
Life as a system

This novel centers around the system (seme/top), who had been dealing with shitty hosts until he finally finds one to his liking. But he ends up liking him too much? ~~~~~~~~ This novel will have world hopping!!! My fav lol This is a gay, BL, yoai novel. There will be inappropriate content for those under 18. There is smut! My novel will focus on their romance and the worlds they travel to. Give it a try people! And let me know if any of you have any good ideas for worlds they should travel to.

System_2200 · Kỳ huyễn
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49 Chs

Chapter 12: Leaving me

It's been two months after that argument, or rather, rejection. Host has been avoiding me as much as he can and focusing on his first college experience.

He also has to worry about his mission. Especially now, since I provoked the animosity of Alex's family, including the protagonist, his older brother Ron. They tried contacting Alex multiple times but failed because of the bodyguards I placed around him.

In order to go along with the plan host made, I put in effort to cut off the information flow to Raan as I steadily took action against them. But it was only to delay them for a month until we finalize and sign the contract.

A couple days ago Raan found out I was the one sabotaging his company from rumors I intentionally spread to reach his ears. As enraged as he was, his oldest son calmed him down. Ron, the protagonist, remained rational enough to try to salvage their situation.

Ron tried using the law to hold me accountable for the slander and damages their company suffered. However, he couldn't take legal action against me once I brought the case to court.

My company was deemed the victim after I presented his 'fraudulent misrepresentation' that forced the rescission of the contract and would have caused huge monetary damages to my own incorporation had I not investigated during the manufacturing process.

Their accusations were seen as 'vengeful and baseless' and dismissed by the ruling judge.

Not only did he have to pay an anatomical amount of money for the contract breach, he had to pay me back all the money I used in the beginning stages of the manufacture.

His own reputation had completely collapsed in the business world where connections and basic trust was required in partnerships. No one would want to work with someone who would dig a pit and push the other in when defenseless. The very little amount of partners and investors they had left pulled out once they heard of the case.

Alex also contributed to the case. He brought me some key information that would help put his father and step mother in jail. We found out that Alex's biological mother was killed by them. When I asked how he got the information, he smiled innocently and said " I asked politely." I just let it go without asking again.

I used Blake's connections to hasten the process for both cases. The Seahprie company was now bankrupt. Raan and his second wife were heading off to jail with a life sentence and 30 years respectively for premeditated manslaughter.

Once their sentences came out, Raan grabbed his youngest brother and what was barely left of their assets to move to another country. Since the world's Will favors him, it shouldn't be too hard to start from scratch and rise to wealth again for a protagonist.

My reckless mess- I mean test for host has been cleaned up, so all that's left is to vacation for a couple years and sit around waiting for host to finish his mission. But... I haven't even spoken to him this month.

Sigh, what should I do? We can't stay this way.

Knock, knock. My assistant pops her head in for a second. " Sir, it's time to clock out and there's no need for over time. Are you heading home now as well?"

" Yeah, I guess I should."

" I'll call the driver. See you tomorrow morning, sir."

" Mh-mm." I nod.



I lock the entrance door behind me. I tug down my tie as I head to the couch to relax for a minute. I lean my head back, sleepy though it's only evening right now.

Host... Alex, what should I do? I want to take a step closer to you but I don't you to get your hopes up.

Ah, damn it, I groan out loud. Why am I even thinking about his feelings? There's hundreds of people whose hearts I have broken, what's so special about this one?! I've never been the good guy, why have I been acting like one? I'm confusing myself.

" Urghhh." I sigh for the nth time today.

" What are you groaning about?" I hear a smooth and soft voice above me.

I snap open my eyes open. " Alex." I blink for a second. Is this for real? Hallucination? Is he actually willing to talk to me after two months of silence.

I smile feeling overjoyed. " What's up?"

" Don't smile so brightly." He pursues his lips as he sits in the couch in front of me.

" How could I not be happy? You're finally talking to me after ignoring me for a long time." I sulk.

" I'm avoiding you because of that attitude of yours." He points at me.

" Huh? What did I do? I literally haven't done anything!"

" Oh really?" He dead pans. " Do try to remember what've you've done since then."

I keep silent and avert my eyes from his current piercing dark blue eyes.

" Want me to jog your memory? Let's start with recently. Just last night you crawled into my bed and refused to leave, locked me in your arms and then pretended to fall asleep."

" That's just sleep walking. I don't know what I'm doing during that."

" Uh- Huh. Then, should I list the day time things?"

" I really haven't done anything during the day. I made sure not to get to close or touch you." I raise my hands innocently.

" Yeah, you don't psychically touch me." He wraps his arms around himself, slightly shivering, as if cold. " But I can constantly, everyday- I feel your heated stare roaming my body. Even when I catch you staring, you don't notice. You're too busy undressing me in your imagination."

" Uh..." My eyes widen, genuinely surprised.

Was I that obvious? I put in effort to give him space, but I got used to his presence in the first month. I couldn't control myself at night, I craved him, his warmth. It turns out I had absolutely no self control day or night.

No control when it comes to him.... This is more serious than I thought.... dangerous even.

I drop my head, looking down. I bring up a hand to clasp my lower face and clench my left hand in frustration.

His eyes soften tenderly, looking me helplessly. " I can't tell if your doing this on purpose or not." He mumbles under his breath, but I still hear it. " Anyway, I've come to tell you some news. I'm moving into my colleges dorm."

" What?" My head snaps back up.