
Light Bearer Within Dark

Qahrel is one of the seven devil king, the most beautiful evil. Mistia is fragile on the outside but a warrior on the inside, the most important task to Qahrel. --- He has very little time to find her. If he fails, The Wheel of Fortune will start to turn against his favor. She is the one who he needs the most, maybe his salvation even. Can she realize that he is the one who she needs the most too? ''Go and tell them that I'm coming... Go and tell them that I'm here, and show them the evidence... You're not ready for me. No one is.'' He once said but is he ready for the one who is gonna make him desperate in anyway possible? Souls recognize each other.

Dziewona · Kỳ huyễn
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3 Chs




She felt her eyes hurting by the time she finished reading the documents. She rubbed her eyes and sat back. She had a presentation to prepare but she didn't feel like doing anything for today. The thought of presenting was giving her anxiety because she didn't want to screw up her first one in work. She closed her eyes to rest.

She majored in bioengineering and now working in a pharmaceutical company. She wasn't all content with her life right now but it wasn't that bad. She managed to gain her own financial independence yet she wasn't living her dream life. She always wanted to become a dancer, in fact she took Latin dance courses for four years in college and she was talented at it. Maybe she could go to one of the dance nights happening this weekend. Yes, this was a great idea. She could wear her new nude dress and feel like a goddess for a night.

Her phone ringed interrupting her thoughts, she reached for the phone. Her mother was the one calling, she looked at the clock. It was almost two in the morning and it felt weird her to call since they had spoken already. Was there a problem she wondered and picked it up immediately. ''Mom, are you okey?'' she sounded worried.

''Mistia, I can't reach to your brother,'' She jumped to her feet. ''He told me he was going to meet with his friend and come home before dinner.'' Mistia heard a sob. ''He isn't picking up his phone. I tried to speak with his friend but they said they seperated around eight o'clock and they didn't now where he went afterwards. I didn't want to worry you but I'm freaking out,'' said her voice dissapppearing in the end.

She felt her heart stopped, her brain mulfunctioned. Her skull started to burn and prevent her from thinking anything. How is she supposed to find her little brother? She tried to breath and calm her mind.

''Did you call the police?'' Her mother was a total worrywart but her brother never dissappeared without a word for this long. He had a soft spot for his mother. ''Yes, they haven't found anything yet.''

Fuck, what should she do? ''Okey, did you now where he went to meet with his friends?''

''His friends said they had a coffee just before parting their ways. Renée's Coffe & Kitchen the place called. Do you know it?'' she didn't give her time to respond, ''Police searched the area, it's useless.''

''I'm gonna look anyway, stay at home. I'm gonna keep you updated, okey?'' She pressed her phone between her ear and shoulder while grabbing her bag. ''Be careful please.''

She said, ''I will,'' and hunged up the phone. She walked out from her apartment to her car. Her mind had already imagining things that made her nauseous. She raised her brother while growing up because her mother was working so hard and they had a seven years age gap between her and her brother so she always felt motherly toward him, like she wouldn't love her own kids someday as the way she loved her brother. He was everything.

What if she couldn't find him? How was she supposed to live with this?

''No, no, no. Think positively Mistia. He is fine, you are gonna find him and bring him home. Nothing happened. Maybe he lost his phone and looking for it or he encountered some friends on the way and he forgot to tell mom? His phone can be on mute. It's possible,'' she tried to relieve herself by talking outloud. She hit to steering wheel. ''I'm gonna beat him up when I find him.''

''Oh God, let me find him alive and unharmed. Please, please, please,'' she said voice cracking, tears falling. She had been driving for fifteen minutes only but she felt like she was driving for hours.

She looked down to her phone when it started to ring. It was an unknown number. She felt like throwing up. Was it someone who found him or maybe cops? Maybe it was Michael, her brother calling from an another number. She picked it up right away and put it on speaker.

''Hello, who am I talking to?'' she asked her heart is in her mouth.

A deep, masculine voice echoed in the car saying, ''Do you wish to find your little brother?''

Her sight went black for a second. No, it wasn't happening. No, she screamed inside.

Her little brother was kidnapped.

She hit the brake and tried to find her voice to answer.


The Realm of Aehelon

He hold the Cube with his both hands closed. He felt it's power vibrating and waiting to be used.

'' Vhirrhiv e yji vlifsir yhoue ot wassos xasresh uq rafir.'' He demanded in old tongue. He opened his hold and pulled his hands away. The Cube dropped but before hitting the ground it shaped in a form of a little girl wearing an old, ripped dress. She looked transparent, her appearance glitching. Her blind eyes found his.

''How can I serve my master?'' Her voice always came out as if she was laughing but her expression always looked like as if she was in pain.

''I want information about my recent task which ordered by Heaven,'' he felt an instant regret of using the Cube knowing this time will be the last he can make a use of her.

She giggled with tears. ''What do you demand to learn, my master?'' He eyed her runes covering her skin everywhere. He was curious about this ancient tool and had researched it hundreds of years ago. He found out that this little girl was being punished for a great sin and can only be used for nine times before it switched to a new master. This was only the information about the creation of Cubes. He tried to find for a way to release her but he came up with nothing in the end.

''I need to find a woman carries a spesific mark on the roof of her mouth and she needs protection of mine. I do not have any other knowledge about this human and I have eight days to complete this,'' he explained. She looked unimpressed but still in pain. He went on, ''I ask to learn about this woman's whereabouts as well as her name, her family info if she has one. And something I can use to recognize her when I see.''

She remained still and silent for a moment. He wondered if there was a problem because he couldn't handle another thing going wrong about this situation but he knew that the Cube has never failed to proceed. He cocked a brow to make a point of his waiting.

A scroll appeared from nowhere and got suspended in the air. There it was. Finally.

''This scroll contains all the information you asked of me, my master. Heaven pushed you to make use of me for the last time,'' he nodded. ''I served you for the last time, you have been a good possessor Qahrel. Which is why I'm gonna share something that you do not know but you should.'' He took his eyes off from the scroll and looked her in the eye.

If Cube intented to give something, anything, he would take it.

''You are walking towards your fate yet you wish to run away from it. This dilemma will give you a loss and an infitinite agony if you keep on rejecting, Emperor.'' He frowned at the word but before he could say anything she disappeared. Nevertheless he knew that what she said was important in some kind but now wasn't a good time to think about it.

From now on he didn't have a hold of the Cube. He cursed out loud and grabbed the scroll. He broke the seal and read it.

''Mistia Chalice,'' he repeated the words written on the paper. His eyes fell on family info.

''Michael Chalice, her little brother.''

He now had an actual plan. Smiling he flashed.