
Lifting of the Veil (BL)

When he woke up, he didn't know who he was, where he was, or even which year it was. All he knew was that he was somewhat impaired... There was just sand and he couldn't even see a few meters ahead. There were other survivors, and he even found a friend. Was this the apocalypse? And why is his clingy friend getting clingier as time goes by? Both MC and ML straight, mutual bending, shou perspective / dual perspective of MC and ML, they will probably be a reversible couple.., love interest falls in love first, there are explicit scenes planned. Have fun ^^ WARNING: LOTS OF SWEARING, BLOODY, GORE Cover is of "Global university entrance exam" (highly recommended), if I`m not allowed to use this please inform me! MC and ML should generally look like the two on the cover.

watAm0Te · LGBT+
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
39 Chs

31. Scout

Jack laid in his bed with a candle burning by his side, his arm covering his eyes. He thought about where to go. He really wanted to go away from here, but this sandy place had as much danger as it had security. Was it everywhere like this? How can there be so much sand even in the buildings without wind? Or had it just happened as the incident happened, blowing sand everywhere? But more importantly, he wasn't the only strange one. He felt a deep satisfaction about that. He was very pragmatic at the beginning, but after this short time, in all honesty, he liked all of the people here. It felt so very humane.

Hunter was beside him,turning around and putting an arm over his stomach cuddling closer. "Don't be so gay." Jack put his hand away laughing silently. Hunter frowned and repeated his action. "Okay, you clingy chick." Most importantly, he had adopted this little fellow, 'So let's find us all a good home.'

Hunter dreamed something about a stuffy classroom, people were screaming, when he woke up he didn't remember more and was relieved about that.

He felt sticky from head to toe, he was sweating and so was Jack who he had hugged the whole night as it seams. He noticed that when Jack sweated in his sleep it didn't smell bad, it it smelled sweet. He came a bit closer and took a deep breath, as silent as possible. It smelled really good.

Jack stirred and gave him a groggy "Good morning." 

"Do you think someone has left?"

"No way, they are too clever, they know we have a greater chance of staying together." Hunter answered.

Jack went up to brush his teeth. He had started to just shallow the water for rinsing his mouth after spitting out the tooth paste, so as to not let water go to waste. Hunter turned his head and saw this. "Uhhh, don't do that."

"Don't micromanage me or you have to sleep on your own in the future." Jack chuckled, and Hunter really went silent. 

When they went out for breakfast everyone was already seated. It seems they sleep the longest in the group.

Loki had a long talk with Taylor about his ability, but the boy had no idea how to control it, hadn't he witnessed everyone's reaction, he probably wouldn't even have believed that he had this ability. 

"I think we should leave here, and see what's away from here. It isn't safe here either, and as already said, we don't know when we will finish looting the surrounding area."

"But we can't go with a group of this many people searching for a safe place, right?" Amanda said quietly.

"How about sending a scout?" Casper asked.

Jack interrupted "How far has anyone been already?" 

Loki answered "Only about 1 km in this direction." He pointed across from the place they had awoken, there were the office buildings and if you take a turn you get to the hospital.

"I'll go scouting, I can heal, so no problem." Jack said. Hunter looked at him disapprovingly and nodded "I go too." 

"Shouldn't Taylor go too so he can inform us if they are attacked?" Lenny asked.

"Wh...What?" Taylor stuttered, scared.

"Ha? Wanna kick out the ability team?" Jack asked, grinning.

"You said to yourself you want to go." Lenny crossed his arms in front of his chest.

"Yeah, and did the kid say it himself? That he wanted to go?" Jack stood up.

"I...can try?" Taylor tried to overcome his fear, but he really couldn't after what he had seen.

"Na little one, the adults are talking..." Jack winked at him.

"How old are you to call others 'little ones'?" Hunter turned to him, frowning. "The invisible kid is staying, me and this kid" He held Jack at his back collar "are going."

"Why are you so aggressive waving the ability discrimination card at every moment?" Lenny asked annoyed

"Wanna know why? I tell ya." 

Hunter interrupted him, "Go to your room Taylor." 

The boy obeyed and fled in his room and Jack spoke.

"That kid is what, sixteen? Yesterday he saw his friends slaughtered, and he would have been too if he hadn't an ability he can.not.control. Now you wanna use him at the first possible moment, that's not gonna happen." Jack tilted his head looking at him provocatively.