
Life as a system

This novel centers around the system (seme/top), who had been dealing with shitty hosts until he finally finds one to his liking. But he ends up liking him too much? ~~~~~~~~ This novel will have world hopping!!! My fav lol This is a gay, BL, yoai novel. There will be inappropriate content for those under 18. There is smut! My novel will focus on their romance and the worlds they travel to. Give it a try people! And let me know if any of you have any good ideas for worlds they should travel to.

System_2200 · Kỳ huyễn
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49 Chs

Chapter 35: Jealous Olie on a leash



My foot steps echo in this empty lobby. I'm on my way to see my baby, Minjoon. I haven't told him that I'm coming back today, so it's a surprise.

He's in a high class bar, at the top floor of this high-rise building. He just finished a job with the team a couple days ago. Since then, he would spend his free time in this bar.

I make my way to the elevator, and tap my foot excitedly. I fiddle with cuffs of my suit, and open the first couple buttons of my dress shirt (no tie), showing a peek of my muscular chest.

I really missed hugging his waist, kissing his neck, ruffling his soft curly hair, I just missed... all of him. At this point, I'm addicted, willingly and happily so.


The elevator opens its doors at my requested floor. I get off and check my mental map again. Minjoon's currently sitting by himself, in the corner of the lounge area of the bar. I head towards him in a quick pace.

I enter a chic, classic red and black designed bar. The walls are a burgundy wine red and the floor is black marble. Red chairs and black couches are placed with spacing between them, giving the customers privacy. The wall trims and tables are silver giving a nice outline. The lights where dim, but not too much, they gave the place a relaxing yet alluring mood.

The bar counter is situated in the middle of the store, with a wall rising as the bar table was circling around the alcohol filled wall. It looked nice, catching ones eye from the entrance.

Minjoon is sitting leisurely, legs crossed, on a couch in a corner near the floor to ceiling windows. He's holding a glass of wine in one hand, while the other hand held a phone to his ear.

He would occasionally twirl the wine as he spoke on the phone. He glanced at his laptop on the silver table a couple times.

He seemed occupied so I went to sit at the counter to observe my lovely host. As a system I need to let him do his job, can't hinder him.

I sat in a spot where host wouldn't be able to see me clearly, a blind spot from his vision.

" Hey, what can I get for to you drink today?" A young female bartender greets me, smiling.

" Hmm." Grinning, I hum in a happy mood. I haven't drunk in a while. " I'll have whiskey on the rocks, please."

" O-okay." She blushes while getting my drink ready.

Ah, I'm looking handsome today, Minjoon surely missed my handsomeness as well. Of course my original body is better, but this ones pretty decent as well, Oliver took care of his body.

I sip on my drink as I watch Minjoon finish up his phone call.

I stand up and head over to him. His back was facing me, so he couldn't see me.

Once near him, I sit on the couches armrest and lean over to cover his eyes with one hand as my other hand grabs his free hand, bringing it up to my lips. I kiss his knuckles, ginning. " Guess who, baby?"

" Get your hands off me, Harrison." He frowns, trying to get away from my embrace.

" Who the fuck is Harrison?" I take my hand off his eyes and wrap it around his neck instead. I tilt his head up to look at ME, not this Harrison fucker.

" Eh? Oliver!" He blinks in surprise before he beams brightly, happily throwing his arms around my neck. I hug him back, and pull him up to sit on my lap.

I run my hands through his hair as I enjoy the heat of his body, before I remember.

" So. Who's this Harrison guy?" I question, trying to seem nonchalant as possible, like I wasn't planning to slaughter that motherf*****.

Minjoon chuckles as he leans back. His thin fingers tickle my cheeks as he moves aside my long bangs from my face. " Don't go plotting his murder. He's just a friend, annoying at times, but still a friend."

" Annoying? How?" I quirk an eyebrow.

" Since you were gone for a while, he never believed me when I said I'm taken." Minjoon continues playing with my hair.

My arms tightened around his waist.

Harrison just made it to the top of my hit list.

" Um, don't punch him or anything, okay?" Minjoon suddenly grips my shoulders.

" I can't promise that, sugar. It depends on his behavior." I smile at him as I glance at the young man that just walked in the bar, heading towards us.

" Alexander." He greets my baby, frowning at me. " Who's this?"

" His lover." I speak up, smiling.

" Lover? I- I thought you made that up so I'd stop courting you." He bites his lip and ignores me as he once again directs his question to Minjoon.

Minjoon sighs, leaning his head on my shoulder. " I wasn't lying when I said I already had someone I love."

Harrison's mouth drops open as he couldn't say a word.

I hold Minjoon's chin, tilting his head towards me. " Are there any other bugs I should know of?"

" No." Minjoon shakes his head, giggling.

" Good." I lean down to French kiss him deeply. Minjoon's eyes flutter to a close as our tongues intertwine.

I keep my eyes open to stare down at Harrison, glaring at him to get my message across. ' This person is mine.'

Harrison steps back, startled.

" G-got it." Heartbroken, he runs out the bar.

I continue kissing by baby for a few more minutes, before he starts panting. As we separate, a line of saliva connected us.

" Hahaha." Minjoon pants laughing as he holds on to me. " Done being jealous, Olie?"

" For now."

" So, did you finish your mission?"

" Hm, I guess." I shrug.

" So, you did or didn't?" Minjoon tilts his head to the right, confused.

" I did. I'm now waiting for the main system to contact me."

" Hm-mm." He nods.

" Anyway, what've you been up to while I was gone?"

" I've done two operations with the others. First one was Nicks revenge against his previous company. Second one is for a friend that reached out to Sophia."

Minjoon hums as he grabs his glass of wine and starts taking small sips as he cuddles with me on the couch.

" You've done well, good job, sweetheart." I kiss his forehead.

" Thanks." He says smiling softly.

We stay for an other hour, just enjoying each others company with a view of the night city.

His face starts looking flushed after his third cup of wine. His glass of wine almost slips out his hand as his head wobbles.

" Careful." I take the cup away and place it on the table. " It's gotten late now, let's go home." I get up to pack the things he brought with him.

" Okay." He nods obediently as he tries getting up. But he falls back. He looks up at me, tearing up. " The couch won't let me go..." He pouts adorably.

I chuckle at his cuteness. " Come here." I grin, leaning down to pick him up.

" Wah, so high! Hahaha!"

" Hold on to me, baby, or you'll fall."

" Ok!" His arms wrap around my neck and hold on tightly.

I carry him out the building, all the way to my car that I parked outside. I place him in his seat and try to get up but he kept his arms tightly locked around my neck.

" Babyboy, I need you to let go of me now."

" No! You're mine, you can't go anywhere!"

" I'm not going anywhere." I chuckle. " I need to get drive us home so we can cuddle some more, okay?"

" ...promise?"

" I promise."

He finally lets go of my neck. I buckle him up and close his door before making my way to the drivers seat.

Minjoon fell asleep on the way home. I'm driving to a place a bought for Minjoon to live in during his stay here.

I park the car outside an apartment complex. I turn to Minjoon and tap his shoulder. " Minjoon, we're home, get up."

" Hm? Ollie!" He beams happily. He lifts his arms like a child waiting to be picked up.

Of course, I oblige. I carry him inside the building, go through elevator and head to our apartment.

I place Minjoon on the bed. I take off his clothes and shoes. I grab him some pjs from the drawer.

" Don't wanna." He refused to put on the t-shirt.

" You wanna sleep naked?" I thought he didn't like to do that.

" Hm-mm. You get naked too."

" ... Not such a good idea. I'll keep my clothes on."

" No!" His eyes start tearing up.

" Okay, okay, don't cry." I shrug off my shirt. " There, I took it off."

" Pants too!" He pouts.

" That's..." I sigh. " Fine." My pants get thrown across the room as well.

He crosses his arms, pouting even more.

" What?"

He points at my boxers in response.

...Is this a test of my will power? ಠ_ಠ

" ... Fine."

" Yay! Now, come here!" He opens the blanket and pats the spot next to him.

" Let's go to sleep now." I sigh laying down.

" What sleep?" Minjoon says, abruptly climbing on me.

" Minjoon?"

" I want you."

" I want you too, but you're drunk. Tomorrow, okay?" I pat his hair as I lean up.

" You said you're mine but you don't love me or stay by my side." His head lowers, seemingly about to cry.

" Minjoon-"

" It makes me want to put a leash on you." He looks back up with a chaotic storm in his eyes. His hands wrap around my neck, squeezing a bit.

" Huh? Hahaha." How cute. I gently tug off his hands from my throat.

" Sure, if that's what you want, then..." With a snap of my fingers a black collar with a leash appear on my neck.

I put the leash in his hand. " Here you go." I grin.

He blinks in surprise, glancing back and forth between the collar on me and the leash in his hands. " Your mine?"

" Yes, I'm yours."

He pulls on the leash, bringing me towards him.

With our face close enough to touch, he whispers, " I want you. I want your touch to drive me crazy again."