
Life without Heart

Falling in love is sudden, easy, and fun. It's like a child going down a playground slide. Falling out of love is slow, difficult, and painful. It's like watching a child die of cancer. And the pain the silence the Feelings which got destroyed once, is like burning in a fire. A fire of Love, in which everything Dies only ashes remains alive

_forest_ice_3 · Thành thị
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12 Chs

Life without heart

Doctor standing there looking at them. Tears falling from his eyes.

"Why do you make them together God, if you have to separate them only like this" Doctor said in a low voice

Jim still holding Cherry and crying hardly

"She is dead..." Doctor said keeping hand on Jim's shoulder

"Please Doctor wake her up please I can't live without him please doctor please" Jim crying

"I can understand your pain" Doctors said with a sad face

Jim kissed Cherry on forehead

"Please say my name once Cherry, please" Jim said hugging her tightly

Jim kept Cherry on Bed Gently and ran out of the hospital

*Outside the hospital*

*In the rainy weather*

"Why! Why! Why God!! Why!!!" Jim shouted

Jim kneeled on the ground and started crying hardly.

As he kneeled on the ground Cherry's purse fallen out from his pocket.

He looked at Cherry's purse and hugged it tightly and then open it.

He saw a letter in her purse

//In The Letter//

\\Hey, my love, I know you would be very angry with me, as i left you alone on our Journey, but you also left me alone on Airport wasn't that was wrong, i know that both are different situations but wrong is wrong. Sorry, I don't know what to say that's why i am talking nonsense.

But Jim, i am so sorry, i also never thought that i have to leave you alone; but don't be sad, This Cherry is always with you, i am like your shadow; Jim no matter how much far i am; i will always love you. Body can be mortal but soul cannot be mortal and my love for you is immortal.

Don't live your entire life in regret of losing me. And if you dare to end your life, then i will never talk to you, You are brave, don't take actions like cowards. Jim, i left something for you, hope you will like it. So that's all i wants to say to you, I don't wants to say Goodbye but Goodbye Jim Take care of yourself or i will haunt you

- A lots of love from your Cherry \\

Jim closed the letter

"As soon as you left me, i started feeling loneliness in this world, and you are telling me to live my life, Living a life without heart

Cherry, i will always love you a lot, because my half heart will always be filled with your memories and half is death as you died." Jim said looking at the sky