
Lifting of the Veil (BL)

When he woke up, he didn't know who he was, where he was, or even which year it was. All he knew was that he was somewhat impaired... There was just sand and he couldn't even see a few meters ahead. There were other survivors, and he even found a friend. Was this the apocalypse? And why is his clingy friend getting clingier as time goes by? Both MC and ML straight, mutual bending, shou perspective / dual perspective of MC and ML, they will probably be a reversible couple.., love interest falls in love first, there are explicit scenes planned. Have fun ^^ WARNING: LOTS OF SWEARING, BLOODY, GORE Cover is of "Global university entrance exam" (highly recommended), if I`m not allowed to use this please inform me! MC and ML should generally look like the two on the cover.

watAm0Te · LGBT+
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
39 Chs

18. Latrine

After Hunter went out, Jack looked at his new room, it should have been the room of a teenager, with shut nailed window frames, a bed that was a bit bigger, and shreds of what should be posters from bands that Jack wouldn't have recognized even if they were intact.

Aside from a few jokes, and a bunch of half-truths he 'heard' from somewhere, there was only blankness. He threw himself on the bed and lay on the back looking at his outstretched hand. It would be really cool if he were immortal. Yeah, he knew that everyone said they wouldn't choose immortality because if they did, they would lose their loved ones to death, or life wouldn't be meaningful anymore. Jack flexed his hand.

He would choose it and he would love it. He didn't want to die when he awoke, when he was on the ground floor of this building and he didn't want to die in the hospital. He wanted to live handsomely with his red jogging suit and his axe (where was his axe?) and with a new friend and the other bunch here.

A minute of complicated thoughts and he was in a deep sleep.

He woke up because he was sweating buckets. One would think it was because of a nightmare but it was because someone was clinging on to him. Hunter was sweating himself but that didn't stop his death grip. He lay on his chest, Jack assumed to check if he was still alive, and had his hand gripping Jack's upper arm across him.

"What a clingy chick."

"Not a chick." Hunter groggily mumbled before turning around and falling asleep again. Jack laughed silently, this helped, he didn't have to wrestle himself from Hunter away.

He went down the corridor, back to the living room and from there to the kitchen. He met Lilly and Loki.

"Awake?" Loki chuckled.

Lilly was busying herself organizing the loot that was brought back yesterday. "You were asleep for two days straight."

Jack was stunned. "Really?" Till the incident he didn't sleep a wink, only blacking out here and there so it was somewhat understandable. "When are we going out?"

Loki looked at his wrist for a non-existent watch and sighed "Approximately an hour from now." Lilly giggled at that.

"Where is everyone going to the toilet?"

"Ah." Lilly scratched her cheek. "When we came here we were all terrified and didn't want to leave our "safe stay", so we just made do with the toilets, even without water, but yeah... you saw that wasn't a solution so Nick, Loki, Sean and Lenny from upstairs went to the basement and loosened the bricks or something...there is our latrine now."

Loki continued "Just go downstairs as much as possible, there is a grey door, inside is a deep hole with wooden boards above. Thank goodness that we have enough toilet paper. But put the board back in place or we all dye from the smell."

"After Sean had a thing with Emely, her brother forced him to clean all the toilets we have ever used." Lilly laughed.

"Yeah, that was a sight. Haha" Loki suddenly gave Jack a serious look. "Don't mess with Emily."

So Lenny was her brother, he thought they were an item. "Why?" He asked, not really interested anyway.

"That poor girl did drugs and was somewhat promiscuous, so Lenny had to get her to withdraw often even before the incident, not very successful if you think how we lost years but she was even high when the explosion or whatever, came to be."

Lilly meddled "Don't talk about this to others..."

"I have to, because she has her sights on him, the girl is on substitutions she had on her, but it won't last much longer..."

"What about the hospital?" Lilly's eyes lit up.

"How about we go there later?" Jack asked Loki, while adding "I'm not interested in her, no worries."

"Yes, let's do that."

Jack had to use the toilet so he hurried to the basement, on the way he met Sean. He knew the other had a problem with him and inwardly rolled his eyes, let's see what it's gonna be.

"I'm a smoker...." he said cryptically, grinning as if he had won the lottery.

"I have no cigarettes on me." Jack walked past him and continued taking the stairs down.