
Chapter 369: Garbage Time on the Battlefield

Charles II still looked puzzled, "But at present, there hasn't been any conflict between France's peasants and nobles."

The Marquess of Wellesley waved the spoon in his hand as though it were his sword, "Then we shall do something to disrupt their tranquility."

"You mean?"

"We'll issue a land redemption policy on behalf of the French Government. I will initiate channels in Paris to proclaim to the nobility that the government intends to distribute land to the peasants at a very low price."

While speaking, the Marquess of Wellesley pointed at Vandernoot, "Your people, on the other hand, will tell the French peasants that the King has decided to have them pay the costs of supporting the nobility for hundreds of years.

"When both sides are extremely dissatisfied, you will join forces with the Liberals of France and lead the peasants in an uprising. France will undoubtedly be plunged into chaos!"