
Lie for You

"You will be reborn as hope, My boy Milagro, Oh sorry its Kaan now." "What Reborn!!?" What is this stupid god of tales saying. *** Kaan born to bring hope somehow became a curse to bring the fall to all of the kingdoms. Well that's what the prophecy says. "Well who cares I will live in this world as the villain and create a hero." "..." "Well that failed huh...." "..." what will happen when the hand groomed hero by the villain defies his orders and ruins the plans made long back... what will happen when an obsessed hero captures the sacrificial villain.... "Jasper please listen to me." "no" "huuu... damn it."

zodiac_stars · Kỳ huyễn
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52 Chs

Wills and Kings

"By the way, My lord Skyler and Jasper have started their second plan. They will be spreading the word that you are a fake envoy and are trying to take the ice king's place so as to slow you down." Leia said with a side grin.

"Well then the wills have to reach everyone before Sky does." I say.

Leia nodded and said "well that's true but don't you think they will now make a fool of themselves if they just reverse their own rumors. There is certainly something fishy going on." 

"Leia, I know you know what they are going to do." I said in an annoyed voice.

"Well so do you my lord." She says with a smirk.

"I will handle the king. You get going." I gave her the command. She got up from her seat and said while leaving "Aye aye captain." 

"Wait before that another thing you have to do." 


I scramble through my pocket and remove a small wooden box and a key. I placed them on the table and told Leia "I need you to go to the frost castle and use this infinity key -that can open any door in the castle- replace the ice king stamp with this fake one."

She just nodded and murmured "to make it even more realistic right right." 

She took both the things from the table and went away with a hand wave.

I just shook my head. I picked myself up and started walking towards the door. I exited and walked along the street. I turned inside one of the hotels in the area and borrowed a room for the night. 

'Time to write some wills.' 


I got down from the hero's carriage and entered the Ravial palace. All the servants and people working in the palace greeted me with honor and respect. 

'I don't deserve this, Kaan does.' With that thought and a bitter face I walk along the halls towards the private study room of the king to have a discussion.

After five minutes of walking I came in front of a gorgeous golden double door. The guard saw me and knocked on my behalf. 

"Come in." 

The guard opened the door and said "Your majesty the Hero Jasper is here to meet you." 

He looked up from his document and said with a smile "let him in."

I walked in the room and the guard closed the door after him. Gustav made an extravagant hand gesture and said "welcome my hero, come, come have a seat." 

I place myself in the chair in front of him. 

"I hope you have been doing well, now what is it that you need from me?" The king got serious within a second. 

I frowned a little but said what I came here for "Your majesty, I heard there is going to be a war soon." 

He just sighs and nods.

"Then what about the empty supreme commander's position? It has been vacant for a while." 

"Are you interested in the position?" the king raised an eyebrow.

I just shook my head and said "I already have the hero's post, I need not get more titles. But I wanted to point out the perfect candidate for it."

"Ohh who could that be?" he said with a look of amazement.

"Kaan Mabuz." I say almost blunting it out.

"hahaha," He started laughing but after calming down he said with a calculative look "The young Mabuz huh..."

"Your majesty, Lord Kaan, is the son of the previous commander. He has also done a splendid job of protecting the Ravial from the monsters of Irrian. He is also someone who has saved countless people like me and has given them jobs. Also he has the perfect leadership skills as the Mabuz territory is one of the most prosperous and happy territories.

He is a true and kind hearted person and he understands his employees very well. Also to mention he is powerful and has the brains to back it up. It's just perfect, he is made for this position." I finished my grand explanation that was more like a desperate plea than a suggestion. 

The king just scanned my face and said with a thought "I get what you are getting at Hero but I am pretty sure Duke Kaan will refuse the offer because, first he likes to work from shadows and second he is the real target of the war. Which means taking him to the battlefield would be just stupidity."

My frown deepened and I countered by saying "We can just keep Kaan behind the safe zone and tell him to not go into battle but to only command and strategies." 

"Will he sit still?"

"Yes, enough emotional blackmail will do the trick." I say nonchalantly. 

"But we also have to get the approval of the nobles," he countered. 

So I replied by saying "We can just do it on the day of the war meeting banquet." 

"How do you plan on showing and gaining the trust of all the noble bodies?" 

"I have a plan for it and that's why I need your help, your majesty." I smirk knowing that a bait has been set up for Kaan. 


'Will one.'

"Dear Jasper,

This is my will and last mission to you. I want you to continue leading the forces of Brightfall as well as continue being the hero that everyone loves. You are the only person who has the right to be by my side but I will let you be in this world for a bit longer. Please take care of everyone and make sure you fulfill all the things needed to be done for world peace. 

Please take care of yourself as well. Take care of yourself like you take care of me. You're the best friends I needed and the brother I never got. I know we will miss the sparing and the joking memories but don't get to dwell in them. 

You are strong, I know that, much stronger than me so a selfish request please take care of everyone with a loving heart because they are family. Now I wish I could say more but I can't seem to know what to write so I will end it with a list of things you should do. They are as follows:

-Again take proper command of the Brightfall.

-Continue the heroes act and our plan of world peace.

-Go to the treasure trove of the Brighfall and open a blue chest there as a present for you.

Hope you live well.

Yours Truly

The Ice King." 

'And done with the first will huuuuu.'