
Light Years Away

Story of best friends, Kang Sola and Xue Guangxi, as they traverse their journey through adulthood, amidst conflicting choices and internal issues within themselves and from their past. Will they be able to resolve their personal struggles and find a common ground towards happiness? Will they have to compromise to achieve it? Will they end up together and overcome the threshold of their friendship into lovers or remain as platonic friends and each other's family? ---- She balled her fists, getting ready to punch the man in the face if the situation requires. They are, after all, alone in the room. Sometimes she forgets that Xue Guangxi was of the opposite gender – a man more than capable of beguiling innocent women when he sets his mind to the task. ‘Perhaps he had been gone for too long that I had forgotten how his charms work. That fact never left my head, but experiencing it firsthand… Well, Nah!!!’ She tried to shake whatever silliness her mind entertains despite her prudence. But what her neutral poker face could hide, her berserkly widened eyes could not conceal. Nevertheless, even if he noticed, the young man did not point it out. He was more concerned and occupied by other matters. Matters of far greater importance… …For example, her safety. She blinked several times, trying to disrupt the connection their locked gazes somehow managed to forge. She bowed her head, still blinking, and darted her lowered gaze to the floor. She straightened up her sitting position and swatted both of the man’s hands on her shoulders without force. But Xue Guangxi held her in place. “Look at me.” “What is it now, Guangxi?” She whispered. Her voice, thin and fragile and barely audible. Perhaps more from the earlier adrenaline pushed a blush on her face. Perhaps, it wasn’t the adrenaline to be blamed. She tried to swat his hands for the second time, but his grip only tightened, making his point more pronounced. Either he obeys or she does. Most of the time, Xue Guangxi always gave in to Kang Sola’s whims. Even when his temper wasn’t too great to be proud of, at the end of every argument, he lets the girl win. But in this instance, he wanted to be more assertive. “You always make me worry, Sola.” He breathed with all solemnity, like a prayer. The clasp of his hands on her shoulders tightened. She could feel it. She winced. Then, without further ceremony or introduction, he pressed her into a tight embrace, full of concern. Any person would be able to discern if a form of skinship was of sincere nature or not. Kang Sola could tell his was of genuine care and concern for her. “You are far more delicate than you think. God, Sola!” He cradled her head with his right hand placed just above her nape. Some of her balayage locks laced his manly fingers. ---- Other Info: Light story about friendship, family, love, and adulting. No offensive, dark themes (just the backstory, hehe), **Can be considered the second book after Milady's Fine Gentleman, but the story is stand-alone. Reference to the first novel is minimal if not only shown in the backstory. BUT THERE WILL BE SPOILER FOR MILADY'S FINE GENTLEMAN (It's inevitable, sorry)** "You are my sun, my moon, and all of my stars" -E.E. Cummings "Just like the moon, I go through phases." -Angie Weiland Crosby "Only in the darkness can you see the stars." -Martin Luther King Jr. ----- The author has a discord server and Instagram! Follow, connect, and share your thoughts. IG : author_midnight_bloom email : authormidnightbloom@gmail.com For kind appreciation efforts to the aspiring writer, please go to the following sites: https://www.patreon.com/midnight_bloom Ko-fi.com/midnight_bloom Disclaimer : Cover credits to Pinterest

midnight_bloom · Thành phố
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233 Chs


The first game was just a game of relay. Being young and agile, Xue Guangxi, Kang Sola, and Chen Lingtian faced no problem in winning it.

"Yehey!!!" The boy jumped and jumped in glee. He threw his arms in the air as he jumped.

"Yes!" Xue Guangxi did an inward punch by his side with his fist for the win. Then, he raised one hand and did a high-five with his nephew.

"You two did great." Kang Sola smiled warmly. She decided to set her personal matter with the young man for later. She gave them both a well-deserved tap on the back, literally.

"You too." Xue Guangxi retorted, with equal enthusiasm in his voice. He reached out his hand to her but retrieved it at the last minute. "Okay! We're off to a great start!"

To note, Kang Sola and Xue Guangxi were younger compared to most guardians who were the students' parents.

Although already in their mid-twenties, the youthful energy had still been strong and kicking in their system.

Moreover, being both single and still not pulled down by responsibilities and pressure of having a family and rearing kids, they still own their original optimism and thirst to win these childish games.

Or, perhaps they were simply competitive.

Maybe it was the latter.

The next game was a three-legged race. This time, the little girl, Chen Lihua, teamed up with Xue Guangxi and Kang Sola partnered with Xiao Lingtian.

At the leftmost side, Xue Guangxi stood, his right leg tied to Xiao Lihua's left leg at the ankles.

Likewise, Kang Sola's right leg was tied to Chen Lingtian's left.

Both adults held onto the child's hand tightly. The fire to win ignited inside the participants as they waited for the referee's go signal.

…And the race began.

Around ten teams were participating in total. All the participants scurried on their feet and started each walking.

At first, slowly.

One step.

Two steps.

Before they knew it, most participants have at least reached a third of the race's length. Xue Guangxi and Chen Lihua led by a significant distance.

All seemed going well when suddenly, Kang Sola felt a solid, strong bump hit her shoulder and threw her forward. The intensity forced her to take more impulsive steps which dragged the poor boy with her and onto the ground.

Instinctively, she raised her hand which held the boy's in a tight clasp. That movement saved him from diving headfirst onto the ground. However, as she did so, her left knee bent and scraped against the dusty, abrasive ground when she took a step which was supposed to stabilize her.

Her body dipped, as was her knee, but in the end, she managed not to fall on the ground. Keeping her and the boy's hand as high as she could muster, eyes fully set on the ground and presence of mind winning over, she halted into a stop, heavily panting. She lurched her body forward towards the boy who was as aghast as her.

"Xiao Lingtian, are you okay? Are you hurt, honey?" She ran her hands up and down his arms and back. She wiped the beads of sweat on the boy's forehead with her handkerchief, then glanced at the backs of the participants that went passed them.

"Aunty, you're bleeding!" Eyes almost popping out from its sockets, Chen Lingtian pointed his chubby hand and index finger onto Kang Sola's injured left knee.

"I'm fine, Xiao Lingtian. How about you? Are you hurt anywhere?" She pressed, her lips pursed into a tight line and horizontal lines invaded her forehead.

The boy shook his head.

"Are you sure?"

This time the boy nodded. "Aunty, your knee…"

Kang Sola untied their legs, freeing them both. Then, not letting go of the boy's hand, she limped her way back onto the grandstand near the bleachers.

Some of the medics rushed onto her, but she raised her hand as a signal that they should stay where they were.

At the grandstand, the medics treated her wound and put a clean bandage on it.

"Aunty…" The little boy clung to her side. "Does it hurt a lot, Aunty?"

She tried to smile amidst the pain. "It stings, but it doesn't hurt that much." She lightly squeezed his cheeks with her fingers while her palm cupped his chin. "Hehehe."

The boy couldn't take his eyes from the white bandage.

As expected, Xue Guangxi and Chen Lihua won the race.

When he turned around him, victory clear on his grinning face, he looked for Kang Sola and his nephew.

However, they were nowhere to be found.

Knowing that he's looking for her, Kang Sola waved her hand in the air from the grandstand. Finally, Xue Guangxi saw it and somehow deduced what happened in his mind.

As soon as his legs were free from the constraint, he fetched Chen Lihua in a haste with one smooth swoop, then ran wildly towards the grandstand.

"Uncle, what is it? Why are you in a hurry?" There was panic in her voice.

"I think, Xiao Lihua, your aunt is hurt."

"Hurt?" The little girl croaked and secured herself well by wrapping her arms around Xue Guangxi's neck.

When he reached the grandstand, he went from a sprint into a halt.

Lo and behold, he found Kang Sola smiling and getting cozy with some guy he did not know – a stranger.

The guy offered her some snacks and apple juice which she graciously declined, but he insisted. Xue Guangxi watched as the little commotion unfolded right before him. His hold around Chen Lihua tightened without him noticing it.

"Uncle? Why did we stop?" The little girl did not see what the young man observed since she was facing the other way. When she's about to turn her head in the same direction, Xue Guangxi coaxed her to lie her head on his shoulder.

"I am really sorry, Miss. It's my fault." Xue Guangxi heard the stranger said. "I was in a hurry and miscalculated the distance."

"It's okay. It's just a minor scrape."

"So…" Xue Guangxi butted in. "Her injury is your doing?"

"Guangxi." Kang Sola frowned. She placed one hand on his forearm to stop him from whatever trouble he's planning to whip.

"Taking his side, huh?" He shot her a sharp glance.

"I'm really sorry." The man bowed in apology. Then he went away with his kid.

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