
New Bussiness Idea

Because of the upcoming Monster Invasion, Willowtree City was more active than usual.

Especially the Market Square where the Life Blood Cultivators wanted to buy some Life Crystals, Potions and other items that would help them increase their strength.

Their initial plan was to enter the three Named Stalls of the Elite Families to buy their needs.

However, with the sudden appearance of Special Life Crystals in the Fourth Named Stall, the Life Blood Cultivators changed their plans.

Only a few lucky Life Blood Cultivators were able to get the Special Life Crystals, they were excited about the 1000 Special Life Crystals that would be sold during the Monster Invasion.

So, they decided to say their Tree Points for the night and at the same time, they cleared Monster Essence Crystals lying in their inventories at a good price offered by the [Crystal Nexus]