
Life As Hikigaya Hachiman

In this captivating tale, a young boy wakes up to discover that he has become Hachiman Hikigaya, a character renowned for his cynical perspective on life at Soubu High School. Feeling taken aback by his new reality and the distinct lifeless expression that defines Hachiman, the boy makes a resolute decision to prove his value to those who have mocked him. With a strong determination to change their perceptions, he sets out to make them unknowingly admit, "See, that person looks like they've got their life together." Navigating his unfamiliar life as Hachiman, the transmigrated boy finds himself surrounded by a group of girls, each wielding various intimidating objects. When faced with their questioning, he experiences a rush of anxiety, realizing that he's confronting a complex situation for which he may not be fully prepared. The story blends elements of comedy, self-discovery, and managing relationships, as the boy-turned-Hachiman grapples with his new identity, unexpected challenges, and embarks on a journey towards personal growth. **************************************** "English isn't my native language, so please make it easy to understand and free of errors." You can check the link below if you wish to access advanced chapters: www.patrèon.com/Leonzky

Leonzky · Tranh châm biếm
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507 Chs

[381] Foodie Girl Erina

Chapter 381: Foodie Girl Erina

Attempting to exchange a B+ for a D+ is a losing deal, something Hachiman would never do.

"Miss Miharu, if there's nothing else, I'll head back. I have a younger sister waiting for me at home." Ignoring the suggestive gestures from the girl, Hachiman stood up to leave.

Seeing Hachiman's lack of response, Miharu couldn't help but freeze.


Was she not attractive enough?

Though she couldn't compare to her perfect Onee-sama, Miharu had her fair share of admirers in college.

Seeing Hachiman walk away without a glance back, Miharu couldn't shake the feeling that her charms were being disregarded.

Aren't teenage boys supposed to be creatures of desire? Why wouldn't he be drawn to a young, beautiful girl like herself?

Could it be that Hachiman is so infatuated with her Onee-sama?!

Truly, her Onee-sama was remarkable, effortlessly captivating any man.

But Miharu wouldn't give up. She had to save her Onee-sama's reputation.

With determination swelling within her, Miharu seemed to make a decision. Blushing slightly, she hesitantly spoke up, "Hikigaya-kun, there's something I need to tell you..."

Hearing this, Hachiman turned back, "Miss Miharu, is there something else?"

As she heard his words, Miharu's body trembled slightly, her blush deepening, as if she had made a shameful decision.

"Um... Well..."

"I think I might have developed feelings for you, Hikigaya-kun. Perhaps it's love at first sight?"

As she uttered these words, Miharu felt a rush of shame engulf her.

She couldn't believe she had actually said it.

Despite the extreme embarrassment, the young girl still harbored confidence in her heart.

Because she believed that no one could resist a straightforward confession from such a beautiful young girl like herself.

Unfortunately, the result left Miharu disappointed.

While slightly surprised by the audacity of the girl, perhaps it was just the result of being under the influence of alcohol, after all, if her Onee-sama behaved that way, her younger sister couldn't be any better.

But upon hearing her confession, Hachiman's heart remained unmoved.

Love at first sight? Don't joke about it.

In the world of adults, there's no such thing as love at first sight, only superficial attraction.

Though Hachiman considers himself somewhat handsome, he's not at the level where girls would instantly fall for him upon meeting.

And knowing it's fake, if he still felt moved, wouldn't that make him seem foolish?

A mere girl, don't underestimate me!

"It seems Miss Miharu is also a bit drunk. You should rest early tonight. I'll head back now."

With that said, Hachiman left the room without waiting for Miharu's response.


It wasn't until the door closed that the stunned Miharu snapped out of her daze.

Huh? He's leaving?

He just left like that?!

Damn it, he said I was drunk, but he's the one who's drunk!

Bastard, am I really that unappealing?!

Hachiman, I'll remember this.

Just wait, I won't give up. I'll definitely lure you away from my Onee-sama.

Not just for my Onee-sama's sake, but to reclaim my own charm.

Watching Hachiman walk away, Miharu couldn't help puffing up her cheeks in anger.

Regardless of what this mere girl thinks, Hachiman had already returned to his own home.

After playing games with Komachi for a while and taking a shower, he went to bed.

A night without any words.


Early the next morning, while the siblings were having breakfast, the doorbell rang.

"Ding dong" "Ding dong"

Opening the door, a dazzling figure with golden hair and violet eyes, with ear tips resembling those of an elf, appeared before Hachiman.

Who else but Erina.

Seeing the sudden visitor, Hachiman was momentarily surprised, but then remembered that today was the day he promised to cook with her.

Glancing at the clock on the wall, it wasn't even eight thirty yet. Considering the time it would take Erina to get here from the Totsuki residence, it meant she had left around seven.

Wasn't that a bit too eager?

Hachiman couldn't help but feel amused.

Dare to say you're not a foodie?

Seemingly aware that she arrived too early, Erina's face also blushed slightly, and she couldn't help but appear a bit awkward standing at the door.

Seeing Erina's demeanor, Hachiman found it somewhat amusing. But to save the girl's face, he took the initiative to greet her first.

"Good morning, Erina."

Feeling relieved at the opening, Erina greeted him back.

"Um, good morning, Hachiman."

Hachiman nodded and let Erina into the house. However, what surprised him was that Hisako, who was usually inseparable from Erina, didn't accompany her this time.

"Are you here alone? Is Hisako not coming?"

Although it was just a casual question from Hachiman, it made Erina startle, and she looked at him warily.

"Why are you asking about Hisako? Don't tell me you have ill intentions towards her too, you jerk."

Hearing her words, Hachiman couldn't help but smirk.

"What do you mean ill intentions towards Hisako? Do you see me as someone who falls for anyone they see?"

Although Hachiman's words sounded righteous, Erina chose not to respond and gave him a look to let him ponder on it himself.

How do you explain those girls on the beach? Saying such things, doesn't your conscience hurt?

Unfortunately, Hachiman's conscience was not bothered at all; instead, he felt quite satisfied.

The two walked into the living room, where Komachi was still having breakfast. She happily waved at Erina.

"Good morning, Erina nee-san!"

"Um, good morning, Komachi-chan," Erina replied with a smile.

Naturally, Erina couldn't bring herself to dislike such an adorable little girl. Plus, compared to the often annoying Alice, she found herself liking Komachi even more.

"Erina nee-san, did you come to see Onii-chan today?" Komachi asked with a smile.

Before Erina could respond, Hachiman spoke up, "Oh right, Komachi, I forgot to tell you. Onii-chan is taking you out for a fancy meal today."

"What? A fancy meal? Really? That's awesome!"

As expected, upon hearing about the fancy meal, Komachi immediately jumped up in excitement. However, the clever little girl quickly guessed that the so-called fancy meal must be related to Erina.

"Is the fancy meal at Erina nee-san's house?"

"Exactly. Although I'll be doing the cooking, all the ingredients will be provided by Erina's family. So, we'll be able to enjoy many delicacies this time," Hachiman nodded with a smile, then turned to the girl beside him.

"Is it okay to bring Komachi along?"

"Of course, it's no problem at all. Welcome, Komachi-chan, to my house as a guest," Erina replied warmly.

"Thank you, Erina nee-san," Komachi said with a happy smile upon hearing Erina's agreement.

At this point, Hachiman chimed in with a smile, "Erina probably hasn't had breakfast yet. If you don't mind, would you like to join us for some food?"

Upon hearing his words, Erina remembered that she had rushed over without having breakfast this morning due to her excitement. Now she was indeed feeling a bit hungry.

Thinking about it, Erina nodded.

"Well, if it's not too much trouble."

"It's no trouble at all," Hachiman smiled and prepared a simple breakfast.

After breakfast, the three of them got into Erina's car and headed towards the Totsuki residence.


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