
Chapter 224: The New Province of France

Tunis City.

A squad of Berbers, dressed in white robes lined with a dark grey studded waistcoat and their heads wrapped in white turbans, slowly walked between the beige, square houses on both sides of the street, escorting hundreds of captives from the Algiers Guard, their scimitars in hand.

A large crowd of Tunisians followed behind, loudly cursing the Algerian invaders, occasionally throwing various kinds of trash at the heads of the captives.

The ambush at Annaba was a great success. Caught between two French forces, the Algiers Guard surrendered in less than an hour.

Joseph had carefully selected some of the captives to hand over to the locals, to be "exhibited" in major cities like Tunis, Sousse, and others.

The official propaganda was that "Tunisia's closest French friends, with the help of the Rebel Army, had struck a painful blow to the Algerian invaders."