

God Is gracious so be lively. What happens when a looser gets another chance? with new perspective and new world.

Chilled_duck_ · Kỳ huyễn
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49 Chs


(meh, someone told me I should not do first person perspective so I will do it the og way of novels)

Everyone erupted in joy and happiness towards the words the person. The man then upon witnessing the joy said "everyone present here are only candidates, you guys still have to give the entrance exams for proper registration of you as students of this academy.

After hearing the words comming out of the man's mouth many changes their expression and minds. Then another man came to the stage, the man looked like an experienced knight, the man had a very expensive looking chest piece of orange colour with a thin yellow stripe running down from both side of the shoulder towards the chest and reddish furred cape on his collar, the man was also carrying a almost 4 feet long sword, the man also had a huge scar running through his face. The aura of the man was very ferocious and the mana he was giving off was very fierce too, but the strength was not much strong, let's say his aura was equal to 10 inferior brutes.

The man after reaching the stage said, "hello everyone, my name is Arvon and I am the captain of the military group, 'team scorpio' ranked 100th in the leaderboards, and today I am present here to test your skills and decide weather you are capable of anything or not, so in short I am the judge for today's entrance exams of yours, and with out any delay let's get started."

After the announcement everyone started to get anxious and a little bit pumped up. we all where then taken to an open field where circles made out of ruins where made and inside of them where some kind of wooden dummies who were armed with weapons, somewhere armed with swords, somewhere armed with Spears and some carried daggers, we were then instructed to go inside the circle made out of ruine and get ready for a fight because the dummies where inscripted with magical spells which allowed it to fight when aggravated, tempted to fight or said to fight and last as long as you can or if possible beat it.

The first participant was a boy of almost same age as Amori , the boy had black hair with brownish coloured eyes, Amori could tell that the boy had some kind of artifact with him or some kind of blessing, because the aura of this kid was strong but mana was still similar to a kid of his age. due to participants were allowed to choose one wooden weapon of their choise, the boy picked a wooden sword

As soon as boy got in, Arvon shouted, "test mode, level 2, and..... FIGHT!!!", as soon as Arvon shouted that the dumy started to move, but it was not for fight it was for stance, but the boy jumped right in and startedto charge towards the dummy, and started to swing his sword left and right, he hit every opening he could find, bur the dummy was blocking almost every time, but the boy never stopped and after almost 5 minutes of barrages, he also understood that it was all in vain so he allowed the dummy to attack first, the dummy seeing this charged in, the dummy then also hit barrages of attacks but it was clear the dummy only had speed and skill but no power and defence, seeing this the boy hit dummie's legs with the sword as hard as he could hit and as he expected the dummy fell and he won, the boy at end was drenched in sweat and was huffing as if he was holding his breath for days.

As the boy looked up he saw he was in a huge stadium filled with people cheering and not in a feild, upto this point he was just in a illusion, but Amori already knew it since due to his skill 'spiritual barrier' he could see through everything. As everyone looked up they also started to realise it and started to get more anxious and pumped up, some even fell to the ground due to anxiety. But ignoring that, Arvon still signed, next to come up.

The next few participants were normal after about 50-70 participants, Amori's turn came as soon as he entered the dummy unlike to others, sensing Amori suddenly activatedand said in a robotic voice "powerful entity detected, going in to fighting mode", this shocked Arvon, because the dummy would only turn on if there is some one stronger then one of level 5, and it did not say the level of difficulty which means it was going all out.

On the other hand, Amori seeing this was confused , but used his skill 'expert's eye' any ways and was pretty surprised to say the least.

[item name: fighting dummy

rank : gold

class : fighter

type : dummy

attack damage : 10-70

attack speed : 10-40

special ability: modes for different situations

description: It allows people to see their limits by fighting with them. ]


Chilled_duck_creators' thoughts