
Lifting of the Veil (BL)

When he woke up, he didn't know who he was, where he was, or even which year it was. All he knew was that he was somewhat impaired... There was just sand and he couldn't even see a few meters ahead. There were other survivors, and he even found a friend. Was this the apocalypse? And why is his clingy friend getting clingier as time goes by? Both MC and ML straight, mutual bending, shou perspective / dual perspective of MC and ML, they will probably be a reversible couple.., love interest falls in love first, there are explicit scenes planned. Have fun ^^ WARNING: LOTS OF SWEARING, BLOODY, GORE Cover is of "Global university entrance exam" (highly recommended), if I`m not allowed to use this please inform me! MC and ML should generally look like the two on the cover.

watAm0Te · LGBT+
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
39 Chs

24. Brush

Note: Hearing "Father's Sins" from Flora Cash

After a bit of whispering and coaxing Jack and Hunter were silent, as the rest was. Casper despised them for finding each other in an apocalyptic setting. He was gay himself, and seeing the other two only other gays getting it on with each other made him hate them. If he had to choose he would choose Hunter, but he thought they were straight till now, and now he lost his chance. If there were no other people in the future he had to bend Loki.

Loki felt a chill down his back and was ready to fight, but only met Casper's thoughtful eyes. 'Forget it, I hate beards' The long haired man thought to himself and let it go.

They hurried back home, and felt all exhausted from this outing. When Lilly saw them, she was shocked and immediately made a room ready. 

Loki laid the boy on the bed, the candle already lit. Lilly checked his condition.

"He should have received a big fright, other than that there is nothing wrong. He is a bit dehydrated. We have to wait till he wakes up." They filled her in on what had happened outside. She sighed sadly. "Someone should stay with him, he shouldn't wake up and be on his own." 

Loki nodded "Let's take turns." 

"I start. You all wash yourself, you reek." Casper said, looking hatefully at Jack, who laughed. Just how did he managed getting hated constantly. 

It wasn't as if they could use water, and while the wet wipes helped very much, they didn't do any good while washing their hair. So everyone smelled a bit, and everyone's hair was greasy. 

But Amanda's and Casper's hair looked good. Jack thoughtfully looked at Casper. 

"How do you wash your hair?" He didn't believe they were dumb enough to waste water.

Casper was stunned by the sudden topic change. He ignored his question till he received a death glare from Hunter.

Then he said reluctantly in a quiet voice. "Dry Shampoo."

Lilly's eyes lit up but all the men looked at each other in question.

"What's that?" Jack asked.. 

'What a straight-man's heart..." Casper looked in pity at Hunter, who looked as lost as everyone else. 

'Maybe I perceived them wrongly' he left the explanation to Lilly while saying "You can go upstairs and take a few of mine, bathroom in the right cabinet.".

"Thank you" Lilly beamed and ushered them out. 

Lilly ran upstairs, then ran back excitedly with a few metall bottles, and found four strong men, and one little man sitting on the couch looking at her expectantly. Nick and Momo added themselves, looking as expectantly as the rest, even without knowing what was going on.

Lilly giggled and positioned herself in front of her audience. She didn't know if it was only her, but it didn't matter how small such funny cute little occasions were, she had decided to enjoy them fully, no matter what had been thrown at her. 

"Now I will show you one of the many secret weapons we women, and only some initiated men have. Look closely, Ladies and Gentlemen, this invention will change your life!" The only other lady here was the hysterical woman or better said, hollow woman -still not having changed her position. "Are you dumb, you need a brush." came from her at this moment.

They all turned to the hollow lady, suddenly speaking randomly.

Lilly was happy despite being scolded. She grinned. "Yes, yes! As you can see, Martha here knows it too!" She practically flew back to her room and came back with a hair brush.

"Now we have everything here and you can witness our powers." She announced. 

"Please look at my hair, it is greasy and unsightly. First we shake the bottle" Lilly did as she said. "Now we spray it on our hair." She sprayed it full of vigor. 

"Now!" Everyone looked at her curiously. "Now we brush our hair." The tension was lowered for a moment, as she bent forward and brushed her long blond hair. 

Suddenly she exclaimed "TADA!" Everyone besides Martha flinched a bit and looked at Lilly's hair which looked as if styled by a hairdresser.

"Magic!" Momo clapped with red cheeks and sparkling eyes.

Everyone followed suit and clapped in awe. 

Then they heard a chuckle. As they turned around, they saw Martha smiling at them with tears in her eyes. 

She wiped them away and said, "Yes, magic." 

Then she grinned brilliantly.