
Light Bearer Within Dark

Qahrel is one of the seven devil king, the most beautiful evil. Mistia is fragile on the outside but a warrior on the inside, the most important task to Qahrel. --- He has very little time to find her. If he fails, The Wheel of Fortune will start to turn against his favor. She is the one who he needs the most, maybe his salvation even. Can she realize that he is the one who she needs the most too? ''Go and tell them that I'm coming... Go and tell them that I'm here, and show them the evidence... You're not ready for me. No one is.'' He once said but is he ready for the one who is gonna make him desperate in anyway possible? Souls recognize each other.

Dziewona · Kỳ huyễn
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3 Chs

The Cube


She startled with the sharp pain in her belly button. She watched as he finished placing her new piercing.

''There you go, it looks good. You need to make sure to keep it dry after you showered for a while. I'm gonna gi-'' She interrupted, ''I know how to keep it well, Dane. This is my third, you know this.''

He pulled his hands away and nodded. ''I know, sugar but you are the one who made the hole closed. Two times.'' She huffed. ''It closes so easily, not my fault. I've never took it of the second one for two years and still it closed off.''

''Don't take it off then. If you want to change the piercing come to me. You forget to put the new one right after you take it off.'' She stood up and walked to the mirror. The piercing she chose looked plain with two parallel steel balls.

She didn't want to talk more about her lack of piercing care and said, ''Thanks.'' Dane tended to talk a lot and now she wasn't exactly thrilled by the idea of talking.

''Your welcome, sugar. Leaving or getting a coffee with me? I have two hours before the next appointment.'' Coffee was a delicious idea but she could have that in her home. She pulled her legging's waist up and reached for her bag.

''Sorry, I need to get home. There are some papers I have to read by midnight.'' She took out her wallet and asked, ''How much I owe you?''

''A coffee date when you are available, sugar,'' he said smirking.

She met with Dane three years ago through her college classmate Jane when she said she wanted a piercing. After that he always tried to get in a closer relationship with her, always flirting and asking her for a date. She talked to him many times to make him give up about her but it didn't work.

She said, ''How much, Dane?'' in a harsher tone. He sighed. ''Fifty.''

She placed the money on his office desk, ''Take care.'' She said quickly and she left the mini tattoo shop before he could say anything.

It was a mistake to come here. She felt uncomfortable to reject everytime. People should've learnt what 'no' means and act accordingly. She shaked her head to dismiss her annoyance and got in her car.

While driving she decided to call her mom before her mother calls. Because everytime that happened she had to listen one hour 'You don't care about your mom, you never call me first. You wouldn't even know whether I'm dead or alive.' speech. And she was calling her at least twice in a week.

Phone ringed for a couple of times before opening, ''My little panda.'' She smiled at the word. Her favorite animal was a panda when she was a kid and her mom loved to call her with it. ''What's up, mom?''

She sounded cheerful but her mood swinged like a gondola.

''I feel excellent actually, I've gotten raise yesterday. How about you? Are you doing well, daughter?''

She felt an instant happiness with hearing the raise. They had a loan to pay, her mother was working so hard to pay it off and even with Mistia's help it wasn't going easy. So raise was a very appreaciated news.

''I'm so proud of you! Then your winter collection going very well huh?'' She made her voice sounded twice as excited because her mother loved exaggeration.

''Yeah, it is. Now, your up.'' She was a fashion designer for kids and it wasn't paying as good as it comes to ear.

''I'm good, everything is as its supposed to be. Routine.'' She knew that she sounded very boring and this was bothering her. She wanted some change and something to be thrilled about. Maybe she would signed for a latin dance course again. She missed dancing.

''You are adapting, baby. You have just found a job and you need time to readjusting.'' Her tone was full of empathy and she loved this side of her mother.

''Yes, I know. It's okey, like I said I'm good.'' she told her to make sure her mother wasn't so concerned with her. ''Anyway, I gotta go now, mom,'' said while parking her car.

''Alright, don't hesitate to call me anytime Panda. Love you so much,'' she said and waited for her response when Mistia gone silent for a moment.

''Ah, sorry mom. I was searching for my keys. I love you too, talk you later.''

''Bye bye, darling.'' She had a good relationship with her mother even tough sometimes she was hard to deal with. She searched for her keys a couple more minutes before finding them.

She got out of her car and entered her apartment. She opened the door very carefully to prevent her outdoorsy cat from escaping. He was waiting in the hallway, ''Did you miss me, love? I'm gonna feed you as soon as I wash my hands and then I have tons of paper to read.''



The Realm of Ophegar

''Can you believe this? It's already the third day and I have no lead about this woman. I don't have a fucking name even,'' said his voice rising with every word. His nerves were wrecked and he was having a very hard time to control his need to create destruction. His emotional state was effecting his realms so he traveled to one of his friend's.

Qahrel eyed his drink, ''I sent a whole legion to find something but they came empty handed. Even Lucifuge couldn't find a thing. I almost slaughtered them all before coming here.''

Akhthos cocked a brow at him, ''They are trying to make you use the Cube, Sunshine.'' Heaven.

He placed his elbows on his knees and looked directly into Akhthos' pale eyes. ''I know and the way things going right now, I might really use it.''

He shrugged, ''You have five days to bring her, why still thinking?''

''It is my last shot with the Cube and it is the last one ever created. Even if I fail and face with the concequence, I can use it there or I can use it now to find her and never face the concequence. Fuck, I'm confused.'' He sat back and closed his eyes.

The Cube was ancient and a very powerful magical tool used to change the course of events permanently. For this case it would be usefull to find the woman. He could order to have detailed information and the Cube would help to provide it, but Cube couldn't undone the task given from the heaven or couldn't help him taking her consent because free will mattered to the Cube.

''You know my answer if you are looking for advice here, Sunshine.'' He reached to pat Qahrel's shoulder. Akhthos was more closer to him then the others and he knew what Akhthos meant by that.

''Yeah, I know,''said without saying what's in his mind. He rised as he opened his eyes. ''Blue Balls,'' he added with a cheeky tone knowing, saying this would make Akhthos mad.

''Again!I told you not to call me that, asshole. You dare to disrespect me in my own realm? I fucking invented orgie-'' He didn't let him finish his sentence and flashed to his realm with a big smile. Akhthos was very sensitive about his appearance but he always acted as he was getting angry because of the other meaning of what Qahrel called him.

Still amused he reached to the Cube.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Dziewonacreators' thoughts