
My background

<p>Many of us started life from started from little. My life(Miss Grace) started from dust. <br/>I am the first child of a family of four, Great right!? It wasn't smooth and easy for me. Having tough parents are really good but frustrating. A primary school teacher as a mother, and a car mechanic as a father, and this is how my began. <br/>My name is Grace Micheal, I was born on the 13th day of April in the year 2005 by Mr and Mrs Elisus and Eunice Micheal as their first daughter and child out of four children two boys and girls, Nice combination you know? As a baby, I never knew how easy or hard its been for my parents, but I was convinced that they really gave me the best of life as a baby. Food, shelter and my basic need we're never a problem. I was born with silver spoon, but life snatched it from me and gave me a wooden or no spoon. <br/>I started keeping my life memory when I turned 8years...</p>