
LIfe Took A Turn When I Turned Eighteen

Another typical day but special and strange at the same time. Emelie turned eighteen and excited to see her parents and celebrate this big day with them. But upon her arrival in the house, she came across a sight, which she can't unsee after seeing it... Her parents are eating flesh? they are not alive? and why is that man laying dead without a single blood drop in his body? Everything is strange. But then she soon realised, she was going to turn like them.... ( Warning : The cover image does not belong to me, credit to the respective owner. )

Flower_Looks · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
15 Chs

Chapter 6 : Mom and dad are not the same anymore

Writer's POV,

Emilie is in the restaurant, along with her two besties, they order food and when she sees what has come in front of her, she freaks out.

Not like she has never had steak before but it is giving her anxiety right now.

The three of them started to have their dinner, it was just her first bite, but when started to chew that piece of meat and the moment it went down her stomach, a weird sensation started to stir up in her stomach and mouth.

" What's happening to me? It's just a piece of meat, I have always had this once in a while, but right now ", She thought in her mind and looked at her girls.

" You look pale, is everything okay with you? ", Clair asked when she saw how uncomfortable and pale Emelie is looking.

She has been bitten by the undead, which means she was turning into one slowly slowly, and it was making her uncomfortable with the comfort food she used to know before.

The symptoms have started to appear and now she is experiencing them. Although the symptoms were very dense and not to be seen by anyone, she can never be the same again.

" I...need to go to the washroom, please excuse me ", Said Emelie and took her leave quickly.

Something inside her stomach was stirring and it was never a good feeling to feel it.

Without looking at her girls, she left.

When she arrived at the bathroom, the first thing she attempted to do was, vomiting everything that she had consumed.

" Are the symptoms appearing? ", She questioned herself as she looked at herself in the mirror. Lea and Clair were right about her, her complexion was turning to worse. The face which looked rosy and glowy, it was now pale, like a piece of sheet.

Due to the cooked meat that she consumed earlier, her whole stomach was hurting and everything came out with the source of vomit and mouth.

After she is done, she washed her face and is still staring at the mirror which is showing herself how bad she is looking.

At this moment, she folds her sleeves to look at the wound on her arm. After undressing the wound when she tried to look, one thing she realised.

The wound was healing fastly, the area around the biting mark, it was turning black and blue, while blue vains forming around, as if those were tree roots, spreading around.

" After this, let's go our own way, I can't stay with them. Or else, I might end up hurting them ", She mumbled.

It was at this moment, she realised how scary it was.

She wrapped the bandage after looking and staring, there was nothing more left to this...

When she came out of the washroom and was about to head towards her girlfriends, she once again bumped to someone.

And once again, it was Andrien before her.

He does not look surprised to see her there and look away from her. Emelie on other than was getting a strange feeling from him.

" Be honest with me, are you stalking me? ", She asked in a serious tone filled with shock.

Seeing him three times in a day and on a moment when she wants to stay hidden. She somehow started to feel that he was following her and maybe trying to find something against her.

Andrien on other hand was baffled by her idiotic speech.

" I am here with my buddies. And to mind you, we have booked dinner here long ago for today. Who knows what goes into your stupid head ", He said.... Throwing sarcasm at her.

Emelie still thinks he was stalking her since she was meeting him everywhere but decided to let it go since she has no proof and he seems much more confident in himself.

" Since it's a coincidence, please do your own job and ignore me ", She exclaimed.

Obviously telling him indirectly to not disturbed her or try to do anything funny.

She then left after saying so. But Andrien is left in a baffled situation. " So she did not believe me, she is really strange ", He thought in his mind and decided to focus on his business.

But....there is something which is screaming that she is acting strange, he doesn't know why but his guts are telling him that she is hiding something.

Her eyes were puffy when she left a while ago, as if she had cried. And it was the same situation this afternoon as well.

Emelie returned to her friends and they were waiting for her. They told her to eat but she declined.

" Eme, you sure you are okay? From the moment you returned from your parents, you are acting strange. Spill the beans if you are hiding something from us. No matter what the problem is, we will support you regardless of it ", Said the both as they take a hold on her hands.

They don't know what is wrong with her but she does not look okay in any case scenario.

If to talk about Emelie, she wanted to tell them everything honestly but afraid that they might distance themselves from her or might not let her go, she chose to stay quiet and lie.

" Actually, I had food in the cafe this afternoon on my way back. But then I realised that the waiter had served peanuts in my food. And as you all know, when I consume peanuts, my stomach starts to act weird. That's it... It's the reason why ", She said with an upset expression on her face.

Trying to make them believe in her and it does work out.

" Alright! After this we will go to the hospital, can't see you in this condition, alright? ", They both said in unison.

" As you two suggest, my queens. But I want to have some fresh air, can I go out? Umm! Do one thing, you guys eat and then go back, I want to spend some alone time. Will it be okay with you? ", Emelie presented everything she wanted.

Clair and Lea looked at each other, they found her little strange but they still believe her and agree to let her go.

" Alright! Go back and stay however you like, after you are done taking your fresh air, return back to the dormitory ".

Emelie smiled brightly and got up from the seat. She thought it would take her a lot of effort to convince them but it was an easy task.

" I should get out from here ", she thought.

" Girls, meet you later ".

She said and took her leave. As she came out of the restaurant, she headed towards a quiet and abandoned place, area.

After she spots that no one is around, she dials a number.

The phone rings the bell like three times before the person on the other side picks it up.

" Hello! ".

The person on the other side is her sister, the elder one.

" Sis! How are you doing? ", Emelie asked first thing.

" What's wrong? Something happened right? Tell me what the issue is, Adeline asked.

It is already strange that Emelie called her at this time and that too asked her how she is doing?

It's insane to even think that Emelie would call her sister for such a simple greeting.

Emelie felt a surge of emotions piling her heart after hearing ber sisters voice.

" Sis, nothing is normal ", She said to Adeline.

Adeline is confused now, it's the first time that Emelie had presented something concerning before her.

" Eme, what's happening? Be clear, I can't understand what you want to convey. Is everything okay at home? You went home today right? They didn't call me ", Adeline is worrying about her baby sister now.

" Edel, I went home today but...but mom and dad...they ", Emelie is stuttering, she don't know how to say it all but she is scared.

" Baby girl, don't be scared and tell me what's happening ", Adeline encouraged her to speak.

She could sense that something is worrying her and is making her scared.

" Mom and dad, they are no more normal and I think...I will turn like them soon. When I went home, I saw mom and dad eating out the head maid, It was scary ".

Emelie is shaking while saying all those and she is not happy to talk about all this.

Adeline is now going into a more confused state, she does not understand what Emelie really wants to say.

" Eme, are you saying that our mom and dad were eating our head maid? You mean they were doing cannibalism? ", Adeline is shocked to know this fact but she still does not believe what Emelie is trying to say.

" Eme, see! Maybe...maybe you have seen something wrong, maybe what you saw was just an act, it can be true right? ", Adeline trying to defend.

Emelie shook her head vigorously over the phone.

" Sis, I am not saying mom and dad are criminals, they were never. But they are not the same anymore...they.. they just ".