
LIGHT BRINGER: Power and sacrifice.

Chapter 1: The elven world

In a dimension parallel to our own, on a blue and green planet full of wealthy kingdoms ,ruled by royalty there was, war, hunger and thirst. In contrast to this the royalty of the highest order lived with full bellies and were drunk with wine. "Samuel, don't do this, please !" Jonathan pleaded, "Don't approach me young one, if you stand in my way i will cut you down like those filthy royals, they have gone too far this time!" Samuel replied while unsheathing his sword,"sorry my lord but no one is allowed in the celestial chamber, not even royals" the guard said, "standing in my way means death" Samuel said with a sudden calmness in his voice, "run!" Jonathan screamed, but it was too late, Samuel had taken the guard's head and kicked down the door almost instantly.

In the chamber, there were 5 seats arranged around a pentagon shaped table, and their occupants turned to face their intruder, "what is the meaning of this son, didn't i teach you manners?!" King Sine shouted furiously , " You taught me many things and you taught me well,.....father or should i say traitor!" Samuel shouted back, Jonathan, who had followed his master so far decided to stop and watch from the doorway, "You dare call me a traitor?!, I am your king!, maybe i was too lenient on you..." "And we trusted you!, but you helped them slaughter your own people for power!" Samuel interrupted, "I am warning you, you may be my son but i will not let this go unpunished, if you do not leave now!,i can easily replace you" Sine threatened, Samuel takes a deep breath and takes his battle stance.

The sun shines upon a mansion and it's rays leak into a well organized room with a boy who appears to be fast asleep under the sheets of a rather large bed, the door slides open to reveal a tall well built elf who walks into the room gracefully "Young master, it is time to rise and shine, school starts 3 hours from now" the butler said. The boy sluggishly rolls on the bed, "aarrh!" he shouted as he fell off the bed and banged his head on the wooden floor. "Sorry master Rex but you have very little time to spare, remember that with your status as.....", " I know, I know....sigh...just get the car ready i know the drill". Rex gets up and quickly takes a bath then puts on the school uniform that was neatly arranged in his wardrobe by the mansion's staff, he then sets off to the dining table along with his Gauntlet, he puts it on and activates it to connect to the world wide mana, as he walks to the dining room, he manipulates the augmented reality user interface(ARUI for short) to play some music.

After his meal Rex makes his way to the hover car where the Driver was waiting for him."And how are you today sir?", George asks Rex as he gets into the car, "Oh come on, stop being so formal with me George, You are almost the same age as me and we both go to the same school and you *are* my best friend too so it feels weird for you to talk to me like that." Rex replies, "almost the same age?, I am six years older than you and the only reason i have this job and go to the same school as you is because my dad is *Thee* butler, also you have got to stop calling me your best friend because the truth is that i am your only friend" George replied,"when did you become such a drag " Rex pouted, "no, seriously, i want you to make a new friend today", "then maybe we can all go out to watch mech boxing, or we could just hangout at that fancy new restaurant" "oh and if....", while George flapped his gums, Rex tuned him out using the gaunt bracelet and nodded while looking into the rear view mirror, which George used to check if he was paying attention or not.

Ten minutes later the not so dynamic duo were finally out of the mansion's gate, and they were greeted by the tall buildings of the city, along with the vehicles that flew between them, and George took off to Join the cars at level 50, which is the highest level permitted to civilians, and immediately after ascending, he dropped to level 23," Hey! i told you not to drop that fast, you want me to vomit all over your precious ride?" Rex complained," we have less than 30 minutes to get to the school, i *had to do it* ", George said with a mischievous grin, " it's over now so just relax and enjoy the scenery, I'll let you know when we get there". Rex sighed and turned his attention to various shops and homes above and below them, he opened the window to let in a cool breeze which blew through his hair and around his elven ears. They arrived at the school with fifteen minutes to spare, it was a large complex structure woven together with some of the best mana money could buy, " remember to make a new friend today, OK ?" George said as Rex stepped out of the car, but Rex just waved at him and walked past the other students at the security terminal as they frowned at him and begun to whisper among themselves, Rex ignored them and walked to the front of the terminal and disappeared into the portal.