called dress was nothing more than a sheer veil, The transparency of the fabric left little to the imagination, with only small patches of material attempting to cover what should remain hidden. Even the sleeves were sheer, adding to the overall audacity of the design.

Lillian's luscious golden brown hair cascaded freely down her back, framing her face with a natural elegance. Her flawless complexion radiated such beauty that makeup seemed unnecessary, for she was already a vision of divine grace.

As she continued to scrutinize her reflection, a surge of frustration coursed through her veins, compelling her to shatter the mirror with a single, piercing glare.

If only her gaze possessed such power, the mirror would have shattered into a million shards, scattered across the floor.

"Miss, we mustn't delay any longer," Fiona, Lillian's loyal handmaiden, gently interjected from behind her, drawing Lillian out of her reverie.

Lillian turned to face Fiona, her frustration momentarily replaced by a glimmer of resignation. "I know, Fiona," she sighed, her voice tinged with a hint of defeat. "But I'm not leaving this room dressed in this. "

Fiona's eyes softened with empathy as she approached Lillian, her hands reaching out to adjust the dress's delicate fabric. "I understand your distaste, Miss, but Master Tywin will become furious if we delay any longer."


Lillian's gaze turned dark at the mention of his name, her face contorting with a mix of fear and loathing. Tywin had been her captor for over a decade, subjecting her to years of imprisonment and emotional torment each time she tried to escape.

Now, his latest plan was more repulsive than anything she had endured before. He intended to showcase her as a prize in his tournament, a sickening display to satiate his insatiable greed.

"Miss, we really must leave now." Fiona urged, her voice laced with urgency this time.

Summoning her inner strength, Lillian steadied herself. "Show no pain," she murmured to herself, as she gracefully descended from the dressing stool and made her way to the door of her room.

As she opened it, Tywin stood on the other side, his lips curling into a self-satisfied smile at the sight of her.

"I half-expected to drag you out, kicking and screaming," Tywin remarked, a smug grin tugging at his features.

"Well, Sorry for your wasted trip," Lillian retorted, her defiance piercing through her words as she met his gaze with a steely glare.

A low chuckle escaped Tywin's lips.

"You look exquisite," He commented, as his gaze swept over her figure.

Lillian couldn't help but roll her eyes at his shallow praise. "Of course, you'd think so, with your vision so clearly blinded by greed." she retorted, her voice laced with disdain.

Tywin's laughter filled the room, a sound that sent a shiver down Lillian's spine. "Oh, my dear Lily, you always have a way with words," he remarked, his fingers grasping her chin to force her to meet his gaze.

"I said you look exquisite. Doesn't she Fiona?" Tywin directed the question to Fiona, Lillian's handmaiden, without shifting his focus from Lillian.

Fiona's timid voice chimed in from the side. "Yes, Master, she looks absolutely marvelous," she replied, her head bowed down.

"Did you hear that, Lillian? MARVELOUS!" Tywin declared, a smirk playing on his lips as he released his grip on her chin.

"Now, come, we have eager guests waiting to meet you," Tywin announced, extending his arm for Lillian to take.

Lillian hesitated, her mind seething with suppressed fury.

"Remember the consequences of disobedience, Lillian," Tywin warned in a low, threatening growl, his arm still outstretched.

With a heavy sigh, Lillian relented, placing her hand in Tywin's arm.

"Good girl," Tywin remarked with a self-satisfied smirk, leading her away with a possessive air.

"I must warn you, Lillian, to conduct yourself appropriately in front of our esteemed guests, or I won't hesitate to discipline you in their presence," Tywin cautioned, his voice a blend of warning and authority.

Lillian's retort was quick and defiant. "Can't make any promises."

Tywin laughed but then his laughter subsided, replaced by a sudden shift to a cold and serious demeanor. His brown eyes glistened with a sinister edge.

"Disrespect or disobey me in their presence, Lillian, and I'll grant them all permission to have their way with you. Something I'm certain you wouldn't enjoy," Tywin threatened, his words cutting through the air like a sharpened blade.

In an instant, all of Lillian's defenses crumbled, her last bit of resolve fading as she realized Tywin wasn't bluffing. Swallowing hard, her heart sank into her stomach as they continued walking toward the grand doors leading to the opulent living room.

As they arrived at the entrance, they were greeted by Tywin's right-hand man and bodyguard, Raynes, who was dressed in a sleek, all-black ensemble. Raynes was known for handling all of Tywin's clandestine affairs, making him an essential yet shadowy figure in their world.

Lillian's intense disdain for Raynes transcended ordinary hatred, a sentiment that could only be described as a searing loathing.

"Everyone is waiting inside, Sir," Raynes informed Tywin his voice matching his imposing presence. Then his gaze shifted to Lillian, and as always, her extraordinary beauty struck him, leaving him spellbound.

Normally composed and unwavering, Raynes found himself completely unsettled in Lillian's presence, his desires stirring uncontrollably. Her irresistible allure seemed to possess a magnetic force that captivated his attention without fail, every single time.

Yet today, her allure seemed even more potent, heightened by her striking attire.

But Lillian's eyes bore into his with a fiery intensity, reflecting the depth of her hatred, an emotion he could understand all too well. For If their roles were reversed, he knew he would also despise himself just as fiercely.

With a gesture from him, the doors swung open, and Tywin led Lillian into the lavishly adorned room, their steps deliberate and measured.