
Lich in Another World

"Where is this?" Leon wondered. Clinging to a piece of blue crystal protruding from the floor, Leon managed to stand up, staggering and clutching his head after a terrible dizziness. "Right. I'm not alive anymore!" Leon suddenly remembered the painful fall that had happened to him not long ago, his steps became heavier and heavier. Leon's mood turned to frustration, then to exhaustion, until he couldn't control himself and collapsed to the ground. A milky bone appeared, signalling that something was wrong! "Oh my God, what have I become?" The extreme panic made Leon forget that he was dead. He fell onto his back and almost fainted at the sight of his new body. A strange voice, a whole new status board.... What will happen to Leon? It all comes together in the debut novel of an unknown author!

_melon_ · Kỳ huyễn
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14 Chs

Meat Addicts - New Conspiracy

"Dripping sound"

Leon held out his hand to catch the drops of water falling from above.

Due to the cloud cover, the previously beautiful maple forest suddenly turned into an extremely desolate and mysterious place. Overhead, the clouds gradually thickened, curling up into a long strip like giant guardians . The sky was pitch black, with occasional flashes of light accompanied by the sound of thunder.

The strong winds kept changing direction, blowing small drops of water into Leon's body.

Leon took a few steps back, clutching the map in his hand. Leon realised that his vision was rapidly deteriorating.

A torrential rain poured down, bringing with it unpleasant sounds. It brutally blew away the fog and replaced it with a barrier of water. 

Leon took shelter from the rain in a small cave by the side of the road, his eyes straining to find something visible in the dark surroundings.

Leon turned away, his hand outstretched. Leon remembered the simple fire-making spell he had learned from Kate, mouth muttering. He planned to turn his palm into a glowing torch.

"Ah, hot, so hot" Leon slowly turned around with the small flame that had just formed in his palm, his mood improving slightly.

"The weather is strange!" Leon exclaimed.

"This weather is normal here. Don't you know that?"

The voice came from a warrior girl standing nearby with her arms crossed. She is a girl with warm pale pink hair, her distinctive feature being her slightly elongated ears, her sturdy armour covering her body, leaving only a small gap. Her sudden appearance startled Leon, who fell back, the flames in his hands disappearing. The girl laughed as she pulled out her blunt sword and used [Luminescence], lighting up the entire cave. 

Leon sat up, his eyes turned to the girl with curiosity, and the first thing he saw were the scars on her hands. Even though they had faded a lot, they were still next to each other, creating a slightly creepy feeling. Not only that, but in addition to the sword she held in her hand, she also had a long sword at her right hip and a small leather pouch next to it that was bulging from the inside. . She approached Leon, couldn't help but be curious and ran her fingers over his shiny armour.

Leon didn't have time to react, he was pushed to the wall by the girl.

She lifted her head to look at Leon, her forefinger tapping lightly on the armour.

"Hmm. There must be a muscular body inside that sturdy armour!" 

"That proves you're the knight of some nobleman, doesn't it?"

"I... I." Leon stammered, his thoughts clouded by the unexpected question.

The urge led Leon to make up a lie, and he felt lucky that it had helped him outsmart the girl:

"Ah yes. I am a knight from a small baronial clan in the south of the Kingdom, and I have a mission to fulfil here."

"The South ?" the girl pressed her face against Leon, her eyes growing curious.

"Yes... the south." 

"I also come from the south of the Kingdom. My name is Letitia, Letitia Sylphia.I work as a mercenary and adventurer in the Arthen Guild…" The girl smiled and held out her hand to Leon.

"My name is Leon. Nice to meet you." 

"Me too..." 

The girl pulled a small leather notebook out of her bulging bag and turned away, mumbling as she read the faded scribbles.

When Leon saw the tears in the cover of the notebook, he couldn't help but wonder what the girl was reading.

She was rereading "Impressive Tip", a communication book written for Leti by a friend whose name Fayre, which she carries with her and cherishes as much as she can.

She turned quickly, put her hand to her chest and said proudly:

"My main hobbies are buying meat, processing meat and eating meat. I love barbecues, casseroles, meatballs or meat rolls.... Well, anything else ?"

"In general, I love meat and meat." Leti waved her hands wildly, her eyes closed tightly at the thought of tasty pieces of bacon.

"A girl addicted to meat?" Leon thought to himself.

"Ooc.. ooc. ." (Stomatch rumbles)

"Leti....that's her name, isn't that"

"Leti-san, it looks like your stomach is squeaking."

"Heh...." Leti was awakened by Leon's words.

"I'm sorry. I... I haven't eaten since this morning."

Leti sighed, her mouth salivating at the thought of the barbecue.

The thought of scent pulled Leti back into her fantasies , she continued to wave her hands wildly.

"It seems Gabul brought back a lot of bison meat the other day. He told me to sell it to the traders."

"But they take up too much space, crowding out where my weapons and tools are stored."

"Or am I..." Leon looked over at Leti, who had lost consciousness from hunger: "Leti, I have some bison meat here. If you don't criticise..."

Leti's eyes lit up when she heard the word 'meat'. The girl couldn't control herself and grabbed Leon's hand, refusing to let go.

"You say bison meat? Bison meat?"

"Ah yes. Bison meat."

With difficulty, Leon took a large piece of meat from the space-time museum. He placed it in front of Leti.

"You're really giving it to me?"

"Well, I don't need it now ... " 


"Huh, where are the four pieces of meat I just let go?"

Leon started to look around for the pieces of meat, but to no avail. His gaze stopped at the wave of Leti's hand.

"Knight-san, I'm barbecuing. Let's get ready to enjoy it!"

Leon rolled his eyes and opened his mouth wide at the sight of the four heavy pieces of meat he had struggled to pull out, now being roasted by Leti. Not to mention the fire she uses for barbecuing, it's blue and gives off an enormous amount of heat.

"Is it plasma ?" Leon touched his armour, it was already hot.

"Knight-san, hurry. The meat is cooked."

"It's only been five minutes, the speed of the grill is remarkable!"

"It must be a high-level fire magic."

"Hurry! Knigh-san!" Leti urged.

"Thanks Leti, I've already eaten . Just eat as much as you want." Leon waved his hand.



"Invite everyone to eat!"

Leti put the large piece of meat in her mouth. The delicious taste immediately made Leti tremble with joy.

"Haizzz..." Leon sighed and turned his eyes towards the darkness.

"Knight-san, do you have any meat left? I'll buy it for a high price."

Leon was startled to turn around by a loud call from Leti: 

"Leti-san. Did you eat all four pieces of meat?"

"Hmm. That's not enough, I was still hungry. Do you have any more meat?"

"Ha ha. Don't poke me. I don't think you can eat them all in... in... in... "Leon fell to the ground, his mouth twitching in shock.

All that remained in front of Leon's eyes were four large cow bones and Leti, her mouth smiling, her drool still dripping with lust.

She fumbled in her pocket for a large bag of money and held it up to Leon.

"Knight-san, thank you for your delicious meal!"

"Don't mind."

Leon scratched his head, there were more than ten large pieces of cow bone piled up behind him.

Leti stepped to the edge of the cliff, her arms outstretched to show her delight. Leti looked up at the sky, which was now much less overcast. She asked Leon:

"Where will you go when the rain stops?"


"I will go to ... I'm on my way to Misty Town."

"Misty Town. It must be three mountains away."

"Leti-san, do you know that town?"

"Of course I do. I lived there for about a year and a half before I became an adventurer."

"I advise you not to go to that town."

"Why is that?"

"Hm, how should I put it..."

"Well, that city was abandoned a few years ago. I don't know what the reason is, but I heard rumours that there was a swarm of mutated Basilisks there." 

"Many adventurers and soldiers were sent to find and destroy them, but they couldn't. For safety's sake, they decided to evacuate the people from the city."

"Basilisk. It looks like a big snake, doesn't it?" Leon tried to picture it in his mind.

"They're snakes, those are normal ones. The mutants have extra legs, they move like lizards, some of them have the ability to burrow underground."

"Snakes combined with lizards, that sounds interesting!" Leon thought to himself.

"Do you know anything else about this town?"

"I don't . After all, no one would dare set foot in that place looking for more information about those monsters."

Finishing her words, Leti turned back inside with a faint golden flame in her palm. She threw it at a pile of dry branches nearby. They caught fire and lit up part of the space around Leon.

Next, Leti pulled out an adventurer's mission from her notebook and handed it to Leon.

"There's one more thing, Knight-san."

"A little over a week ago, a huge amount of energy was released from the centre of the Hiller Cave ruins."

"I just finished investigating there, but nothing came of it. I'm wondering if you know anything about this incident."

"Cave ?"

"Yes. If you had travelled along this path, you would have passed through the entrance to the cave!"

"So the name of this cave is Hiller." Leon thought to himself.

"I'm sorry. I'm not sure if I saw anything of it."

"So what" Leti sighed, folding the note in her hand and putting it in her pocket.

"Usually this area is strange. Many of the guild's adventurers have mysteriously disappeared while passing through this cave." Leti's voice dropped slightly.

"A close friend of mine also disappeared there, so every time I had a chance to investigate the cave, I did my best to find clues."

"But nothing was found, and this time was no exception."

Leon sat silently listening to Leti's story, his hands clenched. He wanted to say something to her about the cave, but his throat was blocked by some unknown external force.

"I'm sorry for bringing in my personal story. I hope you can skip it."

Leti's next words swept Leon's train of thought away, making him forget his purpose.

Leti walked over and sat down next to Leon, her hands warming to the flames.

"You said you were on duty, didn't you?" Leti looked at Leon.

"Hmm. Now I need to go to a human city. No, I need to meet any trade guild to sell and buy some necessary items." 

"Trade guild..." 

"Knight-san, would you like to come with me to the city of Arthen?"

"It's the headquarters of Polfort, one of the three largest associations in the Kingdom."

"Arthen, it's a long way from here, isn't it?" said Leon as he opened the old map. His hand pointed to a small, faded point.

"It's not that far, there's a road that can shorten the distance, but it has to go over the edge of Misty Town." Leti's hand pointed along a small straight line that did not appear on the map.

"If you need time, we can take this shortcut. But it is quite dangerous. The straight line is quite long, it takes about a day to walk it."

"Well." Leon considered Leti's offer.

"I have no choice anyway, when can we leave?"

"It's up to you."

"Can we leave now ? It's already raining out there." Leon pointed outside, where faint sunlight was slowly replacing the dark clouds.

"Yes." Leti agreed.

Leti drew her longsword to look at it while she waited for Leon to prepare.

Leon hurriedly rearranged his things, not noticing a magical letter that had just appeared right behind him.

"It's the president's seal." Leti carefully caught the letter, nervously tearing open the white envelope that had faded a little red from the glue.


"This... No way!"

Leti's hands shook. Her face went pale, she couldn't control herself, sat down on the ground.

In her hand she still held the hastily and sloppily written letter, the smudged letters were messy and hard to read. Judging by Leti's reaction, something serious must have happened.

"Leon, I'm sorry." Leti stammered, breathing heavily.

"We have to go now, The children are in danger!"

"The Children..?"

Leon started in suprise, he looked at the crumpled letter in Leti's hand, he wanted to ask.

"I'll explain later." Leti seathed, dragging Leon as if she were flying towards Misty Town.

The glimmer of sunlight soon dissipated as the mist returned, bringing with it loud noises that shook the ground. It was the stomping, the purring of a huge reptilian creature with a deformed body. They sniffed their surroundings a little before diving quickly to the ground, following the footsteps of two prey that had just left.

"Thunder sound"


The sound of thunder was accompanied by a downpour. The strong wind brought torrential raindrops onto the window panes, which glistened with an opaque white light. 


The large wooden door opened, a burly man entered, holding the hot-bodied girl in his arms.

He set her down and aggressively tore off his white shirt, revealing a mountain of bulging muscles.

"Irene-chan, the bastard Josh who dared to humiliate you has been put in prison by me. All sanctions ... will be decided by you." The man touched the girl's pretty face.

"Can you shut him up and put him on my slave ship?" The girl met his eyes.

"Of course." He bared his teeth and laughed, his eyes staring passionately at the girl.

"You're so cool!" The girl touched his chest.

"Thank you, Irene-chan."

The man hugged the girl tightly. He kissed her neck, caressed her beautiful curves and pressed her against a large bed.

"Slowly, Harold-sama." The girl tried to push the man away.

"It's not like you usually do" The fierce man tore the thin skirt off her, revealing a snow-white and soft skin. His hands uncontrollably squeezed the girl's plump breasts.

"Harold-sama! He's 'spoiled'."

"Okay. Today I will serve you well, in return..."

"You can give me a few more beast slaves..."

"Hmm. You know I'll do whatever you want." The man cut her off.

"You're so cute, Harold-sama." The girl smiled, she gently sat up and masterfully undressed in front of the man.

"Irene, will you give birth to me." He looked at her with lust.

"Not now, Harold-sama" The girl smiled dropping down on the mattress, her body sprawled out in a ready position.

The man pounced on the girl like a wild animal. He kissed her breasts and then her mouth. He groped all over her body to satisfy his climactic lust. 

The girl changed her gaze, her hand gripping his flesh, her tongue swirling around his, her breast touching his. At this point she was unable to move as his heavy body pinned her completely to the bed.

He screamed in satisfaction, a purple magic mark gradually appearing on his forehead. His drool continued to pour out, his sweat soaking the white blanket that had just been replaced.

The sense of excitement and noise in the room was overwhelmed by the sound of rain outside. But on the wall, the man's shadow didn't stop moving.

The girl became one with him, her face happily feeling the little pleasure that came from this still roaring bull.

As was to be expected, the man's delight did not end when the rain stopped.

In a stone room where rusty instruments of torture hang on all four walls.

"Ahhh !!" A loud scream was heard, accompanied by a few rough cuts. Blood dripped from the white skin onto the ground, soaking up and spilling from the tiny cracks in the floor.

"Please, ..."

"Please stop, stop, ...."

"Shut up"

The sour voice came from a thin man standing nearby. He was quite short, wearing a white apron that had turned a dull red, dirty and smelly. However, he had a long arm, which served as a compensating advantage, making it easy for him to reach the tools in the distance. He grinned contemptuously, his front teeth protruding like rats, and his white face slowly turned. He looked at the poor dying man bound on the table, his face showing no emotion.

In front of him was a cat girl with deep wounds all over her body. Bloodstained fingers lay scattered on the floor, large blistered burns and a swollen eye. He had just finished 'playing' with her breasts. He threw the large, still red-hot tongs into a pile of rotting flesh tissue in the corner of the room. 

"Your tongue." he said, reaching for a knife resting on a puddle of red fluid.

"Plea..se, sir, please spare me." the girl screamed weakly, her whole body shaking.

"Come on"

"Your tongue is about to become part of 'it', cheer up." His horrified laughter echoed through the room.

He opened the curtains and presented the girl with a series of glass jars containing tongues, some of them badly decomposed, turning a disgusting black. He told her proudly that he had personally sorted them by species, for there were so many that he could no longer count them. The evil man brought several jars with blurry labels: "Black Cat" close to the girl's face. The girl was shocked to see it, her mouth throwing up the rancid food he had fed her earlier.

"You're so dirty, the trash cat." He wiped the liquid from her face with a blood-scented fishy towel. He had used it on her brother, the subject of his earlier experiment.

"Your brother's a stubborn one." He wiped his hand harder at the girl's wounds, while also glancing towards the window, where the shredded meat box lay beneath a blood-stained sledgehammer, occasionally illuminated by faint flashes of lightning.

"If your fucking brother had been more docile, you wouldn't be in this situation, would you?" he rubbed her head.

"Please, sir, spare me..."

"Hah. Your brother begged me as much as you did, and you know what...?"

He climbed onto the table and brought the knife close to the girl's mouth, his hand squeezing her throat.

"When I put the knife next to him like this, he had pointed at you. He begged me to use you as a test subject to replace him.He betrayed his sister to live."

"But I extremely hate the stinking guys, even grumbled as much as that stupid black cat. I said no and ... "

"I gave it a few 'light' hammer-blow on the head. Your fucking brother screamed at me before having to shut up and was thrown into the other corner like a garbage bag!"

"You're luckier than him, you've got more interesting things, and besides..."

"Well, I'm still going to make you a great masterpiece!"

"Now, open your mouth." he laughed.

"Soon your beautiful tongue will no longer belong to you"

The girl tried to push him to the ground. He held his head angrily and jumped up, looking at the girl with eyes that were already red with veins. He brutally slashed her cheek with his knife, making a large incision from cheek to cheek.

"Don't let me get angry. Open your mouth..."  He punched her hard in the face. 

"No. No. Please..." The girl begged him with her other eye, tears streaming down her face.

"This filthy cat." 

He dropped the knife and stood up. He kicked her in the chest and stomach. He grabbed her head, even ripping off one of her ears with brutal force.


"Great..." Seizing the opportunity when she screamed in pain, he grabbed the knife and put it in her mouth.

A flash of lightning flashed from the window behind him, accompanied by the violent sound of knives.


"Say something! Are you dumb?" He slapped the girl hard across the face, giggling.

The girl's lifeless gaze stared at the window of hell, tears still falling incessantly.  Her hands were free, her body still trembling slightly.

The bloodied tongue was pulled out by him. He held it indifferently in front of her.

"Great. Great expression." He stroked her face with his rough hand before grabbing her hair and dragging her down to the table.

"Wait a minute. I need to add this to the collection. " He took the tongue and placed it in an empty vessel and placed it neatly in the drawer where the picture of the female demon he so adored - a beautiful and bloodthirsty succubus.

He knelt down and took out the tools to perform some sort of pagan ritual. He muttered strange words before placing the vessel deep in the display case, wiping his hands and leaving the room. He opened the rusty iron door, oozing disgusting slime, and entered a dark space with glad eyes.


"This black cat, hear what I say." He kicked in the iron door.

He returned to the room and pulled a syringe from his body. Inside was a thick, black liquid. Capillaries were constantly appearing on its walls. They were beating slightly, as if they were trying to pump the strange liquid into a small heart.

He looked at the girl and approached her coldly.

The girl was now hanging from four iron chains, her hands were red and her face darkened. Her breathing was getting weaker.

"You can't die." he tugged at her hair, caressing her tear- and blood-soaked face, before he coldly thrust into the girl's throat, injecting everything in the syringe.


"gurgling sound"

The girl twitched incessantly, black veins rising all over her body. Red, fleshy tissue vomited from her mouth. They quickly shot out all around her, partly shrinking and enveloping the girl.

The black aura of evil that relentlessly emanated from the girl shook the room. It tore and swallowed everything in its path with tentacles full of red veins. It kept rolling on the floor, trying to rush towards him, who was holding a magic bracelet in his hand. He coldly crushed part of the tentacle and threw the bracelet into its body.  

After a while, its body turned into a pile of thick fluid with hundreds of tiny eyes. It aggressively broke the chains that bound it and rushed towards the foul, fishy smell of raw flesh. 

"This is great, a new creature has been born." The man jumped for joy.

"I must report this new achievement to Irene-sama at once." he exclaimed, running towards his desk, which was flickering with a faint yellow light from a candle that was about to burn out.

His foot hit an elf corpse. It sent him tumbling to the floor, his arm almost touching a sharp blade nearby. He held his face in anger and kicked hard at the corpse, scattering it everywhere.

"Huh. Do the elfs dare block my path?"

"I have to find a little elf and make it clean this up. Then I'll sacrifice it to that new pet."

"Slowly, what if I crossbreed this new creature with an elf?" 

"What a great idea." the man thought.

"Looks like I'm using them a too much, so now my supply of 'ingredients' is empty." He looked at [Lens], which contained a lot of beast slaves and... humans.

"Huh.It's boring." 

"Irene-sama. I need some more elfs."

"Irene, is everything going well?"

"Very well, Naamah-sama."

"My subordinates easily gained access to Prince Julius of the Kingdom and were allowed to conduct experiments on species."

"He has bred several new types of monsters and is about to test them on the people of the kingdom himself."

"What about the Prince of the Empire?"

"Don't mind about him. That idiot is slowly turning into a puppet who will listen to any arrangement we make."

"Well done, Irene. I look forward to the day when the Kingdom is destroyed by the Empire."

"Thank you, sir. I am honoured to be a part of your mighty plan."

"There is one more thing." Naamah clenched her hand. 

"Are you worried about the royals in the Holy Kingdom?"


"I think we'll talk about that later."

"You have done so well. I will reward you. Come here!" Naamah's eyes glowed with sensuality.

"Yes... yes," Irene was hypnotised, her body becoming abnormally hot.

Irene rushed to Naamah's side, a beautiful and noble woman with long white hair. She was wearing a red fur coat, the buttons of which only reached her belly. Naamah held a glass of wine in her hand and didn't hesitate to pour it straight into her large breasts. The aroma of the wine made Naamah laugh with satisfaction, she reached out to hug Irene tightly. 

Irene licked the wine from Naamah's skin with excitement and extreme pleasure. 

Naamah plunged her lustful tongue into Irene's mouth, making her tremble with pleasure. Irene gradually lost consciousness before Naamah led her into a red room with a white bed covered in roses. The creaking door to the room closed and disappeared, leaving a faint light that was slowly swallowed by the darkness.

The candlelight suddenly changed colour with the cold wind blowing outside. The howling of the wind was occasionally overwhelmed by Irene's moans of pleasure echoing throughout the room.

Outside, a wind hissed from nowhere, so strong that it swept away even fragments of tattered yellow leaves lying on the ground. It formed a large black void, temporarily obscuring the scant light from the moons overhead.

Thanks For Support my novel.

_melon_creators' thoughts