
Life of Emma

Life of Emma is all about the journey of a young African girl named Emma who try to overcome the criticisms of the society,parents and her self

Ellse_Wills_1357 · Thanh xuân
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Chapter 9

That when I set my eyes upon James who was a senior at that time and he was also Cliton elder brother.

He seem like an easy target to me because I knew a lot about him from Cliton and it wasn't hard gathering more information about him. We were also in a talking range because I was friends with Cliton so we often exchanged pleasantries and I figured Cliton will finally show the kind of reaction I wanted.

Like the saying "if you can't get the guy, get the guy brothers".Cliton has two brothers, one senior and the other junior. I had already won his junior brothers heart by giving him candy during breaks, it got to the extents that when ever he saw me he would run towards me and hug my legs,I didn't mind or find his behavior annoying I even thought it was cute,maybe because of my love for children but I always look forward to see him during break.

So I started to hatch up plans to get close to James,I started with baby steps first like always being were he was during break and of course making my presence known by laughing out loud a couple of times or even reading a book to make my self look more smarter.

I obviously knew it was going to work because I was a narcissist then and I thought I had a full prove plan but of course I was also anxious about his response towards my plan. I noticed my plan started working because he started noticing my presence.I was so excited when I realized this and I literally celebrated when I got home which made a lot of people ask questions about my happiness and to which I just smiled because I couldn't tell them my plan to get my crush elder brother to like me was working.

My celebration was only for a short while before I started to cook up more plans to make operation fall in love succeed.So I tried my best to appear more frequently front of James which includes having little chit chat with him every day which led to bigger chat conversations,I would always plan what to say to make the conversation more interesting,lengthy and not awkward which I was successful in sometimes while other times I made it even more awkward.

As I had more conversations with James I noticed he started getting interested in me. He would always ask a lot of questions during our conversations and even waving after me whenever we saw.

The idea that he started getting interested in me and that my plan also worked made me happy but it only lasted for a little while. It started becoming stressful interacting with the three brothers and sometimes I had to see one and reject the other.

I had to juggle my schedule to fit all three of the brothers and I also had figure out ways to get attention from other people because I wasn't satisfied with the attention I get from the brothers so everytime I got home I slept like a baby because of how stressed I got.

Months later the Cliton and his brothers left. When I found out the news I was happy at first that I didn't have to deal with them anymore but the fact that I wouldn't get to see nor talk to them anymore made me quite sad but I didn't dwell on this for long until I went looking for my next target.