
Life without Heart

Falling in love is sudden, easy, and fun. It's like a child going down a playground slide. Falling out of love is slow, difficult, and painful. It's like watching a child die of cancer. And the pain the silence the Feelings which got destroyed once, is like burning in a fire. A fire of Love, in which everything Dies only ashes remains alive

_forest_ice_3 · Thành thị
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12 Chs


"Falling in love is sudden, easy, and fun. It's like a child going down a playground slide. Falling out of love is slow, difficult, and painful. It's like watching a child die of cancer.

But what will happen when i will tell him about...." Cherry sighed looking out of her window

*Suddenly Phone Rings*

"Hello* Cherry said

"Cherry i want to meet you tomorrow on the old bridge." Jim said in a serious tone

"But Why??" Cherry asked

"If you want to know than come tomorrow." Jim said

"Ok, Good Night" Cherry replied sadly sitting on her bed

*suddenly phone cuts without the reply*

"I cannot tell him. He will not be able to handle it." as Cherry said this tears rolled down from her cheek. She started crying hardly covering her face with pillow.

*The Next Day*

* *On the old Bridge*

Jim was waiting for Cherry with a bunch of roses and a box of chocolates in his hand

"Come on Jim! you can do it" Jim said to himself with confidence.

Suddenly he notices Cherry coming

"Sh...Sh...She came" Jim looked at her with a bright smile on his face

Jim hided his Gifts inside a bush

"Jim what do you want to say??" Cherry said Looking at him

"I know you will come Cherry." Jim said with a smile on his face. He holded Cherry's hand.

*Cherry's P.O.V*

*|| Jim why are you making more difficult for me. Your smile is making me alive again, I have to go Jim.||

"Cherry actually...." Jim said Looking at her

As He was going to Complete his sentence he looked at Cherry. He saw blood coming from her nose.

"Cherry!!" Jim shouted Wiping blood from her nose

"Cherry are you alright!" Jim said anxiously

"I love You Jim" Cherry said in low voice

As Cherry said these words she fainted

"Cherry!! what Happened to you!!" Jim shouted rubbing her hands

"Don't worry Cherry There is a hospital Nearby I will take you there" Jim said holding her face.

Tears falling from Jim's eyes

He picked up Cherry in his arms and started running.

*At hospital*

"Doctor!! Doctor!! see what happened to My Cherry!!! " Jim started shouting

"Why are you shouting it's a hospital. What happened??" Doctor said Looking at her

"Doctor see what happen to Cherry, she was with me on the old bridge and suddenly blood started coming from her nose and she fainted." Jim said crying hardly

"You wait here, I will check now.

Nurse Just Take her to Operation theater fast." Doctor said

"will she be alright??" Jim said holding Doctor's hand

"I cannot say anything now just wait for me here." Doctor said keep hand on his shoulder.

*Operation room door closes*

**After some time Doctor came out with a sad face*

"What happened Doctor? How is she now??" Jim asked looking at him

Doctor looked at him With a sad face

"What happened Doctor please say something!!* Jim said worriedly

\\TO BE CONTINUED.......\\