
Life Can Change || DC x Invincible Fic

Mark Greyson, a boy trying to survive in the hellish city that is Gotham city, his father disappeared when he was younger and it had left his mother distraught and antisocial. He took it upon himself to help support his mother, though in Gotham the only steady pay comes from crime. However one day he learns from his mother who his father actually was, the hero Omni-man who disappeared years ago during a mission with the justice league. I do not own invincible or DC comics

TheManUnderTheBed · Tranh châm biếm
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53 Chs

Lost Souls

"Shit!" Mark shouted as he threw himself out of the way of a purple beam of light that burnt through the floor. He grabbed a chair and threw it at the pale-skinned girl however a purple shield flashed in front of her turning it into ash. 'Who the hell is this girl,' he thought to himself as he rushed out of the room into the hallway, ducking under another blast as he did. However he felt himself freeze as a purple aura surrounded him, he was then thrown through a wall and into what looked like a living area.

"Alright Fuck this," Mark said to himself and he stood up with his fists held up. He looked around for his ambusher but he couldn't see her, only an empty house lay before him. However, his eyes caught a slight movement in the shadows of a corner and he leaned to the left avoiding another blast. He rushed to the corner reaching inside to grab her, but she wasn't there and instead, he found himself being grabbed from behind and slammed through the ceiling and then back down into the room.

"Enough!" Mark shouted his voice echoing out like a speaker making the girl grab her ears as she was close by.

Mark grabbed her by the leg and pulled her off her feet before spinning around and throwing her through the wall. However, she disappeared into a cloud of ravens before she hit the second one; those ravens then flew at Mark attacking him. He struggled to hit them individually so he brought his hands together creating a large shockwave and dispersing them. "What is your problem, if you want me to leave I'll leave!" Mark said as the girl reappeared trying to stab him with a dagger made out of shadows.

However, trying to reason with her forced him to let his guard down and she managed to bring the dagger down on him. He held his arms up to defend himself, but he wasn't that hopeful if he was honest.


Mark looked up in surprise to see his left arm had formed some sort of greyish-black shell around it that was skin-tight. Both Mark and the girl were dumbfounded by this new development, however, Mark was the first to snap out of it and he slammed his fist into her stomach sending her through the house.

*maXim...um ARmo...ur*

The screeching sound that seemed to come from the inside of his skull made him fall to his knees as he groaned in pain. However unlike before it only got worse and it wasn't too long before he passed out.


When Mark awoke he was on a sofa in the living area, his eyes darted around the room and next to him, he saw the girl from before, though her eyes were no longer red and she just seemed to be watching him patiently. Mark looked at his arms again and saw that they were back to normal, but it did make him wonder what the hell that black stuff was. He looked at the pale girl with an uneasy expression as he wasn't sure what to say. "Umm hi," He said dumbly.

"How did you find me? How can you even see me?" She said in a stern voice. Mark could only stare at her dumbfounded as he'd never seen this girl in his life; her violet eyes bore into him as if she was trying to read his mind.

As Mark looked at her he noticed she looked tired, very tired. 'Something we have in common,' he thought with slight amusement. He could see she was still expecting an answer and so he moved his legs off the sofa and onto the floor while leaning up. "Listen, I don't know who you are, I just came here 'cause I don't have anywhere else left to go," he explained honestly.

Her gaze narrowed at him as if trying to decipher if he was telling the truth or not, but eventually her expression softened and she breathed out heavily "You can stay here until you figure out where you want to go, do not disturb me," she said tonelessly before standing up and walking away leaving him alone in the room. Mark was slightly relieved he wouldn't have to sleep outside, despite not being that adverse to cold it was still pretty uncomfortable; still feeling pretty tired Mark lay back down on the sofa and closed his eyes before drifting off to sleep again.

Meanwhile, the girl floated herself upstairs before walking into the room that she used to meditate in. She sat on the bed inside the room and brought her knees up to her chest. She couldn't penetrate the stranger's mind and she didn't know why, even pressing against his mind with her full power didn't phase him. The most she could pick up were surface emotions and from what she could feel, he felt very much the same as she did. She didn't know why she offered him to stay here until he had a place he could go, she didn't want him here, she didn't want anyone here. She could already feel her magic bubbling and burning beneath the surface, she would need to mediate soon to bring it under control.

She hoped he would leave soon, while he was here she existed, she was Raven. She didn't want to be her, she wanted to go back to not existing, she wanted her mind to drift back into the void so she might have some semblance of peace.

'You had the opportunity to make him leave but you didn't, I think you know why that is,' the voice of her old friend Dick echoed in her head.

'Shut up...'

'You don't want to be alone Friend Raven, you think you deserve it but you don't," Koriand'r said in an upbeat manner.


'It wasn't your fault Raven, don't punish yourself for an accident,' Victor said in a sad tone.

'Leave me alone!' She buried her head in her knees before trying to clear her mind and push the voices out of her head. Once she'd calmed herself down she stood up from the bed; she would go downstairs and tell whoever this guy was to leave and not come back, but when she reached the threshold of the door she couldn't move.

'You can't do it," Dick said.

'I can and I will!'

She had contented herself to be alone forever, the spell she cast would make sure no one could find her, they wouldn't even be able to see her. She wasn't prepared for this situation, she hadn't spoken to anyone for years; she had been in complete isolation and now there was someone she could talk to. The temptation to not be alone anymore was so overwhelming that it stopped her body dead.

'I'll do it tomorrow...' she decided going back into her room and slamming the door.


Mark woke up breathing heavily, his eyes darted around the room in a slight panic. It took a few seconds but he remembered where he was and calmed down; he sat up on the sofa rubbing his eyes. He'd had another nightmare, he'd been having them ever since the boat capsized and everyone died; though surprisingly they weren't about what had happened, but about other things.

This time he'd dreamt about being beaten by a familiar-looking man with a moustache. It shifted to him fighting a huge and terrifying monster, he could feel his own fear in these dreams. 'Are these just dreams... or memories,' he thought to himself; he had other powers in these dreams so if he had them in the real world maybe that would prove if they were memories or not. He stood up from the sofa before walking out of the living area and back towards the kitchen, he liked the balcony there and the view of the town it had. When he opened the doors to the balcony he felt the crisp breeze hit him and sighed in contentment, his body was sweaty from the nightmare he'd had and the cold wind brushing against his skin felt good.

However, he was brought out of his daze when he saw a figure in his peripheral. He jumped slightly when he saw the girl from yesterday sitting on a bench, she had her legs drawn up to her chest and while her legs were bare —only wearing shorts— she had a large purple cloak that covered most of her body. She looked at him for a few seconds before turning away and focusing on the rising sun appearing over the horizon.

"Thanks for letting me stay," Mark said trying to break the awkward silence between them, but it seemed his host was content to let the silence between them remain.

"So what can I call you? I'm Mark," He asked. She didn't answer but he did manage to catch the glare she sent him which sent shivers down his spine. 'Man what was that look...' he thought with slight concern, it looked like she wanted to start blasting him again; the fact her hands were twitching and rubbing together while she sat there made him only certain she was pissed.

"I'm gonna go inside," Mark said, unable to handle the awkwardness any longer.

Raven watched him go inside and finally relaxed her body, the temptation to talk to him was almost unbearable it made her whole body twitch, but she knew she couldn't. Even talking to him once had turned her into a mess, if she did it again she didn't know if she'd be able to go back into isolation. She turned on the bench looking in through the window to the kitchen where she saw him looking at the wall and broken furniture.

Continuing to watch him she saw as he started looking through the draws of the kitchen. Seeming to not find what he needed he left the kitchen, she could hear him rummaging around the house and she frowned, though she made no moves to stop him because there was nothing of value here apart from her books, but those were kept upstairs under powerful wards. A couple of minutes later he came back into the kitchen with a rusty toolbox and he sat on the floor and started to try and fix the furniture that had been broken.

Raven couldn't help but raise her eyebrows in surprise as not only did she not expect this behaviour from him, but she could also fix all of the furniture with a wave of her hand and so he was wasting his time. Though if she was honest she did find the situation amusing.


"What the hell is this!" Donna growled as she smashed her fists against a transparent wall again and again.

"Friend Donna you should calm down, you might hurt yourself," Kori said as she put her hand on her shoulder.

"She's right don't be an idiot, you're distracting Zatanna," Mary said as she sat on a large boulder in a snowy field.

Donna just growled and shook Kori's hand off her before walking away and taking out her anger on a large tree. The girls had been out here for nearly twelve hours; Zatanna had told them she had found where the source of the chaos was coming from, but when they got close they hit this barrier. Mary, Donna and flew around trying to find how far it reached, and ended up discovering that it reached the ocean and went high into the sky.

Zatanna sat there in meditation silently chanting as she tried to dispel the barrier, but no matter what she did nothing worked. She opened her eyes and panted heavily "Whatever this is... it's beyond me, I've only been able to tell that whatever this is, it's magical in nature," she said.

Mary snorted "No shit..."

"What do you expect me to say, I can't even sense where the source is, we need to context my father," Zatanna said, though she was a little disappointed that she couldn't figure this out herself. Her father had trusted her with this and she had failed.

"Then let's call him, no point standing around here if we can't get in," Mary said uncrossing her arms.


Kara was flying through the sky, she was going fast, a lot faster than she usually would. She looked down and saw a large town she didn't recognise, based on the smell and look of the town she'd say she was in rural China, but she couldn't be sure.


She floated down from the sky as she watched a car explode after being thrown into a building. She looked closer and saw it was a largely muscled, dark-skinned man that was causing all the damage, he had a pure white uniform on and was slaughtering the citizens of the town.

She slammed into the ground in front of the man who paused in his slaughter to look at her. He had some sort of wristwatch on that lit up when he pressed it; an evil smile made its way onto his face when he looked down which made Kara frown.

"You're coming with me," she heard him say.

Kara didn't reply and just launched herself at him, as she flew she shot an extremely powerful burst of heat vision at him that sent him flying. Kara grabbed him by the head and slammed his it into the earth as they flew, the man punched her in her side but she ignored it and spun around throwing him through multiple buildings.

The man roared as he flew back through the buildings like they were made of paper, but Kara flipped backwards connecting her leg with his chin, before he could be sent flying off into the sky she grabbed his leg and slammed him back to the ground; Kara mounted him and started throwing punch after punch into his face, he caught both her hands but left himself open for her heat vision which hit him in the face. "AAAAAAAHH!" He yelled out before kicking Kara off and holding his face in pain as part of his skin was scorched.

"Nolan said you weren't a warrior, it looks like he was lying," the man said before he flew at her even faster than before tackling her across the ground, they both punched each other and tried to get the upper hand but it ended when they slammed into a gas truck which exploded and sent them flying off in different directions. Kara was the first to recover and she blew a gust of her frost breath to put out the fire before landing back on the street. She looked around for the other man but couldn't find him, she couldn't hear him either as the sounds of civilians crying and screaming made it hard to focus.

"Help me! Help me!" A young man said in Mandarin, but as he approached Kara she raised her hand and swiped it to the left, decapitating the man as a result.

"You are ruthless, another thing Nolan didn't inform us of, perhaps the empire will have a place for you after you give birth," the dark-skinned man said as he climbed out of the ground —having been launched into the sewer by the explosion.

Kara flew straight towards him drawing her hand back and connecting it with his stomach, though he managed to catch her fist but couldn't stop the momentum and was carried away by it. He tried to send a hook to her face with his other hand, but Kara caught it and spun around throwing him to the ground. The man was all brawn and had no technique, which didn't help when Kara was both faster and stronger than him —albeit not by much.

Kara stomped down on the man's ribs and felt them crack under her foot, she felt a thrill rush through her as she smashed her fist into his face again; the sight of his blood covering her made her happy and she felt a smile stretch across her face as she continued pummelling the man. She caught a punch he tried to send to her and then grabbed his arm while putting her foot on his shoulder.


The man growled out as Kara broke his arm, she then lifted him up by his head and began to squeeze. She was laughing as she felt his skull strain under the pressure of her strength; the man used his good arm to punch her in the ribs and face, but Kara sent a full blast to his shoulder which reduced the power he could summon significantly. She started applying more pressure and was delighted to see his eye growing larger.


She felt something connect with her back and she skipped across the earth as she was thrown away. She growled slamming he fist into the ground as she got up prepared to kill whoever had interrupted her; when she did she saw two more people land next to the dark-skinned man. One was a short-haired woman and the other a middle-aged man, they both wore the same uniform as the other. She prepared to fight them but was interrupted by the sound of a comms device in her ear.

"Retreat for now."

Kara didn't like it but knew she couldn't defy the orders she was given, with one last look she flew off into the sky heading back to base.



Kara woke up sweating heavily, her hand immediately went to her stomach. She had been sleeping naked ever since her third trimester started as her stomach would rip any clothes she wore when she moved at night. Seeing that her baby was fine and that what she had just experienced was a dream she relaxed.

'The dream felt so real,' she thought to herself as she rubbed her belly.

'Why was Omni-Man with those others.'

She had been having these strange dreams recently. At first, she didn't give them much thought, but as of late they concerned her. Seeing herself kill innocent people and get a rush of pleasure as she did, worried her, she knew she would never be like that, but nonetheless, they scared her. She hadn't told anyone about them yet as they were just dreams, but perhaps she should talk to J'onn, maybe he would be able to help her; she was already stressed about the impending birth so it would be nice to have peaceful dreams again.

She struggled up from Mark's bed and walked in front of the full-length mirror. Her stomach was large and round, but apart from that it all remained relatively the same; though her boobs had gotten quite a bit bigger which she didn't much mind. 'I wonder what Mark would think,' she thought to herself, though even now thinking about him brought slight pain to her heart.

Her cousin had promised her he would tell her as soon as the DNA results came back, but waiting was difficult and she wanted to get back out there to look for him. Unfortunately, Kal had said that a condition for his help was her going back to Debbie's and resting. 'I'm a damn Kryptonian, my womb is like a bunker,' she thought with slight annoyance, she could get shot by a tank and the baby would be fine.

She sighed as she rubbed her belly and moved her hands up to her breasts, squeezing them. She moaned slightly as she did, her entire body had been sensitive during her pregnancy, but none so much as her breasts. She brushed her fingers against her nipples and felt pleasure rush through her body. She couldn't squeeze too hard as the last time she did her milk started to drip out of her nipples. She'll never forget that moment as when it did Kori came rushing into the room asking to let her try it. 'That girl is a sexual deviant,' Kara thought to herself with a shake of her head.

She didn't want to masturbate again, she knew if she started she'd do it at least five times before she would even start to be satisfied. She stopped touching her breasts and lay back down in bed hoping to have normal dreams this time.

(AN: I think we are finally getting close to the meat and potatoes of this arc. I appreciate you all for letting me cook because I realise a lot of you probably don't know where the fuck this is going 😂. But it involves Raven and a certain bad parent, with a subplot of the Viltrumites. I feel like I do owe you a hint as to where this story is going. The necklace Mark is wearing has been draining him, preventing his memories from coming back and causing chaos which in turn also fuels the necklace (Car crash, boat capsize). The necklace is charged now and the final part of the plan will commence soon, it's gonna get kinda fucked up but it's what I'd expect from them if I'm honest.)

(Side note: Anyone got any Kinks you guys want to suggest, I don't mind writing some stuff like that, I feel like my sex scenes are a bit stale, comment down below or message me privately if you don't want to expose yourself 🤣)

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