
Are you ready?

Blood. I am thirsty. So very thirsty. I shall drink from Him. Smells so very good. I will devour him.

I wake up gasping, thirsty. Stark is laying on my lap, sound asleep. I gently, but swiftly put his head up. While one hand is holding his head, the other grasped the rest arm of the couch. I quickly stand up, putting Stark's head back. I look around, spotting Stark's sweatshirt. I stealthily ran to it and put it on. I hear a car door slam and groan. I put my hair in a ponytail, putting my hands behind my back. The door is forcefully open and I stretch gracefully. Three men come in. " Amályia, come with us" The one in the middle says. Amályia is my real name. It means 'Darkness' in French. "Why must I come with you? I have not had breakfast" I say coldly, putting my black boots on. One of the men take both my arms, pushing me to the wall. "Must I have to kill you?" I whine, annoyed. "Either you or this young man." He warns. I knew he was talking about Stark. My leg goes around the man's who is holding me and I yank it back, forcing him to fall. I take two knifes out of my boot, standing my ground. When I look around there is fog all around me. I try to breathe but it makes it hard to. I cough uncontrollably,falling to the ground. I am out of options. I sing a silent spell and I am now unconscious. I hope Stark is safe. This is the only way.? "I am sorry" I say, silently.