
To My Surprise

I was getting gas and decided to get something to eat and drink when two customers rob the shop. I was forced to take action in the situation when the local Sherriff arrived on the scene.

"And what the hell is going on here, Rambo? They called me to a scene, with one gentleman in cuffs and the other one laying on the floor in pain and need of medical assistance. The woman behind the counter looks like she died and gone to hell and came back. The only one with a gun in hand is you?! Is that a correct assessment of the situation? Who are you and what are you doing here?".

While I stand here listening to the Sheriff giving me his assessment on the situation, I'm thinking to myself, this was the best outcome that anyone could have asked for in this type of situation. No lives lost and two in custody. So, why am I feeling confused? I gather my thoughts and introduce myself;

"I'm Detective Marks, Tom Marks, and with all due respect Sheriff, this situation wasn't caused by me. He needs medical assistance because these two gentlemen you are referring to were trying to rob the station at gunpoint. I was forced to act because the woman behind the counter was so scared. She couldn't get the cash out of the register fast enough and I felt action was needed because it seems to the robbers that she wasn't complying with their demands. Look at the CCTV if you do not believe me."

The woman behind the counter then interrupts.

"The cameras are not working, they haven't worked for a while now Detective."

Sherriff looks at me with loathing;

"Oh, you felt that action was needed. You are lucky no one was killed. Wet behind the ears Mr. Big Shot Detective. Think you can come into my town and arrest people as if you are in charge? But let me tell you, something son, in my almost thirty years of being the Sheriff. I have everything under control in this town, you got that! I don't need help from anyone, especially a young rookie trying to make a name for himself. This is my town. How old are you anyway? You know what? It doesn't matter, give your statement to my deputy. Then get in your car and get out of my town."

The Sheriff turns to the deputy and gives him an order;

"Deputy, uncuff this man and give the cuffs back to the Detective and give him an escort to the state lines, understood?"

The deputy walks up to us and says;

"Yes sir, it will be my pleasure."

The Sheriff then turns around and heads to his car. I look at the Sheriff and I'm confused with this situation. I decide to speak my mind;

"Wait, I'm confused Sheriff, are you are letting them go? You should take them in and throw the book at them? You've got them on aggravated robbery, attempted armed robbery, threat with a deadly weapon, intent to do bodily harm. With these charges alone, they can get twenty-five years or more!"

The Sheriff turns around irritated and looks me straight in the eyes;

"Son, I have told you what to do. So, do it and I will do my job."

Then the deputy gets right in my face and he says to me;

"You heard the man, it's time to leave. Let's go."

As I walk to my car, I realize that I want to talk to the young lady that was behind the counter before I leave the scene. I want to know if she is okay. Then I turn to the deputy and say to him;

"Fine, I will leave but first I need to use the restroom."

The deputy seems very irritated with me but says;

"Fine, just make it quick."

I walk straight back to the shop, open the door, and walking right up to the counter;

"Are you okay?"

She leans in and with a whisper, she says to me;

"This is not the first time this has happened, it's about the fifth or sixth time but the Sheriff turns a blind eye. It's like he doesn't care what goes on in this town anymore but thank you for helping me."

With disbelief written all over my face, I realize there is nothing I can do at the moment and say to her;

"I promise I will come back and look at what's going on here but for the moment I have no backup and no one even knows I'm even here. Just hold on and stay safe...I will be back okay? I hand her my card"

She smiles at me as I walk out the door. I walk straight to my car ignoring the deputy as he tries to give me one last order before I leave. I open the door and slam it in his face. Then I start my car. As I'm driving out of the gas station, my eye catches a glimpse again of the woman in the shop window looking at me as I drive away. She subtly waves one last time.

As I'm driving, my mind plays the scenes over and over again almost like a movie that simply doesn't end. It's so intense that I forget about the drive ahead. It's like I can't focus on anything else. It consumes my thoughts completely. Did that just happen right in front of me? What is going on there? Why didn't the Sheriff lock them up?

When I finally gather my thoughts, I find myself already in Los Angeles. I look at the GPS and I'm only a few minutes away from arriving at my new home. Then, before I know it, the GPS says that I have arrived. I turn into the driveway and I see two cars are parked there. The one is a cleaning company and the other a maintenance company. People coming in and out of the house.

I suddenly realize that Shelley didn't call me back. I wonder why? Maybe it's got to do with what's going on here. I don't know if I should call Shelley or just check it out for myself and find out what's going on? I decided to just see for myself. I open the door and what I see unfolding before my eyes unbelievable. How can she do this to me?