
First sight (Full story

Dan had been training in martial arts for two years. He had learned all the styles, from Muay Thai to Taekwondo, Kung Fu to Karate, Lethwei to Capeori, and even boxing. He was in great shape, and he felt confident in his ability to defend himself.

One day, after a long day of training at the gym, Dan was walking home when he saw a girl being chased by some thugs. He knew he had to do something to help her. He quickly ran towards the thugs and with his martial arts skills, he knocked them all down one by one.

The girl had short brown hair, brown eyes, and a cute face. Her name was Ayesha. Dan asked if she was okay, and she nodded. He asked for her name, and she told him. As they looked into each other's eyes, Dan felt something he had never felt before. It was love at first sight.

Ayesha gave Dan her phone number, and they parted ways. Dan couldn't stop thinking about her. He knew he had to see her again.

Dan called Ayesha the next day, and they arranged to meet up. They went on a date to a local restaurant, and they talked for hours. Dan learned that Ayesha was a student at a nearby university, studying to become a doctor.

They had so much in common, and they both loved martial arts. Ayesha was impressed by Dan's skills, and she asked him to teach her some moves. Dan was more than happy to oblige.

They started training together every day, and soon they became good friends. But Dan couldn't help but feel something more for Ayesha. He wanted to tell her how he felt, but he didn't want to ruin their friendship. He decided to keep his feelings to himself for now.

Dan and Ayesha continued to train together every day. They had become inseparable, and everyone at the gym knew they were the best of friends. But Dan couldn't help but feel jealous when other guys talked to Ayesha.

One day, while they were training, Dan finally mustered up the courage to tell Ayesha how he felt. He confessed his love for her, and to his surprise, Ayesha felt the same way.

They started dating, and their relationship was like a fairytale. They went on romantic dates, watched movies together, and even trained in martial arts together. Dan was the happiest he had ever been.

But their happiness was short-lived. One day, Ayesha's ex-boyfriend came back into her life. He was a martial arts champion, and he wanted to challenge Dan to a fight.

Dan knew he couldn't back down from the challenge. He had to defend his honor and his relationship with Ayesha.

The day of the fight arrived, and Dan was nervous. He had never fought someone as skilled as Ayesha's ex-boyfriend. But he knew he had to do it for Ayesha.

The fight was intense, and both fighters gave it their all. But in the end, Dan emerged victorious. Ayesha was proud of him, and she knew that he was the one for her.

Dan and Ayesha's relationship continued to grow stronger. They trained together every day, and they even started a martial arts school together. They became known as the power couple of the martial arts world.

Years went by, and Dan and Ayesha got married. They had a beautiful ceremony, and all their friends and family were there to celebrate with them.

Dan continued to write novels and anime stories, and Ayesha became a successful doctor. They had a happy life together, filled with love, martial arts, and adventure.

And every time Dan looked into Ayesha's eyes, he knew that he had found his soulmate.