
Life As The Wrong Boy Who Lived

[JUPITER THE BOY WHO LIVED WAS SEEN AT DIAGON ALLEY] [THE POTTER FAMILY, THE MOST LEGENDARY FAMILY IN THE WORLD] A handsome young man with emerald eyes. looked at the news headline with anger in his eyes before crumbling it and throwing it in the trash can. For a moment he stood in his dormitory before falling down on his bed calm, but rage still present in his eyes. "I promise Jupiter, one day you will be at my feet" he said as he vowed to kill his brother one day. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jupiter with red hair and a slim handsome face with some pimples looked at the news headline with a sigh. "Fuck my brother probably wants to kill me now" He thought with a grimace as he grabbed his wine bottle and drank it with a gulp. He was not only the wrong boy who lived but he was also reincarnation of someone from the past. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow his journey as he tries to survive fighting with everyone, is a Harem novel and he will go from strong to weak and then weak to strong. Set in Harry potter Universe, main character will travel other worlds too later on also it has a touch of mythology

the_spreme_being · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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3 Chs

Chapter 3: Harry Potter And Voldi

<Jupiter POV>


What can I say?

I just got breastfeed, yep pretty awkward even though I am a baby, since I am still an adult god in a baby's body.

As I lay on the cradle in the bedroom of the Potter mansion as my mind drawled on and on. My eyes paid greet to the door opening.

As the door opened a ruffle of black hair peeked through, then it tiptoed in my room as for the first time my eyes looked at my 4 year old brother named HARRY POTTER

In his innocent green eyes was the glimmer of hope along with that he was like a chubby cute boy.

Just what you expect from a child of royal heritage.

But I knew not to fall prey under his innocent eyes since in the future he would be against me but for now maybe I can enjoy his presence.

With his small arms he grabbed me and lifted me up in the arm with a wide grin.

"My baby brother"he said in his cute light tone voice as I released a happy baby sound. He made me fly in the air with his chubby hands.

I enjoyed this as I remembered the time when l flew out of heaven and tried to eat the the sun.

Ahh good Times.

After playing for a while he got bored as he put me down on the cradle and laid right beside me on the floor falling asleep.

Soon my eye lids joined together and I drifted off towards the everlasting void. But sadly in front of me stood death.

"Did you miss me?" She asked with a cheeky smile and I slightly smiled at her, looks like this new birth changed my grumpy personality.

"Yes I did" Clearly not expecting this sentence coming out of my mouth she was stunned. A red ting slowly came on her pale face as she swiftly turned her whistling.

Deciding not to waste time on this useless shenanigans, I asked

"So why did you summon me?" As I asked she looked at me with a grimace and answered.

"Today is the day voldemort will attack"

"Ok and?"

"Well there's another piece of information, a girl from the real world is reincarnating here, and she will be your adopted sister in the future who will hate since she loves fanfiction about wbwl"

As her saying completed, I groaned in anger as I thought

"Why do I always encounter crazy girls!?"

At my plight death laughed before sending me back as my eyes opened in the response of screams. I lifted my chubby body up with great difficulty and I was greeted by the sight of my mom unconscious

My brother stared in shock while I remained calm as I stare at the face of the snake man known as voldemort.

Even vasuki would vomit at his appearance. He looked at us two with a thoughtful look on his face before shrugging as he looked ready to kill us two.

He lifted up his wand, as he uttered the killing curse. I was not that tensed since according to death Harry would save me.

But when I saw that his magic was weak and could not be able to defend us two against the spell. I did something which I thought was impossible in this lifetime.

<3rd POV>

The pupils of Jupiter turned into a sign of trishul as it glew bright, his divine magic aura temporarily transferred into Harry whose body glew green, as a green forcefield erupted from his body smashing against voldemort who wailed in pain as his body turned into ash.

Due to getting too much of divine aura, Harry Potter remained with weak magic for now but his mana reserve increased meaning in the future when his mana refills completely he would be too strong.

A lightning bolt sign appeared on Harry's forehead as he fell on the ground. Jupiter simply glanced at him as he slowly stood up and looked at the ground underneath.

There was a shrapnel on the ground which had came out of the ground during the divine attack. He quickly ran some calculation before falling on the ground. A deep gash on his right eyelids was the fake evidence which would prove he was the boy who lived.

<Jupiter POV>

It hurts as hell, my right eye was greeting red view due to strawberry coloured blood flooded my eye.

I knew it was a bad move but to fulfill my mission, I did it. My mission was to act as the wrong boy who lived so I purposefully injured myself.

But to be honest it hurt a lot.

I slowly walked for the first time in this life to my mother, who was still unconscious. I opened my palm as I collected the dripping blood in it.

Then I flipped it dropping it on my mother's cheek painting it. Her eyes fluttered as my blood fell drop by drop.

Finally she opened her eyes as she slowly sat up with a groan as soon as she did so, father and along with him a old wizard also apparated here.

They all looked at me with shock and fear probably because of my deep wounds. But before they could do anything, I lifted my hand and pointed at Harry who was still unconscious due to the overflow of my energy

<Author Note>

Please tell me if you liked this chapter or not. Give me advice to improve also please tell me who should be in the harem and who should be not.

Happy New Year and Have a great day or night also may god's blessing be on you always.

Also before I forget should I nerf our Jupiter's intelligence or not.

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