
False hopes....

The entire world depends on love, faith and expectation. This three words live in every single human being. You cannot live without these three things. Humans can be simple but they insist on making things complicated. Our whole life lies on loving each other. But today's generation is messed up. Children aren't the same we used to have in the 90s, they just don't know between what is LOVE and INFATUATION.

They try to be acceptable in people's eye. Try to fit in something that they aren't supposed to. They are all trying to get attention. Cause they aren't getting enough love from their home. The meaning of love a child can know is from their home. Now when a child is grownup in such a situation where he just want peace, love , support but the irony is not from his/her's family but from their peers. Such children not every one but mostly goes beyond what is right for them. They end up making wrong decisions especially when they are the age of 13 to 15 years. These ages are the most turning point of any child's life. And they are lost.

These children goes endlessly anywhere to find love. When you don't know the meaning of love what are you finding???

Love doesn't have any definition but everyone has a unique opinion about it. If a boy gets attention from a girl continuously and he thinks he has found love of his life when he can barely pass his academics.

Love is not you can get from someone, it is within you. Try to find within you heart. You don't need anyone to console, give attention or simply pamper yourself. You can do this stuff by yourself. Your life consist only one person and that is you. Try to convince yourself,

"The only person that will end up with you is you ."

Try not to give false hopes to anyone in the name of fun and giving an excuse of "its the age, hormone or whatever...."

Live a life where no one is being played. Everyone says they have been unfortunate in love but it is simply they were manipulated or had misconception about someone.

Conclusively, be the person you want to be loved by one.