
Chapter 360: The Mounted Artillery Shows Their Might Again

The Guard Corps maintained a rigid formation, rapidly firing volleys of three ranks while continuously advancing forward.

Under this machine-like efficient and precise assault, the hastily-formed infantry lines of the Hanoverian Army were eventually cut into three sections.

On the one-kilometer wide battlefield, groups of Hanoverian soldiers would throw down their weapons and turn to flee every few minutes, despite the efforts of their officers to stop them.

Soon, even the officers began to run away.

As the infantry lines behind the Guard Corps had not yet pressed forward, the sound of the military drums changed, and they immediately altered their formation, enveloping the enemy from both sides.

Mula, from a distance, heard the disordered sounds of the enemy's drums becoming sporadic and his heart leapt with excitement—that meant there was a problem in the enemy's defenses.

Indeed, the command from the commander came—Cavalry Camp, form up, pursue the defeated enemy.