
2.) My name is Julius. Julius Caesar.

An: hey guys, a super long first chapter. One of the longest I've ever written on this app. But I honestly feel so good about this concept. For the first time I have a legitimate outline mixed with all my past GOT fics ideas rolled into this fic.

I've been looking for a way to write my own story within the GOT universe and I think I found the way. Nobody knows much of anything about sothoryos. We're going to meet the witch doctor this chapter. Think of him as the three eyed raven of sothoryos.


Chike Pov

The ancestors told me he's not like others. That he's different. Now, if that's a good thing or bad one will depend on my conversation and rituals with him when he awakens.

For now Kavuli and I simply sit and watch him. I wait for Jabari to speak, reading his expression for someone like me is like reading a book.

After only a few minutes he speaks, "he took down a kubwa." He says hurried like it was suffocating him keeping just that one statement in his throat.

I chuckled and respond, "is that why Koba was looking at him like his gaze could melt steel and flesh alike?"

Jabari sighed and speaks in a tired voice, "he's also incredibly quick to shake off the sleep venom. We had to use twice as much as it would take usually on the way from lake Nyw."

That surprised me. Sleep venom is one of the most potent substances we know of for easy prisoner transport and even something that makes someone tell the truth if given in correct amounts.

The ancestors words ring in my ears louder after such a revelation, different than the rest.

After hearing he took down koba kubwa, I begin to understand what they mean.

I spent my early years being taught by my father back when the world looked much much different. I've forgotten how old I am now. A century, two perhaps? In truth it all runs together after a while. Soon, I will have a son of my own to carry on the legacy for little Anya and her future children.

Kavuli leaves my side and walks toward the pale one. Jabari's breath catches clearly thinking my friend to attack our prisoner. But I know he's just trying to get a read on him, like myself.

Standing face to face with the prisoner my large feline companion begins chuffing and rubbing himself up and around the pale ones chin. I'm unable to control my laughter at the scene. Kavuli is usually calm. But he certainly doesn't cuddle with strangers.

Different than the rest, again rings in my ears watching the scene before me.

I see the tale tale signs the young man is beginning to wake up. His eyes begin to flutter and his head moves from side to side instinctively trying to avoid Kavulis sharp tongue.

I see yellow eyes open On the man before he realizes his situation and begins trying to break free from his chains that bind him upright to the wall, his feet barely making contact with the stone beneath him.

He speaks quickly, but in a language I understand. One of foreign origin.

"Nice kitty. Be a friend and help me out here." Kavuli responds by continuing his rubbing and licking of the young man.

Then the yellow eyes meet my own. I see surprise and fear cross his features before he removes them in favor of a cold mask. Most men would think he's gained his nerve. But I know differently. He's a cornered animal.

This is why he felled Koba. They had underestimated his desire to escape his predicament. Jabari asks me in our language, "what did he say?" While staring daggers at the young man through the bars.

I speak while keeping my eyes forward, "he asked Kavuli to help him out of his bindings."

I hear Jabari snarl and begin to enter the cell before I stop him. I need the young one in front of me to trust me, even if nobody else. The rituals demand such things.

"Keep your nerve, we will get nowhere if he remains so scared. If you cannot you may leave this to me and receive the information needed when he does."

That stopped the kings advisor from taking another step. Quick to act he may be, but he knows the difference in station between us at least. The young man's eyes didn't move from mine as I spoke to Jabari. I try to discern why but come up blank. Time to speak to him.

"What is your name?" I say slowly. Understand the language I may. But speaking it takes more effort.

The sun colored eyes widen, clearly understanding my words before that guarded expression goes up again.

After a while of him not answering my question Kavuli notices the shift in the air and begins growling. This scares the pale one into speaking.

"My name is Julius. Julius Caesar." He says slowly, probably giving me time to understand his words clearly. Maybe the huge tiger growling in his face had something to do with it though.

I smile to try and ease the tension while Kavuli begins to come back to me for pats. However, my smile seems to make Julius even more guarded.

We sit in silence for a moment before he speaks again, "I know it probably doesn't matter, but where am I? The Amazon?" He asks sounding sort of defeated.

I don't know of this, 'Amazon,' he speaks of. I decide to give a bit of information out. If I'm to establish trust with the kid I need to give something.

"I don't know what the Amazon is. Outsiders call this land Sothoryos. We call it home."

I see his brow come together. He mutters quietly, "Sothoryos? Where the f…." Before he stops.

In that moment I see something entirely different cross his features than I've seen on any man. Pure, unadulterated terror. He begins saying quickly, "Sothoryos. Sothoryos."

I decide to have some pity. I approached the distracted man and touch his shoulder. Had he not been chained to the wall I'm sure my hand would've made him jump out of his skin.

He says in a dead sounding voice, "please, just don't eat me." After speaking he closed his eyes and let his head fall back to the black stone keeping him upright.

I sigh inwardly, it seems we have a lot of work to do before the rituals can take place. His mental state is not ready for such things.

I begin making my way back to the entrance of the cell toward Jabari. He's looking at me in confusion. I'd forgotten he was there in order to try and read the pale one.

I speak, "let's go. King Zeno must be informed."

I can see the questions in Jabari's eyes but I stop before that small flame can form a bonfire. "Sorry. I didn't get much out of him. When he heard where he was he seemed to go completely out of it. I'll need some time to come up with a way to get the rituals to work."

I see a reluctant nod come from Jabari. He then looks back to the prisoner with questions swirling in his coal black eyes before he gestured with his hand, "come. Let us go find The king."

We walk down the hall with Kavuli in tow and I keep remembering those words from the ancestors, different than the rest.


Julius Pov

Sothoryos. Sothoryos. The green hell. The land without end.

Most importantly, it's located in a fictional world. Planetos. Created by George RR Martin. A world of dragon riders and schemes. Of blood and war. Of ice zombies and stone men.

And I happen to be on one of the least known, most dangerous continents in such a world. A place where wyverns rule. Where badalisks run the land while crocodiles the size of prehistoric dinosaurs rule the river ways.

Have I forgotten to mention the brindled men? The people before me don't seem like they match the description of those described in the research I did into the world around the main story of westeros and essos.

In truth they just looked like tribal people from the jungle. Little did I know it was the worst jungle on one of the worst planets in imagination.

My next dilemma came when I realized I'm in a fictional world. I have no idea how I got here or even what happened in my life before waking up in that river.

I'm glad the guy with the painted face and the tiger gave me some time to breathe by myself.

My existential crisis had just started to become less and less serious as I took some breathes and tried to not think about all the shit I just learned.

Reincarnation, transmigration I don't know what happened. But what is real is I'm here. In the middle of the green hell.

As shitty as it may be, at least I'm not dealing with the scheming lords of the storyline, whenever In that picture I may be.

I begin to breathe normally when the door to my cell opens and I see the beautiful girl from earlier accompanied by more giant men I didn't try to fight step into the space.

One of them speaks in that language I can't understand but she stops him with a single look. She begins to walk toward me and I close my eyes, all but sure my time has come. Time to go round and round over a fire like a pig.

That all stops when I feel her hand land on my cheek.

Slowly, my eyes open. Yellow meets red in a clash. I notice more about her eyes now. They have a vertical pupil like an animals. While I should be scared I find myself mesmerized by those crimson orbs.

She speaks in a language I understand. A version of Arabic. Thankfully I was incredibly interested in such languages in my past life.

""Such a shame you're an outsider. Your eyes are so pretty.""

I keep the heat from my cheeks and focus on speaking while not thinking about what a shame means to them, ""forgive me. I find myself at a loss for words."" I reply a little out of synch from the rhythmic way she spoke. Being out of practice dulls any and all skills.

She almost jumps completely out of the room in surprise while the huge guards run in and prepare to strike me with small clubs they have on their belt but she speaks that strange language I don't recognize again stopping them in their tracks.

A small discussion later and the guards begin to leave while she keeps staring at me, just as she had since I spoke to her. Shock was clear in those red eyes but I didn't say anything else.

I fear what such a scene will mean. If I can deduce anything, this girl wearing the head dress and ordering giant men around means she's high up in society. If I know anything about the way of doing things in such a world as this, someone of my station doesn't offend someone of hers without consequences.

I watch her go with envy. Envious of the fact she's home and familiar with everything around her. While I am surrounded by questions unfamiliar scenes.

My eyes close again while I try to come up with a plan of escape the next time I have a chance.

'Won't be long now Julius. You can get out of here and try to make your way to essos and just disappear. No need to fight dragons or zombies or lords who've practiced the art of war with words their entire life.' I think to myself trying to remain as docile as possible so they relax their vigilance.


King Zeno Pov

The more I listen to Chike the more anxious I feel. The fact he's popped up here while the Basa begin to intrude is not favorable.

Our conversation is interrupted by my door swinging open to reveal a panting Anya. Her eyes look wild.

In an instant I'm beside her, guiding her to a chair while ordering the Kubwa to close the door.

After I hear it shut I turn back to my daughter, "what's happened?" I ask.

She shakily looks at me, then at Jabari and finally her eyes land on Chike. In a slow voice she speaks, "he spoke the royal tongue."

Silence. Complete silence. It seemed as if the environment itself stilled at my daughters words. Even Chike, the ancient witch doctor was shocked.

'Dear ancestors, why have you brought this headache to me now?' I thought trying to find a way to deal with this.


An: hey guys. Another chapter. Let me know how you feel about it. Trying to lay the ground work slowly with this story. Appreciate any support shown :)