
Life of a God in the Multiverse

This is an Autobiography of a God, from the moment he died, up to the point he reins supreme over the entire Multiverse. Follow Soren as he tells us about his life, and how sightseeing in the different worlds would cause him troubles befitting a God. Disclaimer!: I do NOT own any franchise that I may use in this Fan Fiction, and it is purely for entertainment, and mental relief for fantasy. All work goes to their proper creators... Please support the Official release! Disclaimer 2: The cover image is not my picture, it's just a representation of what I assume the main character Soren would look like, I will take it down if you show proof that you own the picture and wish me to take it down

God_King_Soren · Tranh châm biếm
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71 Chs

Chapter 50: What Happened Here?

When Kouki stated his wish, the Grand Priest had a small smile appear on his face, before he stated the wish to the gigantic golden dragon, and with a simple phrase in the Divine language, the dragon dubbed as Super Shenron by Goku and his friends, spoke.

[Your wish has been granted]: super shenron

And with that, the dragon turned into a blinding golden light that disappeared from the neverending void, as his starlight whizzed past the remains of the previously eliminated universes, and sprinkled its magical dust over the remains as the universe were brought back into existence, making everyone confused as to why they were alive once again, but deep down were thankful to whoever won the tournament and wished them back to life. As the magic was happening, Soren had a small thought pass through his head as he watched the previously destroyed universe be recreated, and inwardly thought quite a dark thought.

'They were erased, meaning that they didn't just die, but had their entire existence killed off where not even a soul is left, but due to the wish, everyone was brought back into existence… So how did the dragon take something that no longer existed, and make it exist again… Maybe the people brought back aren't the same people that were erased, rather they are newly created beings with the same memories and experiences embedded into their minds?': soren

As Soren thought of such a dark and wicked possibility, Whis happened to notice Soren's contemplative face, and simply asked.

[What's wrong, Soren?... Has something bothered you about this turn out?]: whis

[Huh?... Oh, no, nothings wrong… I was just thinking that something that was erased can't just be brought back, as it no longer exists, even if you turn back time, it was erased at its core, meaning it doesn't even exist in the past… So how did the dragon bring back the universes?... Or are they not the same people as those who were erased to begin with?]: soren

Upon hearing Soren's question, Whis also thought about that, but quickly gave a chuckle as he then spoke.

[Well it's best not to think too much into it, as the divine dragon is capable of many things, as he is the only being in existence that could rival the Omni-King]: whis

Soren heard Whis' hushed voice, and decided to not put much thought into it, and instead just continue on with the congratulations ceremony, as the Grand Priest and Zeno came down to congratulate Universe 7 for their win, while Negi decided to be the one to pop the question about what would have happened if a wish of anything but the revival of the universes was made, and like the Anime, the Grand Priest explained that Zeno would have destroyed everything and started over from scratch, but he knew that someone would have made such a righteous wish. Soon, everyone was teleported back to earth, except for Soren who was asked to stay behind by the Grand Priest, and after telling everyone that he would be back shortly, everyone left Soren behind to talk with the Grand Priest.

[So… Is there a reason you wish to speak with me?]: soren

[My my… You are quite rude for a Mortal… Or should I say, a God… I just want to speak with you about your existence, as it's quite confusing for Zeno-sama… When you first entered this world, he sensed your existence and tried to erase you as that is his purpose, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't erase your existence… So do you care to tell me what you are doing in our dimension?... And who is this being you spoke of earlier?]: grand priest

Soren wasn't too surprised at the fact the Grand Priest figured out the fact that he wasn't from this world, but what shocked him the most, was the fact that Zeno was unable to erase him, and moreover, tried to erase him the second he arrived in the Dragonball world.

[I see… Yes, I am not from this dimension, as I am from a world where we know the future of your dimension, as well as the future of other dimensions… As for who I was talking about earlier, back in my dimension, we have beings like the Gods of Destruction from this dimension, but on a whole other scale, as each of these beings have the power to create multiple dimensions of this standard, and I had met with the being who created even them, and he gave me the chance to visit these dimensions]: soren

Soren spoke in half truths, as it would sound weird that there lives a world with no concept of supernatural besides from what is seen on T.V or in Anime, yet they have the power to know the future of each individual Anime world, or the fact that he got his powers from this higher being, and traveling to the different worlds was just part of the package.

[I see… Then I would love to meet with this person someday, if at all possible]: grand priest

[Hehe, Yeah… About that, even I have only seen him once, so I don't know ab-]: soren

[Did somebody call me?]: ???

Soren heard a familiar voice, and upon turning around, Soren was face to face with a figure who appeared to be a Saiyan, as he had a monkey tail dangling from his waist, and his black hair was spiked up in the style of Gohan, while the man wore a shirt that depicted Goku as a child floating on the Nimbus cloud as he chased the 4 star dragon ball. His body was quite lean, as the bare minimal amount of fat was seen on his body, while his muscles seemed to be compressed and compact making a perfect body, and most of all, his eyes depicted the entire Universe inside them, as his aura gave off a sense of Omnipotence.

[H-How are you?]: soren

The Grand Priest could tell that the being who appeared was far beyond himself in power, and it seemed that Soren didn't know who he was, so the Grand Priest chose to stay silent and watch how this plays out.

[I am GOD… Don't tell me you don't remember me… *fake crying* I see you as one of my own children now, and even gave you your powers, yet you act as though you don't know me?]: god

Soren was confused, as the man before him did indeed resemble the man he met all those years back, but why would he appear before him now.

[So why are you here?]: soren

[Well I was called, so I decided to show up… You know, I quite like this world, and it's much better than that stuffy office I've been cooped up in since the beginning of creation… I thought it might be fun to take on a mortal body and travel a bit, and here was my first stop… So Mr. Grand Priest, you said you wished to meet with me?]: god

[Ahh… Yes… If you are who you say you are, then I would like to formally introduce myself… I never had a name, but I go by the title as Grand Priest… It is nice to meet you Oh Exalted One]: grand priest

When God saw the Grand Priest bowing to him as he spoke, he felt a little flushed, as he had just finished watching Dragon Ball Super, and felt that the Grand Priest was quite an interesting character, as he seemed to have hidden motives every time he meet with Goku, and that just added to the mystery of his character.

[Oh, please… Just call me Rob, as there are too many beings who go by the name Kami or God]: rob

The Grand Priest gave off a smile as he listened to this Rob's words, and after some conversation between the 3 of them, Soren decided it was time to go back to the Earth, so that he could collect his father, son, Gine, Scarlet, Ophis, and Gabriel, before he went back to the Cultivation Chat Group world where his mother should be waiting for them. After Soren got everyone ready, he opened the teleportation system, and everyone vanished from the Dragonball Universe, and reappeared back in Cultivation Chat Group, as Soren noticed only 3 weeks had passed since they left for this world's time. Soren wanted to drop everyone off here, while he had plans to visit one more world before he comes back to ascend to the higher plane of existence here, and upon the return, Serah was happy to see everyone once again, while she was quite surprised, as well as happy that she now had 3 more daughter in laws to talk with, while she was anxiously waiting for the birth of her second grandchild.

[I'll be back… I don't know how long it will be for your guys, but it shouldn't be too long]: soren

[Okay… Just do go forgetting about us if you pick up any more girls]: gine

Gine said in a sarcastically playful voice, but it held a bit of truth behind it, as that was the thing that worried her most, was being left behind and forgotten by the tales of time. Soren then gave her a deep kiss before he smiled at her and the rest of his family, and disappeared from the room, and reappeared in what appeared to be a dark alley.

'Wait… Where the fuck am I?... This looks like a modern city, but I should be in the Edo period where Ninja's run through trees': soren

Soren had yet to know exactly how much time had passed in this world, as he chose to go back to the Naruto world, yet he seemed to be in a run city in the slums. Soren decided that he would look around and see if anything remained the same with this world, and upon exiting the alley, Soren noticed that far off in the distance there appeared to be a mountain range that held a city above it, and on the edge of the mountain rage were deteriorated faces of 7 people he recognised, while there were 4 others he didn't recognise, and they seemed to stop there.

'Ava… Just how many years in the future am I?': soren

<{About 900 years has passed since you left… Would you like an in depth explanation as to what happened in this world to make it what it is today?}>

When Soren heard the offer, he immediately accepted, and began listening as Ava explained the situation as well as the history leading up to this point.

<{Around 900 years ago, you had left the Elemental Nations after saving Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki from death the night of the Nine Tails attack… It was also 10 years earlier that a being was sent to this world with excess information as well as a System, and chaotic intentions as the God who created this Universe didn't like how you changed his world, but it was unexpected that the being he sent not only wanted the downfall of Konoha, but also wanted to rule over the Elemental Nations… And upon Naruto's 6th Birthday, a 16 year old boy from the Hidden Mist had snuck in to Konoha and assassinated the 4th Hokage Minato Namikaze, leaving a heart broken Naruto who only had his mother left, but a week later she was killed by the same boy, as he came to her for the Kyuubi that resided inside her…

He would have killed Naruto as well, but was specifically told not too, as it would ruin the entire world's stability… Upon escaping, the boy now had been placed at the number one spot in the Bingo Book, and also had the power of a Tailed Beast in his possession, making him one of the most feared Nin of all time, earning him the title of Demon Fox of the Mist... Due to the lack of the 4th dying during the Kyuubi attack, Orochimaru decided to cut ties with Danzo, meaning that the Chunin Exams were left alone …

10 years later, Naruto was now 16, and Tsunade took over as the 5th Hokage, while Naruto had been taken under Jiraiya's wing at the age of 12 when he graduated from the Academy, and only coming back to Konoha when he turned 16. Upon his arrival, Tsunade promoted Naruto to Jonin, as spending 4 years under Jiraiya would undoubtedly make him strong enough, and it was also at this time that Jiraiya was tasked with the Akatsuki mission that would get him killed, and the leader of that organization was transferred to the man who was brought into this world by the God, as he took Obito's eye, and used his system to change his bloodline into that of an Uchiha, making him more powerful…

Soon, the Great War started, but due to the luck Naruto has, Madara was never revived, and the man with the system lost an arm before retreating, meaning Kaguya was never revived, and Black Zetsu was still in hiding…

Shortly after the war, Kakashi was pronounced as the 6th Hokage, followed by the marriage of Naruto and Hinata, as Naruto had 2 children being Boruto and Himiawari, and a few years later, Kakashi decided to step down as the paperwork was something he didn't want to deal with anymore, and let Naruto achieve his dream of becoming the Hokage, making him 7th Hokage, and that's when things started to change quickly, as Naruto began accepting imports of mass technological advancements to help better his people, and this was all being done through the man with the system, and 10 years later, Naruto stepped down as Hokage to spend more time with his children, as he let his rival Konohamaru take the seat, and Konohamaru served as the 8th Hokage for 60 years before he stepped down…

Then the 9th Hokage came up, he was one of the new branch of Uchiha's stemming down from Sasuke's family, as he had to take multiple wives to revive his clan, all by his choice, while Naruto was getting old and dying, and decided to pass on the Kyuubi to Boruto, and upon transfer, Naruto died upon the age of 84, But unexpectedly, Black Zetsu absorbed the Kyuubi, and killed Boruto, before returning to the man with the system, and reunited the nine tails chakra…

Many years passed, and through those years, Konoha was advancing in the technological age quite quickly, and 2 more Hokage's took the seat, but as time progressed with little to no wars due to the efforts of the previous Kage, Ninja Academy was phased out and was turned into a Military Branch that focused little on the art of Chakra control, and more on the physical side, as more and more civilians joined the military, and the clans kept their secrets to themselves becoming high end families who controlled parts of the city that the village was turning into…

Soon, the Hokage's were phased out, and the mountain turned into just a monument as to what brought society to what it is today, and Chakra was more or less never used or taught, as even the clans barely taught it to their members, and over time, everything became more reliant on a system of democracy where every 4 years an election would be held to decide who would be the next ruler among the Daimyo's, and the common people were never allowed to run for election…

Like that, 500 years passed, and we are coming up to the present time, as the cities grew bigger and larger, and Black Zetsu and this man with a system began their plan to take over the Elemental Nations that had its name changed to the Five Nations, and each nation had a capital, that was referred to as of of the Five Nations United Capitals being Varda Capital, Aqralo Capital, Klostine Capital, Suarhull Capital, and Joland Capital…

As time progressed, the people began to vie for a true democracy, as even though they were told that they lived in a true democracy, only royalty were allow to be elected, and in this act, the people began going to ancient ways that were all but erased from the history books, and very few people began studying Chakra to become assassins, and changed the tides once again…

Now everything is up to the current situations with crime being an everyday occurrence, and it's more towards what society is in modern day earth, and the man with a system is going to be acting soon with Back Zetsu… Is there anything else you wish to know?}>

A/N: Few things I want to go over... First, sorry for the Information dump, but I thought that it was best to explain what happened to the world while Soren was away, and second, I plan to make Soren turn back time and fix the world, as it should have never turned out this way, as this man with a system has fucked the world up... Second, I want to have Rob make a lot more appearances throughout later chapters, kind of like a Stan Lee Cameo, for say, Soren's in One Piece, and he happens to look over to his side and see Rob holding up a sign saying "Fight Fight Fight" while he wears a shirt that says "I <3 Sabaody"