
Life of Emma

Life of Emma is all about the journey of a young African girl named Emma who try to overcome the criticisms of the society,parents and her self

Ellse_Wills_1357 · Thanh xuân
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12 Chs

Chapter 5

Weeks went by which turned into months,the end of the session came to an end and we where on holiday.I spent my holiday mostly by sleeping and playing with my siblings,I and my siblings relationship increased greatly.I was still a little quiet but I was much more playful so my mom didn't worry or ask silly questions again.

The holiday flew like a day and before I knew it was the day of resumption.I didn't want to go to school I cried so much but my parents didn't listen,so I was dragged to school I was a little excited to see my classmates and to be out of the house but i was afraid of what will happen.

So by the time we got to school I have already stopped crying but started again when my mom left but I cried silently while put my head on my desk,I did so in order to avoid being mocked by my classmates for being a cry baby,but am sure I wasn't the only one crying because of the continuous sniffles I heard.

So when I finally calmed down I started arranging my books in my desk and observing our class and while I was looking around I saw a cute boy standing front of our classroom door with his mother,elder sister and teacher.

He was wearing our school uniform while his elder sister was wearing the senior uniform.I can't really remember what exactly I was thinking at that time but one thing is for sure that I thought he was cute.

So the teacher introduced him front of the class let call him Wilfred.His assigned desk was front of mine so I was at his back,which made me to be able to observe him closely even if it was his back.

So his mom and sis later left and my classmates poured in one after the other.After the assembly the class was filled with different conversations and talks.So the teacher asked us to introduce ourselves which we do every time we have a new student.So one by one names was called and when it got to my turn I noticed Wilfred was looking at me I just thought he was because it was my turn.

So class officially started but we don't really do much the first week of resumption so immediately after the teacher left the class it was filled with chattering and since Wilfred was a new student,a few of my brave classmates approached while others including me just listened even if we pretended not to.

I just laid my head on the desk with a book on my lap pretending like I was reading inorder to avoid anyone from approaching me.So while listening I gain a lot of information about Wilfred which I noted every single information in my head.

I later started talking and playing with my classroom which led me to my old self again.So as days went by I heard someone saying that Wilfred was asking stuff about me like he wanted to get to know me,but we rarely talked except from exchanging pleasantries and when needed to by the teacher so I was surprised even if I always stared at his back I even saw a birthmark back of his ear,that how much I observed him everyday.Once or twice our eyes meet but I will quickly avert my eyes and pretend like I wasn't staring at him.

So I started thinking of a plan to start talking to him since i have gathered a lot of information about him. like the saying (first know who your dealing with)