
Sleeping Princess In Devil's Castle Aftermath

It took Kakarot a moment to calm himself down. Flying around the area of Devil's Hand, he had to wipe out a few stray demons that didn't fit with his plans, as well as the overall History of what they have done had been to much to let slide by.

Some just couldn't be redeemed after killing indiscriminately.

*Schup!* Someone teleported to the location.

"We need to go." Chichi appeared with the others in a helicopter. Seeing the devastation, she could only imagine what took place here. "A meeting with.."

"Go to your meeting. I am busy." Kakarot pushed his hands into the soil, taking over the area faster by removing more of the Evil energy to allow actual plants to grow.

The magic itself would remain to help suit Towa's needs for his training. The more his influence passed over the place, the more his magic rose on the spot anyway while fixing it perfectly into the Dimension.

"If the situation at the Furnace was resolved, no reason for me to go right now." He planned to check it out himself all the same after getting a report from everyone who went.

'I will head to see what is going on since it is just talks.' Towa said via Telepathy. She appeared a moment later after confirming with him it was acceptable. Appearing outside, she gave a glance to Kakarot, smiling briefly. "Champion Chichi, shall we go now?"

Her demeanor defintely took Chichi and the rest back. Not because she was smiling but because the very air matched that of the Devil's Hand. No... that was incorrect, the land was less than her in every way.

"Sure." Chichi answered. No way would she be able to convince Kakarot at this time, by the looks of it. Plus, it would give her the chance to talk to this Saiyan? in front of her closer. "Let's go."

*Schup!* They left via Kai Kai. Bulma, Mai, and Pilaf looked at Kakarot, covered in scars and the hole in his backside. It looked really bad, but it wasn't bleeding.

"Master.. what would you have us do?" A demon came over after some time passed. It stood a good 15 feet tall and reminded one of moving rocks. Basically an organic golem with the moving dirt inside its moving exterior.

"Clean up by placing the debris in different spots. We will then conduct ways to fix the land after." Kakarot gave the order standing up. He was really tired still. "If you need help coordinating, talk with Pilaf."

Pointing at the little blue guy, the demons all turned to him.

"Gulp!" Pilaf swallowed his spit and stuck out his chest. "Alright, let's get to work!"

The demons followed him with no issue. Mai walked off to supervise. She felt Bulma had something to say to Kakarot, which was true.

"What is it?" Kakarot felt woozy, but this was not the place to rest. He moved to a spot with Bulma following before throwing out a few capsules. A portable lab appeared much bigger than the one he usually used when traveling. "Need to start taking samples to make sure I didn't miss anything."

His tail rubbed the spot were the metal went through him. It would suck to die due to some demonic infection or worse.

Sitting down drawing samples from his hair, blood, skin, and saliva, the fangs were retracted with a simple thought. Hopefully, he didn't have to switch to a blood diet; that would be ridiculous.

"Let me." Bulma started to pull out some embedded pieces of rock. "You didn't know it, but we kicked butt out there today."

"Ugh." A inch long piece of stone was pulled out of his calf. "You don't say."

"Yup, took a while to get over the fear, defintely hesitated a lot." The scientist shook a little in memory of watching a few Capsule Corp Forces get impaled by a spirit with a spear. "Don't like what is going on, but it won't just go away, will it?"

"No, gonna get worse, by my guess." Kakarot could feel his understanding of War deepened. Ripples across the Dimension were taking place, but they were minuscule. Something he couldn't really pinpoint with his current weak power. "But you are a brilliant scientist; you can defintely think of something."

"We can defintely think of something. All of us." Bulma corrected. "My sister is my sister, Chichi.. Valencia has cost the lives of several people doing whatever it is she is doing. Yamacha said, you read his mind."

A simple nod of acknowledgment was all he gave.

"Read my mind to find out everything I know. I am sure it will make more sense to you than me anyway."

Reaching over with his right hand, he brushed against her mind, diving deep but gently compared to what he did to enemies. As this was shared, a Link formed deeper between the two.

The same as the others, such as Old Gohan and Towa. The rest all had Marks on them. Trusting Bulma enough after she shared this with him, he passed the Timebreaker Mark on her and imparted more martial arts that suited her.

"Namekian and Army (SFPC) style, I think I can shine with this. Definitely improves my use of guns and tactics." Blinking a few times, her mind already adapts most of it. Just her body needed to do so. "Hey.."

She was going to ask some questions, but Kakarot was out cold sleeping.

"Well, guess we can talk more later." Finish dressing the wounds, she was stuck in place by his tail. "Hey.. let go." A few swats and the tail lessen enough to get free. She was upset it was even softer than last time. "Might cut it off next time."

*Whack!* Offended, the tail whacked her on the ass.

"Cut my tail off.. and I'll take an arm.." Kakarot muttered in his sleep.

Bulma rubbed her butt, not saying anything else. She would get back at him later. Maybe shave all that soft hair off, leaving him bald.

Typing away on the medical instruments, the lap was quiet besides the occasional beep and sound of scratching from graph printouts. Towa appeared a few hours later, helping out. A smirk on her face as she started informing Bulma what happened in the meeting.


A wager..-


Turns out he did get an infection. One that latched onto genetic issues inside his body. All are treatable by normal means with magic to boost it up faster. Strapped to the wall, several microinjections were implemented to target every trace.

Which helped as Towa explained what took place in the meeting.

"So... you agreed to risk the Dimension.. on a Tournament.. are you out your rabid ass mind?" Kakarot glared at the screen. His Magic Teacher was far away somewhere just in case the situation went bad. "What sane person does that?!"

The Guardian of the Earth agreed to speak with the other Namekians to help them fix the current Timeline. Undoing everything that was done by Kakarot and Chichi since arriving. The second wish would be used to open a way towards the Dimension of Dragonball Minus.

Which fit with what Chichi thought was better to work from the ground up with than the regular Dragonball Dimension. Since it clashed heavily with the Super one and its Subsidiary Dimensions attached currently.

As well as the Four Subsidiary Dimension that was tied to it naturally moving along with some very powerful individuals.

"Do you plan on losing?" Towa ignored his tone and kept it civil. "You have like a year to get ready, and you could use the break somewhat from everything. After the tournament... we still have that thing to take care of."

"Plus a year will give you time to finish the Pregnancy." Bulma teased. She poked his stomach, thinking he would bloat up like a balloon carrying twins.

"You know I am just laying eggs.. not actually getting pregnant right?" Kakarot arched a brow at her. For the science, he was looking forward to shooting the eggs out. As a father, he was excitied to see his kids crawling around again. "You are way to giddy about this."

"Yeah well.. don't spoil it for me." Bulma pouted. Being a part of a Xenos having children was something she could write a paper about. "Besides, the other yous will be able to train everyone else better and help across the planet and territories."

"You have four Martial Styles to master. Six different versions of yourself learning them with the use of your skills. Minus your magic of course. Which is for the best. Your mind.." She pointed at his head. "is the best to develop it. Besides, Bulma is right. Good for the pregnancy."

"So is this going to be some kind of joke now?" He swiveled his head around looking at those in the room. Old Gohan was the only one who didn't give him crap about it. Even looking happy at the idea of it. It had been a while since Kakarot was not training most of the time.

"Just a little fun is all." Mai kept looking at his stomach. Thinking he would really bloat up. 'I wonder how many onesies Lunch and I can make?'

"Can I have the Sleeping Princess Gem?" Launch asked out of the blue. "You have money so I doubt you need it."

"Here," Towa handed her some bars of gold. "you are now hired little mercenary. I have task that need to be completed and you will do well to finish them. As for the Gem, the answer is no."

Kakarot had told her no as well. It was currently sitting under his Black Red Soul in the Internal Space. Every time he ran the Soul Refining Art, bits of light would emergy from the gem and feed into his Aspect Orbs.

"Ouch!" Kakarot pushed against the restraints as a needle stabbed into his spine. "Glad this is the last one, I am getting sleepy again."

"Yeah.. that is gonna happen as your body prepares itself." Towa was cutting the call short as she needed to get to work on something. "Even more of a reason for you to relax a little. Multiple births will be brutal on the body. That is why I did incubators."

*Doop!* The screen went black. Something about what she said tickled Kakarot's stomach. Unfortunately, he fell asleep on the spot. Even drolling a bit.

"Has he always been like this?" Pilaf asked Old Gohan. The man just nodded yes.

"That was back when he had .. issues with his spirit." Placing his hand on top of his young friend, he stared for a few moments at the difference of how he acted compared to what was learned from Chichi and the Supreme Kai of Time. 'A wicked man can do more good than a righteous man with the right people by his side.'

His qualms about this Kakarot absorbing Evil to give others another chance was something he could get behind. But the fear he would one day go out of control was never lost on the man.

"Haa, much to do. Hopefully these kids come quickly enough. Everyone on the Mountain will happen to see them." AS he left, a few of the others talked before doing the same.

The next few months passed by quickly enough.

Hasky, Lunch, and Old Gohan would focus on training and general welfare near Mt.Paozu. Given a steady income and the incentive of training under the famous master Gohan helped secure Hasky. Even more, seeing the man return to his prime turning a few heads thanks to Kakarot's Longevitiyty making him so young.

Bongo and Pasta would pass through the areas coordinating patrols between each of the Regions. Taking the job of security more seriously than before thanks to the previous events. The feeling of winning and doing a good job was almost as good as getting paid.

Pilaf and Mai would help Gurumes a little with advancements but mostly spend time helping the Village of Nam move on to the next level. Bringing up to modern society using eco-friendly technology and means to sustain themselves.

Bulma stood in Devil's Hand with Kakarot. Both her and Towa would help him change the environment and run experiments on the different Demons that inhabit the place.

With six other Kakarots traveling the globe doing Martial training and checking for any other problems, it was an easy grove everyone found themselves in.

Kakarot (Richard)

Soul: Intuitive Adaptability

Aspects: War, Longevity, Sex, History

Spirit: 4,936,312 = Soul Refining Art

Ki: 2,364

Magic: 103,421

Styles: Namekian, Demon Realm, Saiyan, Army (SFPC)

Skills: Flight, Ki Blast, Sense II, Telepathy, Power Up, Ki Shout, Volley Burst, Cross Arm Dive, Imperfect Multi-Form, Masenko, Blood Bomber

Abilities: Absorption, Majin/Timebreaker Mark, Shapeshifting, Vampirism, Egglaying

Transformation: Dark King Aura 2/3, Demonic Great Ape Form

Controlled Regions: Mt.Pazou, Gurumes, Fungus Town, Village of Nam, Devil's Hand

Linked: 30 Saiyans, Old Gohan, Towa, Mai, Nam, Pilaf, Launch, Hasky, Lunch, Bulma, 3,254 Demons, Bongo, Pasta

Magmatidecreators' thoughts