
Life As Hikigaya Hachiman

In this captivating tale, a young boy wakes up to discover that he has become Hachiman Hikigaya, a character renowned for his cynical perspective on life at Soubu High School. Feeling taken aback by his new reality and the distinct lifeless expression that defines Hachiman, the boy makes a resolute decision to prove his value to those who have mocked him. With a strong determination to change their perceptions, he sets out to make them unknowingly admit, "See, that person looks like they've got their life together." Navigating his unfamiliar life as Hachiman, the transmigrated boy finds himself surrounded by a group of girls, each wielding various intimidating objects. When faced with their questioning, he experiences a rush of anxiety, realizing that he's confronting a complex situation for which he may not be fully prepared. The story blends elements of comedy, self-discovery, and managing relationships, as the boy-turned-Hachiman grapples with his new identity, unexpected challenges, and embarks on a journey towards personal growth. **************************************** "English isn't my native language, so please make it easy to understand and free of errors." You can check the link below if you wish to access advanced chapters: www.patrèon.com/Leonzky

Leonzky · Tranh châm biếm
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504 Chs

[302] The Commencement of the Investment Plan

Chapter 302: The Commencement of the Investment Plan

After dinner, Hachiman took care of washing the dishes and cleaning the table.

As for Komachi and Kirisu, they continued with their homework in the living room.

After finishing the chores, Hachiman brewed a few cups of tea and handed one to Kirisu.

"You've worked hard, Mafuyu-sensei."

"Thank you, Hikigaya-kun," she replied, taking the tea.

"As a teacher, helping students with their homework is my duty. Since the opportunity is rare, why not work on your assignments together with Hikigaya-kun," she suggested.

Hachiman considered it and brought out his homework. Kirisu, expecting to find areas to assist, was disappointed to discover that Hachiman didn't need much help.

Typing and scribbling, they quickly finished their assignments for the day.

Kirisu, realizing that although Hachiman usually keeps a low profile, he consistently ranks at the top of the class, felt somewhat disappointed that she hadn't been much help.

Completing their assignments, Hachiman closed his workbook. Suddenly, he looked at Kirisu.

"Mafuyu-sensei, do you have any plans for the summer vacation?"

"Huh? Summer vacation."

Hearing Hachiman's question, Kirisu seemed puzzled.

"I'll probably stay in my apartment. I don't usually have social activities."

She admitted this somewhat shyly, feeling like an adult confined to her home during the summer.

Hachiman was surprised to learn that Kirisu was a bit of a homebody. Smiling, he extended an invitation.

"Some friends and I are planning to go to the beach during the summer vacation. Would you like to join us, Kirisu-sensei?"

"Huh? The beach."

Hearing this, Kirisu's expression showed a hint of interest. After all, the idea of the seaside was quite appealing. However, being a teacher, she hesitated about going to the beach with students.

Noticing her hesitation, Hachiman spoke again, "You don't need to worry, Kirisu-sensei. Hiratsuka-sensei will also be joining us at that time."

"Hiratsuka-senpai is coming too?"

Hearing this, Kirisu felt a flutter of interest.

Seizing the opportunity, Hachiman continued, "It's a rare chance. Let's go together. Spending the whole summer vacation at home is too wasteful. Going to the beach would be worthwhile."

"Alright... fine, I'll go with you."

In the end, Kirisu couldn't resist the temptation of the beach and agreed. Having Shizuka, another teacher, with them made it less awkward for her.

"Well, that settles it," Hachiman nodded with a smile.

Observing this, Komachi tilted her head.

Could it be that Onii-chan is making a move on his teacher?

In her mind, any girl invited to the beach by her Onii-chan was a target of his interest. Moreover, during the last beach trip, she noticed that a few people had feelings for her Onii-chan.

But why, after all this time, has there been no progress?

This left Komachi somewhat perplexed, and at the same time, she made up her mind.

This time at the beach, she's determined to make Onii-chan's admiration reciprocated. She couldn't believe that among all those older sisters, not one had succeeded.


Sobu High School.

Classmates gathered in pairs and threes to discuss their plans for the summer vacation.

"During the vacation, my parents said they would take me on a trip. I'll bring you local specialties."

"Really? I envy you. During the vacation, I can only go back to the countryside to accompany my grandparents."

"Well, the countryside is not bad. Occasionally, enjoying the scenery there has its own charm."

"Hmph, staying at home with air conditioning and cold drinks is the way to go in this hot summer vacation."

"Haha, I guess no one invited you to go out."



As time passed, with the ringing of the dismissal bell, the eagerly awaited summer vacation officially began for the students.

Because of the upcoming summer break, there were no Service Club activities today. Hachiman packed up and prepared to go home.

He had already informed the girls about the beach trip, and without exception, everyone agreed.

However, this time, he didn't need to rent a beach or villa. Knowing that he planned to go to the beach this year, Erina simply waved her hand, suggesting they could use the Nakiri family's private beach.

Hachiman shrugged at this, not surprised at all.

After all, for conglomerates like the Nakiri Group, having a private beach was a minor affair, let alone one or two private islands.

On the third day of summer vacation, leaving a few days' living expenses for Komachi, Hachiman boarded a plane with Soue Nakiri bound for the United States.

Currently, Facebook was still in its early stages, making it an excellent investment opportunity.

In the coming years, Facebook would experience rapid development. If he wanted to acquire a significant stake by then, the amount of money required would be substantial.

As long as Hachiman's actions this time proved successful, in just a few years, he could become a global tycoon, a figure that the Yukinoshita family would look up to.

California, Menlo Park.

Mark Zuckerberg's youthful face revealed a clear sense of concern after bidding farewell to yet another investor who declined to see a promising future with him.

As he contemplated where to secure investment, his secretary entered the room.

"Boss, representatives from the Totsuki Conglomerate are here."

"Totsuki?! The big Conglomerate in Japan?" Mark Zuckerberg's face displayed surprise.

Perhaps, in the future, he could grow into a formidable force comparable to Totsuki, but at the moment, he was nowhere near the level of this international giant.

"Where are the representatives from Totsuki now?"

"They've been arranged in the reception room," the secretary replied.

"Good, take me to meet them."


Reception room.

Mark Zuckerberg pushed the door open and entered, only to see two figures.

One was a young man he didn't recognize, and as for the other, it made his eyes widen.

The renowned founder of Totsuki International, Soue Nakiri.

He had encountered this figure more than once at various international financial conferences.

"Hello, Mr. Zuckerberg. I am Soue Nakiri, the head of Totsuki International," Soue spoke as Mark entered.

"As for this gentleman, he is our partner from Totsuki, Hachiman Hikigaya."

Soue intentionally emphasized Hachiman.

Sure enough, upon learning that Hachiman was a partner from Japan, Mark Zuckerberg's face displayed some surprise.

He hadn't expected Hachiman to be so young and yet be a partner with Totsuki.