
life of a nerd

"in case you didn't notice, you are talking to me Einstein" Stephano glared at me "and so" Leah glared back crossing her arms over her chest. "who are you" he scoffed "her best friend, and I won't let you talk to my best friend like that" Leah retorted boldly shocking me. "I'm not talking to you, get lost" Stephano's glare hardened "now Einstein" "it's Caitriona" I huffed feeling irritated. Before all this Caitriona was just a simple book worm till she met Leah, Stephano and Gavin.

RailaJean · Thanh xuân
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7 Chs

chapter 3: Tutoring.

Everyone's a nerd inside. I don't care how cool you are.

~Channing Tatum.

"all these things are absurd!" my mum exclaimed as she went through the list of activities later in the evening.

"I could do join the music club" I suggested earning a glare telling me to shut up.

"and what exactly will you do in music club Caitriona, please enlighten me." she taunted

"nothing" I sighed

"I thought so" she scoffed. "Cheer leading, the only thing you can cheer is nothing" she laughed like she had been doing for the last hour. "OK, its decided, you are going to a new school"

"I checked the Harvard form, there is a spot for me to fill in my extracurricular activity." I spoke quickly.

"we'll make up on"

"and what if they ask me questions?"

"you'll be prepped in advance."

"and what if they change the questions?"

"what's your point" she glared

"I could just pick on of these activities here." I shrugged

"like what, basketball, you can't through anything with those weak arms let alone play soccer with those legs." she mocked "or maybe art when you can barely draw a line."

"I was thinking tutoring, me tutoring someone will be like me revising." I swallowed hard hoping she got my point.

"I'll think about it"

"but I've got till tonight to pick one."

"transferring is an option too, now go study"

"mum" I looked at her in disbelief.

"I said go to your room and study now!" she snapped making me run off to my room.

Not feeling the mood to study, I locked my door and sulked at how miserable my life was. I've been to numerous schools and I was tired of transferring.

The next morning my mum came and told me not to bother getting ready as I would not be going so I just stayed indoor studying and reading novels. The weekend came and it went by really slow.

"Caitriona!" my mum yelled pulling me out of my sleep. "Caitriona!"

Groaning I got out of bed and went to see what she wanted.

"why aren't you ready?" she narrowed her eyes dangerously at me.

"oh" I gasped, I can't believe I had forgotten it was a Monday.

"don't oh, go and get ready, you've got 20 minutes" she ordered and I quickly run to my room. I took a quick shower and brushed my teeth and over curly hair which my mum ensures is straightened at the salon every weekend. Unlike most people, all my clothes where arranged perfectly, I had a outfit set for every day of the week this month, so I just got it out and put it on along with a pair of my Maryjane shoes. I grabbed my backpack and rushed downstairs where mum was waiting.

"I'm ready" I announced

"its about time" she rolled her eyes and advanced to the door. I grabbed some carrots and dip with an apple and sparkling water before following go the car.

The car ride was quiet as usual which I was thankful for, I didn't want to talk to my mother, I wasn't going to forgive her for making me transfer.

"get out of the car!" mum yelled snapping me back to reality

"huh?" I looked at her confused.

"its too early to be daydreaming don't you think" she scolded "get out of the car"

Confused, I looked through the tinted window only to see I was in my schools parking lot.

"why the change of heart?" I asked confused

"no school will let you not have one of those useless activities so you might as well tutor here" she spoke her voice drenched in boredom.

"thank you!" I screamed wanting to hug her.

"don't just go before I decide to home school you." she scrunched her nose in disgust.

"OK, bye, have an amazing day!" I squealed getting out of the car.

I was so excited, I walked straight to the principals office and luckily Mr Robertson was there too.

"ah Ms Rosefield." they both spoke at the same time.

"good morning" I beamed "I pick tutoring for my ECA" I told them before they replied to my greeting.

"of course you did" Mr Desmond sighed

"you begin after school, come to my office when your last period ends and I'll show you your student."

"OK" I nodded and turned to leave.

After my last class, I went to Mr Robertson's office.

"you know I was worried you were going to transfer" he told me as we walked down the crowded hallway.

"really?" I looked at him shocked

"yeah, I didn't want to lose my top student" he praised making me smile. "and I'm glad you picked tutoring, some of these empty heads can use a piece of your brains." he spoke making me laugh.

"where are we going?" I asked as we walked to the sport field.

"to meet the empty head you'll be dealing with." he chuckled. "Michelson get your sweaty ass here!" he yelled when we were close enough to the football field where the team was practicing.

"why are is he coming here?" I asked as one of the guys jogged to where we were.

"Sup teach" the sweaty guy disrespectfully tapped Mr Robertson's back.

"this is your tutor." Mr Robertson pointed at me.

"excuse me, what!" I exclaimed.

"you heard me, Gavin this is Caitriona-"

"what kind of name is that" he scrunched his nose.

"Caitriona this is Gavin your student, you get to teach him calculus." Mr Robertson ignored the comment

"her, teach me calculus" Gavin scoffed arrogantly

"yes her and you better pay attention, if you fail my class you won't play any game." he warned "now if you'll excuse me, I've got papers to mark, have fun."

"Mr Robertson" I run after him


"jocks are the worst" I whined

"and his all yours" he patted my back

"I don't want him."

"you picked tutoring not me, so deal with it plus don't judge a book by its cover, maybe your experience together will be great also you don't have an option." he smiled and left.

"yoh nerd, sit by the benches, I'm still practicing." Gavin told me

"my name is Caitriona" I mumbled

"I said sit by the benches!" he yelled thinking I'm deaf and run back to his teammates.

Huffing, I walked to the benches and got my personal journal out and started writing.

"we'll study from here!" Gavin yelled when he came back all fresh and showered thankfully.

"h- here" I stuttered looking up

"yes here or do you is your brain too sensitive to hot temperatures." he teased making his teammates laugh.

"nice one cap" one of them laughed

"take it easy on her, her brain cells are too complex cap." Toby from my AP biology class mocked making the team laugh even more.

"get lost!" the coach also my Algebra teacher yelled at them.

"yes sir" they walked off still laughing.

"where are you lagging in calculus?" I asked him.

"everywhere" he shrugged

"please be serious" I pleaded

"I'm not." he shrugged causing my mouth to fall agape.

"OK, we'll start with the basics of calculus." I told him "do you have your note and text books?"

"I need those" he crocked his eyebrows at me finally looking up from his phone.

"yes" I nodded cussing myself internally. This was going to be a long school year.