
Lifting of the Veil (BL)

When he woke up, he didn't know who he was, where he was, or even which year it was. All he knew was that he was somewhat impaired... There was just sand and he couldn't even see a few meters ahead. There were other survivors, and he even found a friend. Was this the apocalypse? And why is his clingy friend getting clingier as time goes by? Both MC and ML straight, mutual bending, shou perspective / dual perspective of MC and ML, they will probably be a reversible couple.., love interest falls in love first, there are explicit scenes planned. Have fun ^^ WARNING: LOTS OF SWEARING, BLOODY, GORE Cover is of "Global university entrance exam" (highly recommended), if I`m not allowed to use this please inform me! MC and ML should generally look like the two on the cover.

watAm0Te · LGBT+
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
39 Chs

29. Try me

When the incident happened they felt something so strong against nature, and everyone could feel it down to their own cell. 

Now, before their eyes, they again saw something shaken the beliefs of humanity.

Jack had been excited beyond words and had asked himself what everyone's powers could be. But then he saw their reaction.

Jack turned himself in a circle looking at everyone. He nodded understandingly. 

"What are we going to do now? Should we kill him?" He grinned. 

"That isn't human anymore right?" He laughed, and put an arm accurately around the air beside himself, making Taylor who wanted to flee shriek in fright.

"Wanna see something really inhuman? Fuck, your eyes will pop out." He bit himself in the finger, so hard that instantly blood spilled. They all heard a terrifying "crack" from his mouth.

Hunter roared "Jack!" and was beside him trying to hold his finger seeing his injury. Jack shook him off, and let everyone see his finger- only half attached, broken, mangled.

Everyone else froze and stared at this picture.

"What do you think, fucking awesome right?" His finger healed visibly to their very eyes. Jack continued, "How about we built a team fighting evil?." He flexed his newly healed finger. Then he tilted his head, his lips tilting upwards evilly.

Even Hunter who knew his ability was shaken, his self healing ability was now almost twenty times faster than before.

Nobody had woken up, not from the self-inflicted wound and not from the instant healing.

Hunter snapped out of it and grabbed the front of Jack's collar, pulling him away from the invisible Taylor and towards himself. He looked at the surprised Jack and growled in his ear "Try that again, try me." It was a blatant threat.

"STOP" Lilly screamed looking at the blood on the ground, "Everyone, Jack calm down-" She went to Jack without fear. "What are you doing? Give us a moment to accept the situation, will you?!" She looked around and saw the shocked people. "Taylor you too, make yourself visible again. Nobody will do anything to you."

"Now everyone is going back to their seat and we will talk." 

"Yes. Everyone sit down." 

Hunter manhandled Jack back to his seat and sat down himself besides . Gripping the back of his neck with a hand. 

"That hurts, what's wrong with you?" Jack whined.

Hunter looked unbelievingly at Jack and snorted. But then he loosened his grip, still not putting away his hand. Having him under his control was a very pleasant feeling especially after witnessing what he had done a moment ago. The blood on the ground was an eyesore, he felt himself lightly dissociate.

Taylor hadn't reappeared but he sat on the couch, everyone saw it bulging a bit. If they could see him they would see how lost he was with everything that just happened.

"We will be doing this now." Loki started. "It seems that some of us have powers. If that's true then that is nothing to fear. It means we can protect ourselves." He took a deep breath at everyone, and the few still standing got back reluctantly to their seats.

"If you don't feel comfortable with them, how about thinking through the night, everyone who is still here tomorrow in this apartment and the one above, decided to accept it. If you can't do it, but don't want to leave then stay in another apartment. If you want to leave, leave then. No bad blood between anyone." 

Everyone looked at each other. The old man polished his empty glass frame and cleared his throat, having somewhat accepted what happened. "Jack. I want to say that this really wasn't necessary, please understand, as Lilly said, this is something too shocking to welcome suddenly. I, for one, am not leaving. Not only am I old and can't loot for food alone anymore, even less with an imaginary enemy stronger, taller than us and in armor." His eyes were nonchalant, as if he didn't just remind everyone how much they needed this group . And that they have something more important to fear for the moment.

"Nor, do I want to." He put the silver frame on his nose. "I quite like you bunch of people."