

Campus Fila

Season 2

Episode 6


Kweh, this girl paa..ebi say she wan pai yawa for top or what. So I stayed mute🤐 for a while and boom some cops came in due to the incident that took place cause some people got paranoid😟 and left so they went to report the whole thing. So as they came they walked straight to our table and asked Vida (are u alright) .😨ah Berh she was the one who saved us eeh,🤦🏽‍♂ *Kings* at it again..

Kings: officer lemme explain what happened

Officer: go on

Kings: you see that fine boy over there( referring to me🤬)i bet you know him cause he spent his last two days with you because he was falsely accused that he raped that girl( *Emily* 👩‍🦱)

Jeff : Herh man, you be sellout king oo nonono😂😂

Kings : so that girls ex-boyfriend came in and wanted to beat the Foine boy after all the framing and that was where our savior, *Vida*👩🏻‍🦱 came to our rescue .

Oh I forgot to mention she shot the ceiling so I think some payments should be made for damages 😌🤣🤣😌

Ange, Collins, Vida Jeff, Emily all at once : 🗣 *KINGS*

Kings : yes 😁

😂😂😂so now Kings have placed Vida👩🏻‍🦱

Into a huge a trouble but it wasn't Trouble for Vida 👩🏻‍🦱 cause her father was the a serious politician..dont try him oo, so that gave me the chance to escape her question. Then Ange had a call 📲and had to leave then Emily decided to follow besides the game is over 😁the way the something jom me ehn secof ano no the answer ago gv saf oo

Then Jeff🧑 wanted to leave ,he said he has some research to do so he bounced then the almighty Kings again

Kings 🧑🏻: ahn well I think I should be taking my leave now Wey the boy boot lef we for der..so me too I dey come lef norr

Vida : don't even think about it

Collins: what??

Vida : you haven't answered my question

Collins: oh💔 Berh you the game is over eehn

Vida : 🤨like seriously

Charley me naa I see say the girl make serious so I kept quite for a while and then I let it out(

I told her I had no feelings for her😔)

Wey she huged me and said I thought something else but anyone could tell that was not what she👩🏻‍🦱 was expecting .. then we left the restaurant together and parted ways

Ah 😨, what I have done..WTF!! I just threw a golden opportunity away..oh 💔 but I got over it and went home. That was on Thursday so by the time I reached the hostel 🏨naa I make tire so ago bed😴🤤 ..

So as Friday came nu ahiaa lectures we get so some party freak guy ( *ASTRO* ) come gbele the fila give we say the girls👩🏻 dey organize some portay for themma side so make we look sharp then come secof Ebi free 😁😁.

yes I love the sound of that ..so ago shadda👕👖👟 correct wey I bell Kings and Jeff wey them to them wan go so we all lef...

Kweh as we come ketch the place eehn wow wo loo Eeii nyash 🧐🍑bi this Herh, the girls get bortu ruff.there nor boiz see me wey the Dj give me some kwie hype for der

Dj: Ayo tonight we gon party till we bail out cause the fly ass nigga *_Peter Pan_* is in the house

Crowd: yaaaaayy🙌🙌👏

Wey some two nice gers come my side dey do that themma sled put put thing nu(ahunsh)😁 and I also let the balls roll💪😏..

So as me den the girls we dey vibe for nor boom💥

Vida was holding hands with some fresh ,fair, tall, handsome, dope guy 😟

Oh what Have I done 🤦🏽‍♂.....

To be continued in the next episodeof life at the boarding house 🎭the branding lives