
Li Aizhe, Ah Si - A Brand New Day ♡

Li Aizhe is a beautiful and optimistic girl. She always looks on the bright side of whatever she does. Departed from the warmth of her parents from a young age, she had learned how to be independent and took care of her beloved grandfather while working shifts by shifts. But her life turns upside down on one evening and the beautiful, sweet girl is left alone on nowhere to escape to. She promises to never seek anyone's help and starts to see the harsh reality of the actual world. Ah Si, the first son of the Ah family and the president of the Ah Corporation. He is an aloof guy with a cold personality. He likes to stay away from women and doesn't like to talk a lot. But his heart trembles and his cold facade cracks when he sees Li Aizhe, and without him knowing, he falls in love. Will Ah Si be able to mend Li Aizhe and make her fall for him? Will he be able to protect and shower her with the missing love in her world? -------------------------------♡------------------------------- Book: Li Aizhe, Ah Si - A Brand New Day ♡ Chapter: Confession ♡ Volume no: 2 Aizhe took a deep breath and blushed away when she realized what just happened. Her hands were still holding into his suit and he took it away gently and raised it to kiss it. He smiled at her and wiped the tears which were getting dry on her cheeks. "Aizhe, does it matter that life is filled with difficulties? Does it matter that we are all on the same boat yet can't help each other and does it matter if we are different? Because all that matters to me is you are next to me in this journey.." He looked into her eyes deeply as he poured his heart out one by one for her... "Aizhe, you are my only friend and it is not because of your beauty, but because of your heart. I look at you, not towards your eyes but towards the purity that is hidden in those eyes and I like you not because you are different but because I realized how deep my heart and world yearns for you.." °•The book cover is not mine. All rightful credits to the owner. (I don't know the name, or else I would have credited them respectfully). °• Chapters drop out once on weekdays ✧*。

sincerelyurs · Thành thị
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82 Chs

Flick Of Finger

They must be from a big gang,' she wondered. Her heart sank into the bottom of her ravine instantly. The men were looking at her with a savaged and lewd smile. It somehow brought fear within her.

Knowing that look clearly, Aizhe wondered what she should do to escape from their grasp.

She knew it was best to stay still for now as that would give her more time to plan how to escape. If she made a fuss, that would only agitate them. Finding that the best solution, Aizhe looked down as she asked them:

"Who are you all, why are you after me?," Hearing her words, the leader came in front as he held her chin and made her face him. She looked at him with as calm as she could. The man's gaze furrowed and he seemed to be taken back by her composure.

"Who are we? Come on, how can you forget about us so easily?" he smirked with a denty, yellowish teeth coming into view. The smell from his breath was unbearable and Aizhe had to scrunch her face as she looked away.

He had a cigarette on his hands as he spoke to her at the moment. He took a puff and let it out on her face on purpose. Aizhe looked down and didn't dare to look up. She looked around for her bag and when she noticed it near her legs, she panicked with fright inside. She calmed herself, trying hard to appear composed in front of them.

"Excuse me, but I don't seem to know anyone of you, why are you after me?," she asked. The men looked at her as they all let out a burst of thundering laughter. It was starting to freak her out.

"Oh lass, you are a bit forgetful. How can you forget that night when we chased you down the roads and you had splashed wet mud on our men?

Aizhe knew they were them immediately when she saw their look. She had long realized that but she wondered why they were after her so badly. It was the third time...

"Why are you after me though?" she asked them with a curious look.

When the men heard her question, they chuckled and took out their phone. Dialing someone, they totally ignored her questioning.

Aizhe slumped in her position as she laid in the wet alley. Surrounded by the burly men, she wondered what she should do to escape from their grasp.

"Excuse me, I think you guys have misunderstood me for someone else. Please calm down, and release me. Let's talk in peace instead of messing around like this," she lowered her self esteem as she tried to persuade them.

"Okay, we get it, Sir, we will take the video and release it by tomorrow, yes Sir, no worries.." With a hint of panic in the leader's tone, he turned around.

She sighed as she turned to look for an escape.

Hanging up the phone, the leader bent down and held her hands, tying it with a cord looking rope. He tied it too tight making Aizhe hiss in pain. "Get started and make sure the work is done by tonight." saying that, the leader turned around and left the gloaming and dark alley.

As she saw him leaving, she finally realized what was happening. Seeing their leader give the order, the men changed their gazes and they looked at her as if she was some meat and they were the predator. She felt panicked. Seeing them coming forward, she dodged them with her legs that were yet to be tied.

She took advantage of her untied legs and stood up. After that she moved backward in panic but unfortunately she crashed into one of the men's chests. She turned away and moved to escape but a rough hand caught her collar and dragged her towards him.

She felt his horrible smell reaching her and she almost gagged up. In the next second, she looked up at them in the eye and like a wild cat that was ready to fight them with their nails, she took her bag and swifted it across their face.

"Haha, this little cat has turned wild now, Jing Le, quick, take the syringe." Akin to his words, the guy in front of her took a syringe and he tried to approach her. Aizhe's brain started to work faster and she immediately swifted the bag towards him. The heavy metal on the bag hit his bald head and the man felt the blood gushing out from his head.

In the tensed situation, she tried to take advantage and run off but a hand held her from her hair and dragged her backward. She felt the pain piercing in her scalp but she refused to submit to this perverts.

"You little bi***" He cursed at her.

The burly men clenched their teeth as they dragged her. Her knees were getting scraped on the damp and muddy road as he pulled her. She closed her eyes in pain and waited for someone to notice and save her from these monsters. Till then she couldn't give up. She looked around and saw the exit to the alley. The light was apparent and she wished to be there at that moment.

"Feng Ru, take the video, we will see how far she can escape." With that said, the man jumped on her. Aizhe tried to dodge it like earlier but one of the men caught her hands. Panic and anxiety started to fill in her heart. She didn't know what to do or how to escape from them

Aizhe took taekwondo classes when she was nine years old but she never pursued it afterward. Had she known today would have been such a day, she would have never quit it.

"You guys, let me go, who are you all and what do you want from me? You do realize this act of yours is going to be exposed one day and you will never have peace in your life. Do you think it is worth it?"

"Haha, you think your little petty words are going to melt us?, " Grabbing her chin, the men moved forward as he tried to prey for her soft neck. His hands moved to her slim waist and he brought her closer to his burled up body. Aizhe had never felt this disgusted.

In an alley with no one to hear or help her, was she really going to lose her self esteem like that?

The men who were circling around her finally moved up to her slowly. Taking advantage of her wander less mind, the guy injected the syringe into her bare arms. The thin long needle went through her flesh and she felt the transparent liquid entering her body at a high speed. She struggled and kicked around, refusing to give up in front of them. She used all her force and kicked the guy in his shin. Groaning, the guy bent forward and she used that as an excuse to escape.

Nothing seems to have gone her way that day as another guy caught up to her and his fuming face was enough to tell how fed up he was. Grabbing her chin, he felt so heated up that he threw her whole body to the road. Aizhe cried out in pain, patting her forehead which hit the hard cobblestones.

She folded herself up, accidentally revealing her tanned, soft neck and upper back exposed to them. The long coat was long stripped from her and she had nothing to simmer her from the cold weather and their disgusting look.

Although the situation was horrible, she was still able to keep her senses. She picked herself up and rose to her feet. Trying to kick them if they came closer, Aizhe realized that the medicine was kicking in. She felt her body and feet swaying. She could barely see who was upfront. The men smirked seeing her vulnerability and one of them came forward and he slapped her across the face. Feeling the pain gushing and the blood dripping from her mouth, Aizhe shuddered and she closed her eyes tightly to disperse the pain a bit. She had no more energy left as she laid there motionless.

The man dragged her out of the corner and he chuckled as he started to strip layer after layer. When he couldn't take her dress off, he gave up and just tore it apart. Aizhe shuddered and covered up her chest. As he saw her trying to defend her self even in her unconsciousness, he slapped her two more times.

Thankfully, she had a white vest and underneath that was her garments. Seeing the white pieces of cloth under her dress, the man cursed.

She cried out in pain, more blood gushing. Her face was bloated. He laughed and looked at his pals. They looked at Aizhe who looked like she was the lamb that was getting slaughtered by their hands.

None of them knew the circumstance of their actions. None of them realized how grave of a mistake they had landed their hands on. Sooner they were going to regret being exposed like this and touching her so openly.

As she closed her eyes, she seemed to have given up. Her heart swelled up and her eyes shut off momentarily. Tears came out from her numb face.

When the guy reached out for her white vest, he suddenly groaned as if he was in pain. Aizhe tried to look up, but couldn't see anything. She could only pin point that the guy who was about to strip her was now laying two feets away from her.

His companions were also shocked and they tried to look for the person who did that. The alley was really dark and no light was visible except the one at the exit. As they looked around, another scream came about and as expected the next one was out too.

As they were frightened by who it could be, from afar, a masked figure approached them.

It was a girl to be exact. Her figure was clearly visible as her hips swayed when she walked towards them. Her black hair and her pearly yet ink eyes were apparent.

She walked with confident as they all took a breath of fresh air by her hostility. Her hair was out in a high ponytail and she was dressed in a black leggings and a black crop tops. She looked towards Aizhe and sighed.

"It is because of you all why no women feel like they are not safe. And guess what, to me, you guys are the pleasantest people to play with." She grabbed the neck and with one lock and crack, the guy near her laid lifeless on the road.

Touching her ear piece twice, she spoke out in a faded tone. "Victim found, near the Huing Road. I repeat, victim founded, near the Huing Road." She walked to them with a nonchalent stride and like a tiger, they all jumped at once. With a calm demeanor, she turned and swifted their attack each of the time.

Any one that attacked was lifeless, laying on the wet road. She breathed out by the small gap of her mask as she looked disappointed at the last one. He happened to be the one that touched Aizhe.

With a flick of her finger, a man approached behind her. He was tall and his deep eyes penetrated their soul. The guy stood tall and everytime he walked, the frightened man would walk back.

With a raise of the unknown man's index finger, a row of heavyweight men appeared.

I hope you liked it! Have some ideas about my story? Comment it and let me know.

sincerelyurscreators' thoughts