
Life for a Fantasy: The Transmigrant's Survival Challenge

A philosopher once said "For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. You get from the world what you give to the world." A line that manages to explain well the choices we make throughout our lives, be they good or bad and to Jacob's misfortune, his action had a terrible consequence, something cost him dearly.... After writing an unfair review detonating the book because there was a harem, the author of the book who happened to be a god, decided to give Jacob a punishment... The punishment would be to live the rest of his life inside the book that he hated so much and so he did. Being thrown into a mortal world where you have little information, what choices would you make? How would you survive? Would you depend on luck or decide your own fate? See how Jacob will do, in this new fantasy world... ________________________________ Author's note (^-^) Hi guys, I have to make a few things clear before you embark on the journey: The story is in third person, so if you don't like or are not used to that type, I recommend you rethink whether you should read it. English is not my first language, so there may be some mistakes in the writing, I ask you to help me if you find any. That's all, happy reading (^-^)

Fabio_Henrique_5198 · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
60 Chs

Hope, love and sex

In a forest, sounds of bones being broken echoed throughout the place... Soon after, Sounds of punches hitting something were heard and ended with someone saying:

"Wake up, you will only take your last breath when I decide it will be your last breath."

Little by little, the owner of the voice was revealed and it was none other than Jacob, He is responsible for everything that was happening, and the unfortunate person who was his punching bag, could be none other than Erick.

Jacob wiped the blood that splashed in his face with his arm and said:

"Hey! You can't die yet, we haven't even made it to the twentieth round."

Jacob took Erick by the hair and shoved a healing potion into his mouth and forced him to swallow.

Already completely passed out, Erick showed no signs of struggle and let the potion go down his throat.

Grace, Helena and the heroes watched that brutal scene in shock, even though they had seen enough blood in this world, they had never seen someone so cold and brutal, it was really hard to imagine that Jacob was a human.

Without even caring about the stares, Jacob sat Erick down next to a tree and whispered in his ear:

"I will only stop, when you get as far as I have."

"N-No, please! have mercy." Erick muttered those terrified words, but that only made Jacob even angrier:

"Mercy? The one who has mercy is God, I don't have that anymore."

"No, please! I want to live!" Erick began to beg for his life and Jacob seeing that scene, began to smile and said:

"I wanted to die when I was on that gallows, but you saved me by cutting the rope and then let me live." Suddenly, Jacob stopped smiling and grabbed Erick by the back of the neck and whispered coldly in his ear:

"From that moment on, You made me hate life and love death more than anything, so I'm going to do the same to you. I'll start by cutting off your hand, for it was your hand that saved me from the gallows, and then I'll cut off your tongue, for it was your word that kept me alive all that time. But if I cut out your tongue, I won't be able to hear why you did all that to me and I WANT YOU TO EXPLAIN IT TO ME!"

After saying that, Jacob took a fright in his heart and distanced himself from Erick. That fright gave him the feeling that he was wrong and not Erick.

Suddenly, Jacob took a heavy breath as he heard a ringing in his ear. Then he knelt down and closed his eyes, to try to get over that horrible feeling, But while he was doing that, Erick answered his question:

"I didn't mean to do that, everything I did was to protect my kingdom and my people. Forgive me, please! Have mercy."

As Erick begged for his life, the humming grew louder and louder, resulting in Jacob becoming disconnected from everything that was happening around him, and little by little, he felt like he was being swallowed up by the darkness.

As the humming engulfed his mind, jacob began to hear a female voice, a voice he thought he would never hear again

"Jacob, Are you awake?"

Suddenly, jacob opened his eyes and found himself in a nostalgic place, a place he never thought he would see again....

The place he was in, was a simple room, with a bed, a computer, a wardrobe and a window. But that simple room, carried a huge amount of feelings and memories that jacob thought he had forgotten.

"Jacob, are you awake yet? I'm coming in." Suddenly, he heard that same female voice and soon after heard the sound of the doorknob turning and looked at the door with a hopeful feeling as he waited for a precious person to enter.

The door was opened and a beautiful woman with black hair and blue eyes entered. She looked worriedly at Jacob who seemed to be paralyzed and asked:

"Are you okay? Don't go telling me you're sick."

"Cough-cough, I'm fine, Haha..." Jacob muttered those words while trying to regain his composure and not create suspicion.

"Hm, ok... Anyway, you're getting out of this room when? How about you go to a club and meet some girls? I'll take you if you want."


"Okay, but don't blame me for trying." She muttered those words as she walked over to Jacob. After reaching him, she sat down next to him and said:

"When I was young, your grandmother kept telling me to value the good man, because good men are not easy to find.... Then one fine evening in church, I met your father..."

"Yes, you have told me this story many times."

"Have I told you this story before? Damn, getting old is really problematic... But what I want to tell you is... You don't have to be in a hurry to find the right person, one day you'll cross her path or she'll cross yours, but regardless of which one it is, you have to promise me that you'll love her just like your father loved me."

"You've already told me about that too."

"Oh? Did I already say that? Hm... And what was your answer?"

"I will love her just as my father loved you."

"Oh? Good boy, but I also have other advice to give you."

Upon hearing those words, Jacob was confused and curious, after all, he couldn't remember his mother giving him any other advice but that. So he asked:

"What advice?"

"My advice is that you have hope, it's simple, right?"

"Huh? But why?"

"Well well well, because hope is what makes you alive. Having faith that someday you'll have a better life, isn't that wonderful?"

"I don't know, I think that will only cause me disappointment."

"Hope only disappoints those who depend on it, so you must shape your own path and never depend on anyone, not even God."

"I understand... but Mom, if you were in a place where hope and light could not reach you, what would you do?"

"There are two ways to spread the light: be the candle or the mirror that reflects it. But regardless, it is our Heart that creates hope, never forget those words, outlander..."

After Jacob heard the word "outlander" coming from his mother's mouth, Jacob realized at the same moment that something was wrong, but it was too late to ask questions... Suddenly, the darkness appeared and swallowed Jacob and everything around him and he suddenly disappeared...

Thanks for Reading

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