
Life As Hikigaya Hachiman

In this captivating tale, a young boy wakes up to discover that he has become Hachiman Hikigaya, a character renowned for his cynical perspective on life at Soubu High School. Feeling taken aback by his new reality and the distinct lifeless expression that defines Hachiman, the boy makes a resolute decision to prove his value to those who have mocked him. With a strong determination to change their perceptions, he sets out to make them unknowingly admit, "See, that person looks like they've got their life together." Navigating his unfamiliar life as Hachiman, the transmigrated boy finds himself surrounded by a group of girls, each wielding various intimidating objects. When faced with their questioning, he experiences a rush of anxiety, realizing that he's confronting a complex situation for which he may not be fully prepared. The story blends elements of comedy, self-discovery, and managing relationships, as the boy-turned-Hachiman grapples with his new identity, unexpected challenges, and embarks on a journey towards personal growth. **************************************** "English isn't my native language, so please make it easy to understand and free of errors." You can check the link below if you wish to access advanced chapters: www.patrèon.com/Leonzky

Leonzky · Tranh châm biếm
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502 Chs

[231] God-Tier Support

Chapter 231: God-Tier Support

Observing the playful banter between Erina and Hachiman, those around them couldn't help but smile.

Having heard about Erina's father being expelled from the Nakiri family, they understood a bit of what she was going through. The Nakiri family had taken strict action against him.

Hinako, witnessing this interaction, couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy.

"Why is Senpai so foolish?" Hinako thought, glancing over at Shinomiya.

As Erina and Hachiman received smiles from those around them, Erina couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

Recalling Hachiman listing a plethora of "just a bit" projects, Erina couldn't hide her astonishment.

Considering his definition of "just a bit," these were likely modules with proficiency levels of three or above.

After a while, the girl uttered two words.


"Even if Erina says that about me, I would still get upset, you know? After all, I am just a normal person."

Despite saying this, Hachiman's face showed no signs of anger. He was well aware that he couldn't be considered a typical human. Not only did his physical abilities far exceed the average person, but he also possessed supernatural powers—light and dark powers.


Upon hearing this, Erina couldn't help but roll her eyes. However, a hint of confusion lingered in her mind.

"Do you really intend to give them money? Are you close with them?"

For a girl who disliked Soma, she naturally didn't want Hachiman to intervene on their behalf.

"In reality, I'm not that close to them. At most, we can be considered acquaintances," Hachiman shrugged.

"Then why..."

This puzzled Erina even more. If they weren't close, why would he want to help them with such a large sum of money?

In the eyes of ordinary people, one or two million was indeed a considerable amount.

Even for a girl like Erina, the heiress of the Nakiri family, her monthly pocket money was only around one or two million. One or two million would cover her discretionary spending for almost a year.

Of course, this is just her apparent pocket money. If Erina truly needs money, Senzaemon wouldn't hesitate to provide it.

"I believe they shouldn't collapse here," Hachiman said, his face revealing a faint smile.

"In Tadokoro's cooking, there are some exceptionally valuable elements. I believe Dojima-senpai has sensed that," he added.

"That's true. Moreover, those elements are precisely what Kojiro lacks at the moment," agreed Dojima, nodding beside him.

Hinako, frustrated with their cryptic conversation, voiced her exasperation, "Dojima-senpai, why can't you just say it plainly?"

However, Dojima didn't seem inclined to explain directly. He chuckled and said, "Haha, don't be in such a hurry. You'll understand by watching."

"That's right, Hinako-senpai. Just wait for the results," Hachiman added with a nod. Suddenly, he thought of something and turned to Dojima.

"But to be on the safe side, I'll make some preparations. Dojima-senpai, could you please have someone arrange the ingredients for me? I'll prepare a dish as well."

Upon hearing Hachiman's intention to cook, Dojima was momentarily surprised but agreed, laughing. He called someone to bring over the necessary ingredients.

Meanwhile, the situation on the stage took another turn. Just as Megumi stood there, bewildered and frozen, an audible "smack" echoed. It was Soma, clapping both hands onto the back of the girl who was nervously clasping her hands together.

This surprised the onlookers, and the girl looked at Soma with astonishment.


However, Soma chuckled, "Hurts, right? But it helps you calm down. It's a useful trick, taught to me by my old man."

"Really, even though it hurts, my hands aren't shaking anymore..." Megumi looked at her own hands in a daze.

"Anyway, just stay calm. Now that you're the head chef, it's time to start thinking about the dish you want to make," Soma said with a smile.

"But, the opponent is Chef Shinomiya. If I can't make a dish that surpasses his, Soma-kun, you'll be expelled," the girl spoke with a hint of fear.

"My old man once taught me that cooking is about putting everything you have onto the plate. It doesn't matter what the opponent is going to cook; you just need to focus on making your own dish!" Soma continued to encourage her.

"But... the dishes I make are from someone like me..." Megumi's tone still carried a lack of confidence.

"That's not true."

Soma clapped his hands on the girl's shoulders, his face showing a serious expression.

"The rice balls you made for us in the fields were really delicious."

"So stop thinking negatively. You just need to create a dish with your own style, and I'll assist you with everything I have!"

"A dish with my own style..." the girl murmured, falling silent once again.

Seeing this, Soma didn't rush her but waited patiently.

Meanwhile, Shinomiya had already put the ingredients for his dish into the pot. Sitting in his chair, he mocked Soma.

"It's surprising. Haven't you guys started yet? Your head chef is quite slow."

But instead of getting annoyed, Soma smiled.

"If you want to criticize Tadokoro, why don't you taste her cooking first?"

At this moment, Megumi had also figured out what dish she wanted to make and approached Soma.

"Soma-kun, I might have... a recipe in mind."

"It's an interesting recipe." Hearing the girl's thoughts on the dish, Soma smiled.

"Really? That's great! But this dish requires a lot of ingredients, and with just the two of us, I'm afraid..."

Before the girl could finish her sentence, Soma interrupted her.

"Rest assured, you should know that I'm the second-in-command at the Yukihira Diner. Even though it's just my old man and me running it," Soma's face exuded confidence.

Hearing his cheeky remark, Megumi also chuckled.

"So, the limited-time 'Tadokoro Restaurant' is now open. I'll assist you to the fullest, Head Chef Tadokoro." Saying this, Soma tied the white cloth strip around his forehead.

"Yes!" The girl nodded, and the two finally began cooking.

Although at first, Megumi seemed a bit flustered, with Soma's assistance, their cooking quickly fell into a smooth rhythm.

However, the graduates watching from the sidelines couldn't help but raise their eyebrows at Soma's clean and efficient kitchen work.

"What's this?" Mizuhara's face showed a hint of surprise.

"He's supporting Tadokoro without disrupting his own workflow," Donato said, stroking his chin.

Hitoshi nodded, "And there are no unnecessary movements. It seems Yukihira perfectly anticipated what Tadokoro was going to do."

He then pulled out Soma's profile sheet. "Let me see. Soma Yukihira, the only transfer student this year."

Donato looked over, "So his family runs a small diner. Seems like he has some experience as a kitchen assistant."

"No, merely helping out occasionally wouldn't lead to this level. It clearly surpasses the typical student's capability," Hitoshi shook his head.

Upon hearing their conversation, Hachiman spoke calmly, "Ordinary kitchen assistance wouldn't achieve this, but it depends on who the head chef is."