
Life's Game:Tet's Journey

As they say life's a game. everyone faces a set of challenges in their life. so If life's a game, why not make is fun. "Life's Game" is a novel about Tet, after his death he was transported to another world run by the god of creation named Saturn. Every world ever is ruled by a god. When they where created they were told to rule over their world how they see fit. The world under Saturn's rule must abide by his rules... The rules of creation. In his world you level up and earn skills though experience within the world. The only limit is your imagination. You can only come to his world if you die while a child or your born there, your chance in this life only depends on your strength and will to live. Every one has a system that they level up and create skills with. # # # Author: The novel will be slow and have lots of world building. At the beginning updates will be slow. As this is my first novel so don't expect to much.

koal_strike · Kỳ huyễn
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11 Chs

Ch 4: A new family

As soon as the word left his mouth a door open and light came in revileing a shabby room after his eyes adjusted and he heard a voice

"are you talking to yourself again" said a young female voice

"who are you, where am I" Tet asked in confusion

"did you hit your head again come here let me heal it for you" as she walked over green light started gathering in her hand she reached him and put her hand out.

A comfortable warm feeling enveloped Tet as he paid attention to her hands more letters started to form and then he heard a ding followed up by a female voice.

***Host now has a little understanding of the healing rule****

As Tet looked up he got a better look at the women's face she appeared to be in her mid twenties, she was blond standing at about 5 foot 7.

when she finished she told him breakfast was almost done and he should go to the bathroom and find a mirror and fix him self up, it took him a couple of minutes to find the bathroom. When he looked in the mirror he saw a slightly tan boy with good looks and dirty blond hair almost long enough to cover his eyes.

After Tet finished he went down the stairs with caution, as he walked the air was filled with a sweet aroma, that almost lifted him off his feet. He was then quickly knocked out of his dase buy a loud manly shout

"stop dilly dalling around and come get some of your moms delicious breakfast"

My mom? Tet thought he heard wrong and was about to confront him, but right before the system stopped him and told him he was reincarnated and this was his new family.

as he finished walking down the stairs he saw a family of three sat around a table with 1 chair open. He saw 2 men one looked older than the other, they looked at him as he pulled up. a chair when he sat down they continued to stare him down confused he said

"Why are you staring at me"

"I'm just wondering if you were going to school on your first day, because you dont have your uniform on"

"And you smell" the younger looking man added".

Tet realized his mistake and quickly ran up stairs to change and shower he found his clothes on his bed and took a shower, during which he leaned the rule of water and steam. as he walked down the stairs for a second time he look more dignified and respectful.


From now on I will refer to magic as rules so instead of dark magic it'll be dark rule I plan to update as much as possible and I'll start taking writing more seriously I hope you stay and enjoy