


Then there seems to be a little smile in the face of the girl which had both the feeling of pain and happiness as she looked at her reflection in the mirror and said"Ha,So what Shi Ya? So what if I'm the selfish person?I didn't force them to die,I neither asked them to die.If they want to die,let them die,its not like i was anything related to their dying anyway" Tears were rolling out of her almond eyes and the eyes made it look like she was really wronged by someone but the face says otherwise as she still wore a smile on her face which made the overall expression of her face seems eerie.If one had to guess her feeling right now,it can be said to be like she was happy and relieved but still had many more micro-expression of being hurt or being bullied.

After seeing her the reflection says"Look at yourself speaking so upright,you say they were your only people who understands you or likes you but look at yourself,you are smiling Shi Yang,do you think you deserve friends like them or they deserved a selfish friend like yourself?" After hearing this,the smiling person looks at her reflection and she stare at her for a while before giving her a death stare.After that she just bows down her head for a while looking down,a sound comes from the her mouth which seemed to be a sobbed according to the situation but as the sound started becoming a bit louder,it was a laugh.She raised her head to look at the mirror and as she raised her face,the reflection had a surprise as she saw a smirk on face of that girl and the smirk was a bit eerie which scared her a little.The girl with the smirk spoke "Ha,To tell you the truth I am actually very happy,I have never felt so good in the last 10 years.So what they were my friends,I never wanted them to be my friends,I don't need anyone in this world.If they died,its their cowardness that killed them.I am not responsible for anyone's cowardice" As she spoke she started to shout out louder and she started laughing as she said"What problems have they faced to go and kill themselves,they are so childish,I don't understand how can anyone be so childish. But its still so funny how they just go and commit suicide when they face a problem or two" and she laughed and laughed till she had tears. After a while,she wipes the tears on her face and says"This is the first time I have laughed so much,It feels good to see clones like them sometimes instead of always being the clones for others"

Then she hears" You called them clones but you are the greater one,at least they know a way to free themselves from their problems.On the other hand you don't even know how to deal with your problems so you just ignore them,how can you laugh at someone when you can't even voice out your problem,you just know how to pretend like everything is right" Then the girl suddenly look at her and started shouting" What do you mean? You think its my fault to not voice out that my mother's husband beats me and sexually harrased me?You think its my fault,ha? How dare you----------

Suddenly a clang sound was heard,Shi Yang throws her mobile to the mirror breaking the mirror into pieces.As she cried"How dare you .....I'm not.....its not my fault...You are the selfish one"