
Life of the Retired Hero

In 2030, suddenly the sound of the depths of hell reached the ears of humanity, suddenly monsters ascended at the surface of the mother nature. The humanity was powerless at that time because they firearms was not enough to kill the monsters, but one person showed up, with the use of unknown supernatural abilities he stopped the calamity and squash all monsters who stepped the surface of planet earth. And after that Gate appeared on the planet Earth similar with the term of monsters den, luckily some people was blessed with abilities appeared that can hold the gate with their abilities. But this was also the date when the hero vanished without a trace. Five years later, the hero was happily living as a normal person without being disturbed. (The cover I use is not mine, if you want to take down just ask me) And also, this is my first time writing a novel so please be considered that my writing is so bad, thank you.

JANEMBA · Kỳ huyễn
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2 Chs

Destroying the Gate

In the tall building center of New York City, a black man with mascular body stared with complexion in his face.

Suddenly someone opened the door rashly.

A beautiful girl with curvy body entered without permission, but her face was in panic.

"Sir John, there was a gate appeared in our territory, and it was Rank A based on the sizeness and color"

"What!, call our elite squad!, Immediately if they hesitate I will deal with them!, Tell them in urgent"

"Roger sir"

"What a bad day today, I hope this won't be disaster than before" John scratch his head with a murderous aura envelope his surroundings.

While the woman trembling in fear but in her mind it was fabulous sight that he sees a beautiful intent towards him.

"Wonderful!, Truly wonderful"

Humans around the gate immediately ran and panicking, but Luke didn't care about this humans anymore if the computer didn't wreck he didn't want to take action.

"You've cross the line you bastards!" He didn't hesitate to enter the gate, he rashly ran towards it.


While Rey was hiding in the bush, he sees Luke rashly going inside the gate.

"That bastard!, Is he going to commit suicide?" Rey quickly go into action to stop Luke but it was to late.

"Fucking shit, even I'm so arrogant, I cant watch some people die"

Rey run towards the entrance and directly go inside.

"If I can save Luke, I will beat him rashly and humiliate him fuck"

But Rey didn't expected what happened, there was many corpses in his sight and not only that all of their heads are squashed.

"What happened here?, Ahh what a disgusting sight, Rey covered his mouth and he nearly vomit, if normal person sees this eventually they vomit luckily his mental was surprass normal human that he can hold that disgusting sight.

But Rey found it strange, he didn't know who killed this monsters or someone did it first.

"I got worried for nothing" Rey shook his head but suddenly someone stab him in the back.

"Ah!, Who is it?"

When he look at his back he was trembled, the presence of the monster fears him, the monster has creepy face that ready to eat him.

"Fuck!" Rey spat many blood, and suddenly he was about to pass out.

"Curse you Luke!" But somebody healed him.

"Curse me?, Even if I healed you right now?" Luke with torn clothes appeared on his sight.

"Ah, Luke, you healed me?" Rey was dumbfounded, he didn't expected that Luke was actually a healer not also that he was able to cast S rank spell but even he was a high ranking healer they didn't have a firepower to defeat this monster

"Run away Lu----"

Luke immediately cast a rank A spell called Arrow of Phoenix that destroy the head of the monster.

"Ahh" Rey was shocked what happened, he was not expecting of this even he was a rank F he was able to cast higher spell, it was all high ranking, and also he cannot define what class he had.

"Are you truly a Rank F?" Rey asked him a question but Luke didn't answer it.

"Please keep it a secret or else I might kill you here" Luke gaze pierce Rey and nearly passed out.

"Now let's finish this, Hey, Rey catch up or else you will die"


Rey attacked all monsters coming from his way while running, Rey extremely scared to see, his eyes only on Luke so that he will survive.

Until all monsters in the area eradicated besides the boss.

"Rey, good job for baiting all monsters" Luke give him a thumbs up.

"What did you say?"

"I cast a spell in your body don't worry done is done"

"The fuck?"


"What the fuck is that? It's so creepy I can't move, to think Xenomorph monster is on this gate.

Xenomorph is belong to the High ranking monster, they belong to the calamity monsters who nearly destroyed the earth five years ago.

"Obviously it's a boss monster but don't worry i will deal with it from now on"

Luke undo his seal a little and his aura erupted the surroundings. Rey mouth was opened and stretch upwards.

Luke revealed his aura intendedly so Rey can see his rank.

"I can't believe it, you're belong to the S rank but why did you hide it?"

"Because I want a peaceful life"

Luke casts an ancient magic spell called heavenly burst, which Rey mesmerized by his sight after seeing his spell.


After that he throw it to the Xenomorph, upon the impact the Xenomorph turns into an ash.

Afterwards the Gate crumbles and immediately they was transported outside.

"Ah were out now" Luke was relieved that he eradicated the gate early also he sealed back his powers that make him again rank F.


"What happened here?, The report was a mistake?"

The fabulous group called the Ace of Echo Guild appeared at the destination but they was disappointed that they cannot have a real battle.

"Harry call the Guild Leader that there was no gate in here"


John picked up his phone and answered it.

"Harry, are you done?"

"No, there was no gate here"

"What!, But I have a report that there was a gate in that area"

"I cannot lie sir there was no one here"

Harry hang up his phone, and sighed. "To think I cancelled my date by this"

"Anna, Try to asked the people who here"

Anna knock the door one of the houses and they immediately opened it.

"Miss what happened here before we arrive"

The girl heart was throbbing and immediately response it.

"Ma'am there was a gate appeared in the middle of the road"

"Then why it was disappeared?" Anna asked.

"I don't know why but after it disappeared somebody else comes out to the gate"

"Who is it?"

"I don't know the one with the long hair man but the one was my neighbor"

"Where can I find it?"

"At the center of the apartment you can find him"

"Thank you miss"

Anna walked back to the group and inform them what happened.

"To think that there was a hidden expert hiding in this area, Let's go find the man who's behind the disappearance of the gate.