
Perfectly Shaped Breasts

I am sitting in Captain Taylor's office with Madison, where he just told me that Woodi and I have to testify in the Sheriff's case. My smile goes from ear to ear and I say;

"Captain, why do you even have to ask, there is nothing to think about...I will do it"

Madison says;

"That is good news Detective. In the Sheriff's case, the court is merely a formality. We have the body, bloody clothes, his fingerprints on the murder weapon, and testimony from two detectives. He is going down for this"

I turn my attention to Madison that is busy talking to me and ask her;

"Has the Sheriff said anything?...tried to make any deals?"

"Nothing at all. I think he is exercising his right to keep quiet"

Captain Taylor interrupts and asks;

"Where is Woodi anyway?"

"Woodi is making sure we get our footage we need for our new case"

Captain Taylor looks impressed and says;