
Curse of the Blood Rubies Part 1

Currently finishing up his preparations to head out in the World, Kakarot stashed away a few more items made from his Magic over the years. The small town built up around Mt. Pazou due to his messing around with the surroundings and the changes on the planet as a whole was a great place to return to.

A police force consisting of a few bipedal humanoids with around 200 was not that bad. Old Gohan was actually happy with the responsibility he had. He was teaching the residents the tenants of a moral code, helping them grow. With trade opening up further between Mt.Pazou and the Pleasant Mountain area overall, only a few more years were needed for it to become a city.

The training was coming along nicely, but he needed more Magic to unseal his acquired power. To keep from killing himself by mistake, Towa sealed him up so he would get a good handle on everything. He was a suped-up car without fuel and restraint. He was just waiting to come apart if not careful.

Adapting Mira to his soul did more than they thought. Kakarot's (Richard's) own instincts came back fully. Enough that he was calm when working and training but aggressive when he failed and provoked to far.

To fix that, Old Gohan defintely encouraged him to go out and burn off steam and get a lay of the land more. Towa was more than right in that regard for helping him get used to everything.

Adjusting the black scouter a little more helped after the recent comfort upgrades.

"A strong presence has accumulated in a town not far from here. Defintely Magic in nature." Having modified the scouter to detect various energies despite the distance after waking up went a long way, he thought to future defenses. "Land of Gurumes sounds familiar. Will know more when I get there anyway."

Checking the armbands made of the same material as the Saiyan Armor, he made sure to change out the Moon Crystals embedded in them. Design to absorb the particular moon released energy and ones like that of certain Celestial bodies made it easier to train. It prevented him from transforming at night anyway.

"Have over a thousand of these, what could possibly be in the mind of that scientist after taking control of my "Moon" project?"

Thinking it over, he moved out, waving to the others. Most are doing morning training and tilling the land correctly. The land was prosperous, compliments of actually doing things a little more eco-friendly. Helped produce a type of Longevity a little from the soil.

"Might as well train my Ki further while going there!"

Pushing ki flow through his entire limbs, he shot off once clear of the town border. While running, he fired out ki blasts ahead of himself and chased them down by increasing energy flow in his legs. He was basically playing tag with himself.

Each time a ki blast was caught, he would wait until he had another. Fusing them together makes it more robust and repeating the process. If he was to slow, the ki blasts were pulled back towards him by a spell Towa placed on his bracers.

*Pew!* A returning ki blast came right at him. Grabbing hold, it was fused with one he had in hand and shot further out. It took only an hour before he was tired, and the ki blasts were at a dangerous level.

*Pew! Pew!* Two large ki blasts knocked him back a few 100 feet. Refusing to give up, they were all forced together.

"Grr!" Shot back out; he didn't even try to chase it. No way would he catch it; better to get ready for the blowback. Encased completely by Towa's spell, the energy no longer matched his ki signature. "Gotta get ready!" The huge blast came back at high speed. Smashing directly into his extended hands. "Oh boy!"

With a toss, it was sent up then came back down, almost like a wild missile. With a punch, he sent it flying to the side. The ki blast circled around a pillar and came right back at him.

"She went all out with this spell!" Delivering a vicious high kick, it was sent flying further away.

"Just a few seconds for breathers." That was short-lived, of course. The spell that caused it to return also had another function. Increase the power when he was getting to a limit. All to push the DNA of a Saiyan further. "Here it comes!" The ki blast doubled in size.

Grabbing hold, he absorbed into himself with the energy absorption ability. It was sending waves of energy through his extremities. Black Red ki tinted the vision; it wouldn't drop down as long as control was bad. It was forcing him to focus on fighting further.

"Majin!" Kakarot activated the spell causing the seal to appear over his heart. "Causing extreme stress to develop heart disease early does not seem practical!" But his body would adapt, Towa ensured.

*Boom!* With a stomp of the feet, the ground started to cave in some. Muscles were screaming in pain at the lack of movement.

Shooting forward faster, it was best to keep moving to retake control of the energy. Especially with it being so rebellious and causing his body to think it was an invading force.

"Scouter, check increment!" Giving the voice order while moving, he switched to shadow boxing and jumping around on the mountainside. The scouter displayed the change in increments. "20 more for an hour of training while restrained! Every bit counts!"

While moving, his soul felt a strange type of peace. Whether it was from the training stimulating the Saiyan instincts or his mental state just enjoying the open-air environment remains to be known.

The remainder of the journey was just spent on control and observation. From seeing countless dinosaurs moving about to dodging wild animal herds. Everything was going well enough.

Passing by a sign marker for a type of property line for the region, the most significant thing felt was the change in atmosphere. Magic in the air increased, and the place felt wrong. As if it didn't belong here at all.

'Shouldn't screw this up to bad.' Kakarot slowed his pace down, observing everything more closely. Stopping caused the fatigue to set in all at once. 'That's quite a burn already.'

With aching muscles causing a runner's high to continue still. One way more addicting than he ever felt before.

20% Gravity spell was removed. Imitating the Saiyan Homeworld was more Towa's idea then his own. It made popping fun at least, but his testicles tended to hurt a lot from it. 'No locals to greet so far.'

Walking at an even pace after throwing on a robe for travelers, what Old Gohan said about the place didn't look feasible anymore. No friendly people, no warm greetings at all, hell, not even a single animal was running about.

'This is so creepy. Close to a ghost country.' Checking the scouter to make sure he didn't go the wrong way at some point proved he was at least on the right track. 'Technology just gives a better reading on location than my ki sense so far. Several people around the way over there.'

A few smokestacks were visible from where he was already. The place wasn't like this before from what little intel he was able to obtain. He jumped on top a high place right quick, best to get a better view.

"That is more like it!"

The land was beautiful, causing Kakarot to smile. He was already taking pictures with the modified scouter of the place. He couldn't imagine why they were building these factories from the lush green meadows and the expansive terrain.

The region was kind of distorted if he didn't focus. As if it was trying to phase out somehow.

"If this were for profit, it would make sense, by why does the air seem.. tainted in every other location?" Channeling his Aspect of History, the information picked up was weird. "Blood Rubies? What the hell are those again?"

Not wanting to tire himself entirely out, it was best to check the place over the old-fashioned way—a reasonable old investigation. The Aspect of History informed him enough this entire area was fused in from a Subsidiary Dimension in an attempt to save it from complete destruction.

"Sending the effect in person and the data, its almost like how the Milky Way Galaxy is eating the Andromeda Galaxy. Just at a faster pace with a large scale of importance. Haa, the fact that people that die in my original Dimension go through the Afterlife before living anew is still crazy. Especially if there are no Dimensions for them to end up in."

*Tap!* Jumping down, he traveled onward into the village. Thinking over the job of a champion at the same time. Killing crazed Deities was one thing but taking the important role of strengthening Dimensions that eaten way by the will of the people unknowingly is just.. crazy.

Arriving near a few people in town gave some information on what was going on. Playing a traveler was easy enough. With it being a very common vocation on the planet.

"Blood Rubies are the most valuable gems in the world." The local said.

"The production just started after someone leaked out we had Blood Rubies on the land. Then, King Gurumes went from being a kind ruler into a tyrant. He is cruel and greedy now, destroying the area after only a few days to prepare the factory building."

"That is so weird. Such an Evil Magic has fed into the areas well enough." As his tail swished around, it gathered the evil in the ground and within the people. Removing the negative traits that were stewing from the Curse of the Blood Rubies. "Hmm, areas that have evil seeping into the land..."

This sounded a little like something else that happens somewhere else.

"Oh, King Piccolo's castle leaks evil into the land as well!" His tail hit his thigh due to the excitement. The energy that pervaded and created changes to the local populace was small right now if it was in effect. Easy for him to take care of. "Have to check that out later!" Focusing back on the task on hand, the people barely reacted to the name of King Piccolo.

"The army is just following along happily, not even trying to stop him. We are just villagers; what can we do?" Another villager grumbled. They didn't have any weapons. Even the farming equipment was taken away. "Almost everyone is forced to work in the factory building."

"So far, casualties are low, but the future does not bode well at all. The schedule for next week has almost everyone working in the first factories with the others building more." A mother looked extremely worried. Her daughter clung to her leg tightly. Unlike most of the villagers, she had the desire to fight.

"You could leave. Or just rebel by sabotaging." Kakarot said. Then again, he could understand not wanting just to risk the small chance of the worst happening. 'It is good I arrived before it really developed. The damage is not that bad yet. A year or two, and it will be like it never happened.'

Momentarily thinking about his own children, he was distracted.

"We would lose everything, and the risk of survival would be to low." An older man who looked to be a leader of the community spoke up. "We sent people out to try and get help from our neighbors."

"But some could survive." Kakarot spread his Ki Sense far to take in the number of threats. Not overwhelming unless a third of the soldiers swarmed him. 'Take care of the Evil Magic should help the odds. Then the people can help convince their countryfolk to help fight.'

"We should fight!" The little girl said. Of course, most ignored her. "This is our home!" A man who looked to be her father was wanting to do the same, but concern for his daughter and wife prevented him from acting.

"Good child, hope you continue to raise her well." Patting her on the head, a few people noticed it was the first time he smiled while being here. "I will take the soldiers on." The townsfolk were immediately skeptical about one versus so many. "Anyone I take out that survives, you wrap them up and gag them, this is a team effort."

Before the details could start, a group started approaching the gathered people.

"That guy is Bongo; he is a jerk and a bully!" A villager shouted.

"Woah, alright, take it easy." Kakarot didn't want to act before getting some more of the details. "What's the big deal with these rubies?" It wasn't hard to pull a few out of the ground with the use of magic.

"Hey! Those belong to King Gurumes!" A soldier shouted.

*Pew!* A fired Ki blast took the soldier out instantly.

Bongo did not take the attack of the soldier kindly. Riding a floating disc, he took out a mace and sent Kakarot on the defensive. It weighed a lot, and the man was pretty intense. Strong enough to crush stone with every swing.

*Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew!* Like a machine gun, Kakarot fired at the soldiers in the blink of an eye. The countryfolk whether smart or downright scared to disobey did as he said beforehand and tied the soldiers up.

"Defintely worth it to come here!" Dodging the next strike, he delivered a gut strike as a counter. None to kindly as he was trying to really do damage. To Bongo's credit and training, the man held on. "Defintely worth it!"

Bongo came down with so much force; his very hands were shaking.

Kakarot (Richard)

Soul: Intuitive Adaptability

Aspects: War, Longevity, Sex, History

Spirit: 500,100

Ki: 383

Magic: 210

Styles: Demon Realm, Saiyan, Army (SFPC)

Skills: Flight, Ki Blast, Sense, Telepathy, Power Up, Ki Shout,

Abilities: Absorption

Controlled Regions:

Linked: 30 Saiyans, Wife???, Old Gohan, Towa

Magmatidecreators' thoughts