
Lifting of the Veil (BL)

When he woke up, he didn't know who he was, where he was, or even which year it was. All he knew was that he was somewhat impaired... There was just sand and he couldn't even see a few meters ahead. There were other survivors, and he even found a friend. Was this the apocalypse? And why is his clingy friend getting clingier as time goes by? Both MC and ML straight, mutual bending, shou perspective / dual perspective of MC and ML, they will probably be a reversible couple.., love interest falls in love first, there are explicit scenes planned. Have fun ^^ WARNING: LOTS OF SWEARING, BLOODY, GORE Cover is of "Global university entrance exam" (highly recommended), if I`m not allowed to use this please inform me! MC and ML should generally look like the two on the cover.

watAm0Te · LGBT+
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
39 Chs

15. Shaved

"Let´s get you shaved, sit on the floor." Hunter obliged and Jack got on the little stool he used for washing, wet wipes, a fresh towel and shook the foam, while the other looked away awkwardly. Jack sat down and positioned Hunter's chin higher so he could see better.

"I think the beard is too long for just shaving, shouldn't we cut it first?"

"I'm too lazy to go out and get a scissor..." There was a knock and like magic Lilly brought a nail scissor.

"You are really our little fairy" Jack smiled and Lilly blushed a little before exclaiming "Wait!" she looked shocked at his head. "Wasn't there something in your head??" Ah yes, he had no hood covering his head right now.

"Fuck..." Hunter grumbled.

"We had to tell them sooner or later, they had seen me before." Jack turned his head and spoke to Lilly. "I fell and it got out, it wasn't that deep.." They only saw him for a moment and shouldn't be able to tell the extent of his injury.

Lilly knew he was lying because she checked him throughout after Nick told her that he should have come to their new stay. She was shocked beyond words, and it was a miracle that he was even able to walk and communicate. She had felt sorry for that handsome youth. They wanted to bury him but then the thing with Sean and Emily happened, and they wanted to do it later.

But she knew what to say and what not to say... It wouldn't be good if his condition was known to the others. "I see..." she said not very convincingly "Don't be afraid, I won't say a word about this."

"Do I look afraid?" Jack grinned evilly and Lilly's face was now fully red. Hunter took Jack by the back of his collar and said in a bad tone "Don't flirt with the poor girl" then turned to Lilly. "Thanks for the discretion. Could you look at his head wound later?" If she already knew then it didn't matter anymore.

She nodded and directly fled.

They sat down again, Jack first disinfected the scissor and then began to cut the long beard. "I didn't flirt, I was just joking."

"Yeah, tell that to her red face."

"I really am funny...should I tell you a joke?"

"You don't remember everything else, but you remember jokes?"

"I don't remember flirting either..."

"So you are a natural? Okay out with the joke."

After thinking for a moment he said "There was a zoo. And all they had was a dog... what a Shih Tzu." Jack looked blankly in Hunter's eyes for 10 seconds before he burst out "Bahhahahahahahah."

Hunter looked at him incredulous with the corner of his mouth twitching... What kind of kindergarten joke was this.... But seeing Jack laughing was somewhat infectious and he couldn't help himself anymore and chuckled before laughing with him.

Jack wiped his tears away and continued with cutting the beard. "See, I'm funny as hell."

"That was somewhat a Dad joke... no way was that funny as hell."

"It was, cause you laughed."

"That was just me humoring you."

"No, I was humoring you."

"Please let the Dad jokes be, it's starting to hurt physically."

"I can hurt you physically" Jack sniped with the tiny scissor in his hand before Hunter's face.

"You wouldn't do that to such a beautiful face." Hunter spread his thumb and index finger under his chin with a proud look.

"Yeah, you look like a chicken." Jack chuckled and Hunter touched his uneven plucked beard. "Hurry up with shaving, then you'll see what beauty looks like."

"A beautiful little chick..." Jack hummed but when the other glared at him he sat straight. "Yes sir, let's get down to business.". He shaked the foam again, and massaged it on Hunter's face, and looked at the eyes that stared at him while he was working.

"What are you staring for, wanna hook up?" Jack joked and Hunter scoffed. "Brother, I have a girlfriend who is much softer than you."

"I'm in no way soft." Jack winked.

Hunter was stunned for a moment before cracking up hard "What the fuck is wrong with you, get out!"

"Haha, no, no, I'll stop now, but close your eyes, the intense eye contact is creeping me out." Hunter had to take a deep breath to stop laughing. Man, he didn't know when the last time was he laughed.