When Akuma was born it was said he would bring tragedy. He was abandoned and the name Akuma is all he had. As an adult he wanted to help, so he killed the evil. What thanks did he get, but death? Good thing his mother was there to help him in the end.
Since Serafall and Grayfia decided to stick around as they were both candidates, they had to call back to inform them of the current situation. This time, the meeting was much smaller as it was just Sirzechs, Falbium, Ajuka, and Zekkram Bael who could have become the next Lucifer if he wanted.
When they got the overall situation from Serafall and Grayfia they began to ponder. Zekkram hummed after he heard what they said.
"Serafall and Grayfia caught his attention? He didn't even read the list. And why are you giving him a Qilin? You are the only Devil to ever gain the loyalty of one in the past. They are also sentient so will your pawn agree to give away his child."
Sirzechs nodded.
"Enku himself said it would be fine. Qilin don't care for their young after a certain point as they are solitary creatures. On top of the fact that to a man such as Kurayami who loves mythical creatures, such a gift will of course bring his favor."
Ajuka did not smile as he was similar to Kurayami in the fact that he was relatively introverted and carried a blank face. He gave his take as things went well during the conversation.
"He seems to have inherited the fact he takes his hobby as the most important. I kindred spirit I would say. A gift such as a Qilin will certainly be of interest to him."
Zekkram got the picture.
"I see. It is a good thing both of them got his attention. A shame he did not read the list though. There were several good options."
Sirzechs had an idea.
"You have a large harem don't you?"
Zekkram shook his head.
"Not any longer, but I did long ago. Devil nobles are known and famed for their impressive harems. That is because of our low birth rate which Fallen Angels share, but not to the degree of us Devils. He must not be after numbers, but quality. Admirable.
At least the elite of our race are of interest to him."
Several would return in two days while Grayfia would stay for longer. She could leave at any time, but she had expressed a desire to stay as a mediator for both sides. Falbium raised an interesting point.
"Now, about his lover, Kuroka. Your younger sister has her younger sister in her peerage does she not?"
Sirzechs nodded with a pondering look on his face.
"It is true. The girl is named Shirone and is my sister's Kook. We should be open to letting both of them meet. If Kuroka wishes to have her sister back she can ask him to put pressure on us or simply take her back by force, but I don't think this will happen. But, if we can offer others besides Serafall and Grayfia why not our picks?"
Falbium saw one issue with that.
"Would he be interested in your sister? A powerful being will most likely choose only the strong after all. Rias is just not strong enough to be with him or in a harem of talents which seems to be Kurayami's taste.
She would be crushed under the pressure."
Zekkram had heard of Rias as a user of Power of Destruction.
"I heard of the girl. She spends all her time in a human school and lazes around. Shameful."
Sirzechs frowned at his words.
"She is young."
Zekkram did not care.
"She is 13, no longer a child. Kurayami is 2 years her senior, but see what he has accomplished. I can respect that."
Ajuka patted Sirzechs on the shoulder as he just wanted to show everyone that his sister was worthy of the best, even Kurayami. Sirzechs stood up as they had gotten what they needed.
"We can keep our options open once Serafall returns. For now, I will personally go to deliver the cub and speak with him."
Zekkram frowned.
"The Devil King should meet with the next Governor General, and it is respectful."
"Do what you must. I shall take my leave. Goodbye."
Ajuka knew his friend just wanted to change Kurayami's mind about his sister.
"Good luck, I still think he would prefer Latia over Rias."
Sirzechs did not want to argue anymore so he got up and left the room. He returned to his abode and spoke to Enku his Qilin. Enku had only had a single offspring and hew as about to send him on his way as was customary.
When he had been informed of what Sirzechs wanted, he felt it would be perfect. He agreed and allowed Sirzechs to take his offspring. Once he had that, Sirzechs began the trip toward Grigori.
When he arrived, Azazel was notified by the wards around his turf being set off. Another intruder had tripped them.
"Who is it now?"
He messed with his console to look at who was at the wards. When he did, he saw a smiling Sirzechs holding a Qilin foal he sighed.
'Of course, he came.'
He got up and stopped messing with the Boosted Gear. He went alone this time and met up with Sirzechs at the border. With a flash of green light, he teleported to meet Sirzechs. When he did, he crossed his arms as he stood in front of the Devil King as they knew each other
"Did you have to personally come? Think of your position Sirzechs."
Sirzechs and Azazel shook hands as they had nothing against the other. They had met at other meetings in the past.
"I decided to pay my regards to your heir. I also want to check up on Grayfia and Serafall. Plus, Enku my pawn was about to send his foal out into the wild, but he allowed me to instead give him to Kurayami."
Azazel thought about it and decided to agree.
"Fine, I will take you to him."
Sirzechs nodded as Azazel would not put him in an ambush. That went against what Azazel wanted. Azazel opened up a teleport circle under their feet and took them to the house of Kurayami and his family.
When they arrived, Azazel knocked on the front door and waited a little while. The door was opened by Walburga who was still in her Gothic Maid Dress. From the look of it was annoyed at them.
"What do you want?"
Sirzechs was about to respond, but hand karate chopped her head. He heard the familiar voice of Gryafia showing she was still her old self.
"Wrong? You should say 'Welcome' and bow politely."
Walburga held her head in pain as a Satan Class Devil was no joke. This was not pleasurable like when her master did it. It just hurt.
"OW! Welcome."
Grayfia looked at who it was and saw it was Azazel and Sirzechs. She bowed and greeted him properly.
"Welcome Sirzechs. What brings you here?"
Sirzechs coughed as he held up the small Qilin foal. The animal opened his mouth and bit him as he was still young and he had yet to mature.
"Ow. I came to give Kurayami this and to talk to him."
Grayfia nodded.
"Please follow me, he is in the living room. Learn to do it better next time Walburga."
'Old hag.'
As if she heard that, Grayfia gave her another karate chop making the girl hold her head in pain. The poor maid in training was so far proving to be bad at following orders. She got things wrong so often and it seemed only Kurayami had her under control.
She had seen how Kurayami handled her, but it just got Walburga annoyed when she did it. Still, she had only been teaching her for a few hours so things still had to take time. Grayfia for the moment led Sirzechs and Azazel into the main living room.
Kurayami had long since expanded the house internally with magic to make it small outside and big on the inside. In that matter, his mother could keep her house. Everyone who lived in the house was split up at the moment.
Suzaku had returned to her clan and Tobio was not here. He was at Grigori trying to get stronger to master his new powers. When Sirzechs and Azazel reached the living room they found a large room that had everyone someone could have for relaxing.
Couches, TVs, game consoles, a bar, and even a large table. Kurayami was currently sitting with Serafall and sharing a drink with her. Kuroka, Esdeath, Raynare, and Akeno were giving him time as every new relationship needed to be nurtured.
Everyone was doing their own thing as Esdeath and Raynare were playing a fighting game. Akeno was sitting on one of the couches reading a grimoire. Kuroka was snoozing in a cat bed in the corner.
They were not the only ones here as Natsume and Lavinia were here as well. Natsume was sitting cross-legged on a mat as she focused on her internal magic. Griffin was on her shoulder helping her while Lavinia was sitting in a quiet corner playing with some dolls of ice.
"Excuse me Serafall."
She shook her head.
"Go on. We can continue in a minute."
"I would like that."
Kurayami stood up from the table as he could see the Qilin in Sirzech's hands. Instantly, the young foal lept from his arms. The small creature lept into his arms as it was drawn by him.
Kurayami looked into the small foal in his hand which was wagging a horse-like tail.
"Aren't you a perfect specimen little one?"
He called it small, but it was as big as a German shepherd. It looked like a mix of a deer, dragon, and tiger causing it to look majestic. The bit of fur it had was a bright gold and its scales were black, blue, green, and yellow while the eyes were bright green.
He initiated a pact with the Qilin which rapidly accepted the contract. Seeing how good Kurayami was with beasts made Sirzechs realize why this was his hobby.
"You're Kurayami?"
"Welcome Sirzechs to my home. I don't think you just came to drop him off right? That reminds me, of a name. How about Zhang?
The foal seemed to like the name and the power it was getting from being in a contract with him. He burped black fire in Kurayami's face that he did not even feel. Qilin had many affinities, but this one could breathe fire.
He even saw some lightning from its horns.
"I am sure we will get along well Zhang."
Suddenly, the girls who were doing their things began to gather around him as they looked at his newest familiar. Unlike his other families, it was not one you would pet often. Its scales were smooth, but it was snappy. That did not take away how cute it was.
Kurayami's other familiars began to gather as they wanted to see their newest partner. Ulrik, and his Bicorn both gave their respects, while Blitz felt he had a friend as Qilin were herbivores.
Aurora as a lion was sleeping and did not bother to wake up. As for Tyrant, he was still asleep. Kurayami extended his hand to Sirzechs.
"Forgive me for ignoring you. I got distracted by your gift."
"Do not worry about it."
Sirzechs extended his hand as they both shook hands.
"I do have a question as it seems you allow even the horses inside the house."
He meant Blitz who was quite the large specimen larger than any moral horse. Kurayami could see how that would be weird.
"They are all creatures with self-respect so they won't cause issues. Even the large ones. And this is their home just as much as it is mine."
"Enku will be proud his son will be part of a house such as this. Now then, I also came to speak at our next meeting. When do you suggest to be a good time?"
Kurayami thought about it as this was up to him.
"Two months seems like a good period. In that time we will be in communication as this can't be rushed. For the moment that can allow us to see what agreements need to be taken."
Serafall took a sip of her wine before she gave some ideas.
"That seems plenty of time for the moment. I will come back tomorrow. Azazel, your thoughts."
Azazel shrugged.
"That's fine. We have no large operations planned, but it does allow us to have joint operations."
Sirzechs then asked his question.
"Now then, the marriage agreement. You have shown interest in Serafall and Grayfia, but are you interested in one more?"
"Not really."
"Hear me out, I was suggesting my sister."
"Not interested. Rias Gremory is famous after all. For being lazy."
Sirzechs recoiled.
"She is famous for it"
He nodded.
"Very much so. Everyone who knows of you knows the Ruin Princess. She got that name because of you, not her own work and she has never competed in a Rating game, her peerage is weak, and she goes to human school wasting her youth.
She is 12 yes?"
Sirzechs nodded.
"She is."
"Then she is too young for me. 3 years is a lot in our formative years and in 3 years I will be 18. If she does not train she will not grow and waste her formative years. So I will not hear talk of your sister."
Sirzechs tried one last time.
"I get she is young, but she can change for the better. I assure you."
Esdeath who was near Kurayami shut it down. That was bullshit as Rias had wasted her best years. Unlike them as they had not slacked in their training since they were kids. Nearly every day was spent with muscles aching, bones near breaking, and stressed minds.
"Sirzechs, you're saying she wasted all that time she could have trained with? I have known Kurayami since I was 10 and I have trained to the bone for over the last 5 years. She has had that entire time and she has not used it. So no thank you."
Raynare had to agree with her friend.
"Agreed. We are sorry but Grayfia and Serafall are ok."
Kuroka woke up and returned to her Nekomata form.
"While I have you here. Your sister also has mine as her Rook and I want her back. I was turned into a Devil and experimented on for her sake. When I felt it was enough I broke out, but I failed to take her with me.
So, at least give me my baby sister back."
Sirzechs sighed.
"I understand."
Kurayami shook his head.
"If all parties involved I cannot accept. It was good talking to you Sirzechs."
Sirzechs kept his calm face as he needed to make a decision.
"Kuroka was it, I will allow you to begin speaking to your sister. If you will be open to it, don't keep off your options."
Kurayami raised an eyebrow.
"Alright. I won't."
Sirzechs turned to Grayfia.
"What do you think of this?"
Grayfia thought about it as she had only known Kurayamy for a few hours. During that time she had observed him and his interaction with his family and lovers and it was sweet. Despite how powerful he was, he was never arrogant and treated those around him with respect.
"You are very popular with women which is expected of a man of your power. You however are not driven by lust and seem to build your connection with them individually. I can see among all the girls here beside your fiances all of them seem to have good feelings for you.
You have also treated me with respect as for what I think of you?"
She focused more and answered the main question.
"I would be open to considering it on the account that I can remain a maid. I would have to be released from my service to Sirzchs though as I am a maid first over all else. My clan was made to serve so I would wish to remain that way."
Kurayami accepted that.
"I would not ask you to change. I guess we can leave you as a maid if you want. Serfall, what do you think?"
Serafall smiled.
"The choice is up to you who you accept as is my choice to consider you. Like Grayfia, I also have seen good things from you."
With that, he turned to Sirzechs.
"There you go. It was good talking to you Sirzechs. Do you mind staying the night? I plan to go with you to your territory tomorrow to drop off Serafall. I would like to meet the rest of the Satans if at all possible?"
He nodded as it was a chance to not work.
"That is fine. We can speak more at length with me here. The Devil King, current Governor General, and next Governor General."
Azazel felt this was a great opportunity not seen before.
Sirzechs would take any chance to not work and this was a good chance to get to know Kurayami better. He knew Azazel, but Kurayami was a new player so to say.