
Life Of A Young Author

Klein, a high schooler who has been locking himself in his room ever since he lost his best friend. His mother never bothered pushing him to go to school. Since he had nothing to do, he started writing novels online. He got a lot of 5 stars reviews but somehow his book is never 5 stars! He needs to look for the comment with no 5 stars! He continued writing until his fifth book was published online. Suddenly, a reader of his reaches out to him and wishes him luck with his new book. It was normal to him but when he checked the person’s account, he saw their past comments. Turns out they had commented a lot on his book and he reads every comment written by them. He was shocked to find the person pointing out his mistake and their opinion on his book. Not a full 5 stars review! Never once he felt hurt by review until this person appears. K: Do you mind if I offer you to be my assistant. K.DMed.ME: O.O? And that...is how Klein made his first friend. ~ Warning: Contain(s): slight bl Not so good English triggering topics ~ Criticism are welcome in the comment section!

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They finally get to go home and again, Klein's two friends are following him to the Class E bus. They're not alone though because they also drag out friendly elite student, Louis. He just let Woo Young and Han drag him after seeing them begging like two cute little kittens.

They sat down like before and Louis sat down next to Han. They talk a lot on their way back while Klein himself sleeps through the conversation. When they reach their school, Klein runs away from his three friends. He reaches home early and get a phone call from Han.

'It's not even one hour yet-'

He answer the call and heard Han screaming in terror. This scared the young author to death which caused him to drop his phone. Because it was a hard fall, the phone screen broke a little which caused Klein to bite his lips, helding himself from cursing.

'I bought that using my own money…I get paid less this month you…UGLY MONKEY!'

"Sorry Klein! My dad was chasing me because I embarrassed him on our trip!"

He looked at Klein in the video call and saw the guy making ugly face. Seems like he's about to cry but he's just staring at the camera or maybe the phone.


"...I broke my phone screen."

Han stares at him before ending the call. He knew it's his fault when his boss was quiet for a few seconds before answering him. Klein's mother was cooking in the kitchen but then, she heard a scream from her son's room.

"I haven't heard him having that much energy in a while."

The bell rings and Klein opens the door in a bad mood. He saw his lovely assistant so he did the first thing that came to mind. If you know what it is, congratulations.

He takes the cake from Han's hand and slam the door closed.

If there is Han, there is cake.

Han rings the bell again and again until Klein's mother appears to open the door this time. She saw Han with a sad face, almost crying because Klein is mad at him. She knew very well she had to let the kid in so he wouldn't cry. Han enters Klein's room and hug him while crying.


Klein ate his cake in a bad mood. He tried to push the boy away but he won't budge at all. Alright, it's suffocating so he needs to say it.

"Fine. Now go. I need to write a new chapter."

"Oh! I could help you then!"

Klein sighs and lets the boy stay. He starts writing with Han watching next to him. What he noticed is, he wrote too fast but the boy was able to catch up. A writer who types fast and a reader who reads fast? Now this is some kind of cool duo.

They work for a while but Klein's mother did drop by to bring them some tea and snacks. Han was eating while reading but then, he hit Klein's head with his dirty hand. This caused Klein to look at him with more furious look.

"What. (#`Д´)"

"No one wants to know what's in the cabinet!"

"...but shouldn't we be detailed in everything?"


After screaming, Han realised not only he screamed at his boss but he also used the wrong hand to hit him. Again, he kneels down like how he did at the school trip and say his last word.

"Will you give me another chance to apolog-"

Klein kicked him aside and continued writing. This is total hell, why did he agree to communicate with this fiend. Ah, right, he needs his foul mouth to write better. He helps the boy up which confuses Han. After that, he continued writing as if nothing happened.


"I still need you to earn money. Be grateful I don't unalive you today."

"Y-YES! Thank you!"

Klein's mother, who's standing in front of his room, laughs at their antics and knocks on the door. Seems like it's time to eat. They leave the room and both Han and Klein's mother wait for him to eat first as if he's the boss of the house.

"Can you eat it? I can cook the noodles if you want."

While chewing the vegetable, he lit up when he heard the words noodles. Han covers his mouth and looks at Klein's loving mother.

"He can eat it for sure! Even on a school trip, he was able to eat normal healthy food!"

"Ah, thanks for taking care of him!"

Klein looked down, poking at his food while glancing at Han. He can't be mad at the boy in front of his mom but he had to make sure the boy let him eat the noodles. Han knew whatever Klein was thinking and ignored him completely. No way in hell will he fall for those puppy eyes.

He's now using the kitchen to cook some noodles for his boss.

Klein's mother chuckles but asks Klein to eat some rice before he eats the noodles. As an obedient son, he eats some of the rice while waiting for Han to finish cooking his noodles. Won't he feel full if he eats the rice?

No. He always says "I will always have some space for noodles." so…yeah.

When the noodles arrive, Klein's mother already goes to her room to finish her work while Klein starts eating. Han searches for something on his phone and shows it to Klein.

"This is a diet I set for you. From now on, you only get to eat one noodle per week. This week, today you eat it. The next few days, do not. I repeat, do not! Eat any noodles."


"K, my lovely boss. I won't hesitate to tell people that you don't know how to spell dodgeball."




Han: Why won't you do a face reveal?

Klein: I am an author, not a celebrity.